General Discussion

General DiscussionDragon Knight strategy

Dragon Knight strategy in General Discussion

    Hello guys,
    Im 3k mmr player, and i realized that DK is pretty much good in this patch ,
    Im asking for some DK players to tell me, which heroes shoud i avoid to match up and about item build
    Thank you in advance

    Miku Plays

      Im pretty sure lifestealer is good against DK

      Livin' Real Good

        Slark is also good against him, Dark Pact will get you out off his stun, most 3K players won't wait to stun you after the Dark Pact. Slark with Silver Edge is also great for disabling his Dragon Blood passive, so that makes DK very vulnerable to Slark's right click (Essence Shift) not to mention the damage you'll get from Dark Pact and Pounce. Finally, Slark's just way faster than DK, and will easily catch up to him if he needs to chase him, even easier for slark if he's shadow bladed.

        Due to his low move speed, he can get kited pretty easy early game, Sky Wrath blows him up from my experiences if you're thinking about a support to use against him.

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        Giff me Wingman

          only way i made DK work was as a support.


            Slark, Lifestealer, QoP and Lina. The latter 2 because their ults pierces through BKB w/c is a very common build w/ DKs.

            I would've said dark seer because Replicated Dragon Form is reallly good. Maybe Bat rider too if your team strat is "Siege w/ DK+weave and heals 25mins in" strat. But since you mentioned 3k, I guess you don't have to worry much about encountering them.


              Life stealer isn't good against dk, when dk is level 16+.

              Just indefinitly kited. Slark can be a pain, but you can also be a pain for him, that's rather like slark is good against you, but will have HUGE trouble in teamfight when you are in.

              As the hero you want to avoid, there's necrolyte, horrible for you at all stage of the game.

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                Outworld devourer destroys DK with his orb being pure damage.

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  ^the int steal really hurts too.
                  I've also found enchantress to be really good against him. He can't hit her and she penetrates your armour with impetus while the spirits heal up the damage you do with breathe fire. Now bkb won't stop her completely either.

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                  A M B Y

                    Guys, i thought only on midd lane match ups, i guess my carry can take care of their carry :D

                    Mortimer Smith

                      DK IS SHIT
                      0% WR WITH THAT SHIT HERO HE DOESNT DEAL DMG


                        He is good , level 16+ he has huge team fight presence.


                          He is great this meta.


                          All you do is push the lane with breath when the other mid tries to gank, go dragon form and erase that tower. Thats basically how I play SF early. Hes also a great team fighter. Generally you want to go bottle>tread>first item>bkb. First item is most of the time a drum for stats, shadowblade for ganking, maybe armlet.


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                          A M B Y

                            im thinking about midas now, bcz he needs that lvl 16 so badd


                              ^-_- midas goddamnit.

                              DK needs to be a presence to team fights early, not sit back and farm.