General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat things gets you genuinely salty, angry, upset or mad at doto?

What things gets you genuinely salty, angry, upset or mad at doto? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    I think ancients necro is generally not liked? And also jungling in general?

    Quick maffs

      Since i started smoking a few before playing dota nothing makes me upset.

      Quick maffs

        Ok i was lying jungling legion with a shadow amulet at 15 minutes of game makes me really mad.


          Blood stone on Medusa ;D

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            When people use a 160 CD spell (finger) to kill even supports but don't use lesser CD spells like Sonic Wave, Echo Slam or RP just because they are AoE ultimates.


              HAHAHAHAHA im just thinking about my 1k mate Hes always like: fuck my ultimate didnt do any kill it was so wasted ;D


                -people who type "gg" in all chat and go afk whenever their team starts losing
                -solo playing without even trying to cooperate with teammates (typical for solo q, that's why I stopped playing there)
                -flaming (no matter who and why, it just annoys. game should be fun imo, not smthng making you angry)
                -i also get upset when game is passive. i just love fighting more than farming/split pushing
                -people unpausing when someone has dc

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                  all carry team, then everyone be like "pls pick support".

                  usually I play support, but when 4 of my teammate pick carry then yelling at mic "pick support noob" or something like that I instant pick carry lols.


                    all support team, then I be like "pls pick carry"


                      When my internet crashes multiple times in a row so i get an abandon.


                        >Well played!
                        >Well played!
                        >Well played!
                        >Well played!


                          "Stop feeding" to the guy who died in lane to teh 4 man t2 dive at 6 minutes.

                          no TP on any hero, ever.

                          report X cos he's bad at his hero. (misusing reports)

                          I will play with people who are bad at dota all day... but people who just look to blame people or bring their own team down disgust me.


                            I dont like ppls that tp to tower when i dive

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              People who think that winning a 1v1 makes you a better player.

                              plz do

                                - randoms in rmm. u guys are not better, because u get a (forced) 50% wr playing random. It just shows that u have no plan what so ever. I rarely meet the REAL playas in my scrub bracket, who would dominate w any hero, any lane. Maybe that happend once or twice ever.
                                .. dat moment when randoming techies - reroll into techies again. eheheh, enjoy flame and reprot.


                                  My 1st time medusa was rdm since that i play her in 60 % of my games maybe even more


                                    legendary EW invoker who uses sunstrike to last hit my creeps in the offlane
                                    its wierd how people get mad over other people not picking "correctly"; winning is not the highest priority for everyone

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                                    King Morgott, Last of all...

                                      people who say gg the moment someone dies and starts to talk the team down


                                        im born salty dud :X

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Mainly just bad attitudes, losing is part of dota, I accept it, but don't throw or flame, especially when game is still winnable.

                                          I guess what really bugs me is when simple actions will turn game but players refuse to do them like someone said holding ults forever. An enigma who only black holes when he can land 4 people is the most stupid shit ever, blowing black hole to kill a solo enemy carry is always worth it, just don't overkill. Same for pretty much every high cd ult, as long as it's necessary and not overkill it's good use. Watch some pro games, they will devote so many cds for kills because every kill has value. Then they just avoid fights until cd is back.

                                          Or when enemy team keeps rolling as 5 and you still have a crucial carry off farming on his own. Or like when you have a bloodseeker or clinkz or slark you really need in team fights but they keep going to gank 1v1. That's obnoxious.

                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                            I always hate the individual who only picks last and counter picks

                                            My newest hate is Asian stacks when I solo que especially since they always pick easy meta heroes.

                                            Lastly when I try to remain calm then fail myself.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              oh I forgot I absolutely hate when enemy team's counter pick entire fucking lineup or pick retarded cheeseball strats like all gankers, all pushers, etc. Like there is nothing worse than playing medusa and enemy team immediately follows you up with anti mage and nyx assassin. Or you pick TA and enemy team immediately picks viper. I get it's part of dota but it's damn annoying. People thinking they are amazing players and rub it in your face when they hard counter you. It's just as bad as the guys who last pick meepos and shit.

                                              Or this match. I was so happy when we won just to punish those stupid assholes. The picked spirit breaker, bloodseeker and clock and rushed blade mail on all of them. I know it's dota, and there are many strategies to win, but you know how fucking cheeseball, zero skill it is to run around the map with those three heroes ganking with blade mails? We were very lucky their jug and puck sucked ass.


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                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                When team gives up


                                                  -Medusa or Spectre on my team (always building cute sh*t every single time)

                                                  -Midas AA (not saying it''s bad but never seen it work out in a 4k game)

                                                  -Void with 3-4 farming items

                                                  -Brood players demanding a ward then blocking their own camp

                                                  -showing a dumb jungler like CM before anyone's even picked a hero

                                                  -Supports not giving offlaner ward fast when game starts

                                                  -Team buying 2 urns and 2-3 bottles when i'm wisp (HAPPENS EVERY FUCKING GAME LATELY)

                                                  -Compendium making people play stuff like Shadow demon and going 0-15

                                                  -People with 1000games on one hero

                                                  -Hidden pool feature

                                                  Edit and to the earth spirit dude, yes i play USW at like 2-3am and i ALWAYS lose to chinese stacks, lol, always grab undying and stuff

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                                                    4k players


                                                      people asking for last pick and then randoming in ranked. i don't mind you randoming first or second pick but wasting last pick is dumb.

                                                      people instalocking carries then demanding you pick supports.

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                                                          Only when the guy who demanded to play carry sucks ass.

                                                          Mighty Fungal Cap

                                                            Weaklings that give up because they fucked up a play or lost their lane and then proceed punish the whole team for their incompetence and incapability to get back into the game. Often will these kind of players will start out whining and blame other players or simply throw the game. I don't like players that whine about picks either. It kind of confirms that they lack the confidence in their own skill, and that they don't think they will be capable of carrying the game due to disadvantages.


                                                              When u hold the game for 60mins and ur carry decided to buy travel instead of abyssal blade for ??? reason.



                                                                Potato crusader, theres alot of player like this in SEA and they expect all to babysit the carry, when the job of ganker is to gank and create space