General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy all the hate against techies?

Why all the hate against techies? in General Discussion
Polkadot Piranha

    That is just not true. One of the thing techies is good at is pushes. Mines damage towers, and he has massive AoE for creeps, and as an opponent you don't really want to jump onto the team with techies. Maybe you have had some poor Techies players on your team, but that does not make Techies a bad hero for pushing.

    Big Daddy C

      In conclusion then, It seems people hate techies because it's more game losing to have a bad techies player on your team than to have for examplle a bad CM on your team and it seems they just like dota to be the same old dota without any change and techies changes the playstyle of the game.

      I think all this 4v5 talk is rubbish to be honest the times when my team is 4v5 is rare, I've either killed one or more of their team before the fight so its atleast equal, or I'm fighting with them or on the rare occasion they are 4v5 they are so far ahead that 4v5 isn't a problem and while they are fighting I'm taking towers/rax

      Anyone saying they can't break highground with a techies and that he is shit at pushes is just plane wrong, he should have aghs by that time, he can 1 shot the entire creepwave from afar and his mines deal 550 dmg to structures, if you place the mine between the rax it hits them both at the same time, if you have an octarine core at that time aswell which I usually have by that point you can pretty easily solo tower and rax pretty quickly nevermind having a team to help you out.

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          WHYYY!!??? Dude this fucking hero is cancerous as fuck, it's like asking why you hate terrorists? You like terrorists? I had a game like a week ago ~87mins long and late game techies is a bitch, just fuck that hero.

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            Big Daddy C

              I don't see where your disagreeing with me. The only point I can see that you mentioned that I didn't is that you can't 1v9 with the hero and win, and well I've done it, as recently as my last game. I think it was certainly true before the latest patch but with the aghs buff if you get a team wipe late game that can most certainly win you the game when you are far behind.

              I don't get how 98% of techies players don't have a decent impact in the game when the hero has a 52% winrate and everyone hates to play against him because he either blows you up or you spend all game purchasing vision. That to me is a pretty decent impact in the game in itself, their supports are usually poor or their team has no farm from being dead half the game.

              To clarify I've never bought tranquils on the hero and to date I've never properly jungled with him either, at most if I'm walking past a camp I'll blow a mine up for some extra gold towards my next item. If someone wants the solo offlane they can take it, I just go roaming and get alot more kills that way anyway.

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                Big Daddy C

                  For shits and giggles......

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                      I feel like 90% of techies player don't use their stun enough, a techies with a bloodstone can shit them all over the map! Their stormspirit is fat as fuck? He jumps in to a trap and is stunned and simultaneously dead.. Btw a techeis with euls or forcesttaff can be really really helpful in teamfights atechies with agha can do 750 damage to a whole team, this hero actually contributes a LOT in fights.

                      Big Daddy C

                        I agree that the stun is often underutilized with the hero, I tend to spam them behind our team when we are pushing in case the fight goes badly or around towers/rax on highground defences. But they are useful in many other ways, they affect roshan, and sometimes you can get away with walking into the middle of a team fight and just placing one.

                        I never build bloodstone though, I use my suicide alot for kills which means I rarely have the charges to justify the purchase and half of the items needed for bloodstone are the same as an octarine core which is much more useful for a techies imo. Each to their own! Certainly not an awful pickup on techies I just think there's better items.

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                          Big Daddy C

                            can you explain to me why bloodstone is core and octarine is situational Oni, I disagree with you but you could change my mind.


                              Imo most techies get manaboots and soulring, so by having these two (core) items you only are 3,1k gold away from bloodstone. And you never have mana problems again as well, plus the even lower respawn time after suicide.

                              Big Daddy C

                                Agreed I always get mana boots and soulring as my first 2 items, but the mana boots also go into an octacore and you also never have mana problems once you have that either. The reason I think octacore is better than bloodstone is because you already have a built in suicide so the bloodstone suicide is kind of useless, you shouldn't need to suicide that often, the biggest drawback to techies from my experience is time, being able to place your mines faster when you have the enemy team charging down your lane can makethe difference between a failed and a successful tower defense, it also lowers the cd on your sign by alot, and it makes you a better team fighter/pusher. The only benefits I see of buying a bloodstone over an octacore is the cost and the heal it gives your team when you die. The increased cost is negligible as well because I always build it after aghs (if I build it at all) so I can 1 shot creep waves fast enough that 1.5k extra gold doesn't take that much longer to acquire.

                                Don't get me wrong though I'm not saying octa is core, just more useful than bloodstone which I also obviously don't think is core.

                                PS the added 25% cd on items is huge aswell if you build those items for example boots of travel, refresher, hex.

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                                    I think the problem with Techies is not that you don't want to play with him, but everybody hates playing against him. I personally always feel bad when I play Techies (I only did 4 times I think) because it's terrible to play against him, he causes you so much frustration and I don't want to do that to my opponents. I don't want people to pick it in my team because I think that the hero overall is the one who causes the most frustration and rage in dota (maybe except the cancer heroes of every patch, e. g. Troll and Sniper, but Techies is a nerve in every patch). I don't think that the hero is bad, but in games that inclue Techies there's a bad atmosphere in the all chat in like 70 % of the games (at least in my low skill bracket), expecially because many Techies players have the habit to use the all chat every time they get a kill.

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                                        ^but noone does

                                        Big Daddy C

                                          I'm thinking the difference in our opinions is because of our differing playstyles with the hero, I'll certainly give it a try sometime soon.


                                            techies is extremely slow at gaining lvls cuz of all the mine planting let say you would build an OC first over bloodstone your gonna have it at lvl 8-14 you will not have enough mana to make use of the minus 25% spell reduce cuz you will not have much mana at that lvl, I saw the difference between the mana regen from BS and OC. And BS wins here. It's defenetely a perfect lategame item for him tho! But that's my opinion, the item is new, maybe I just underestimate it and it could be better than bloodstone.

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                                                Optimus Drip

                                         In this match i completely carried our team. They bought 2 gems but very little wards. Our sniper had brains made of air but i stalled long enough for him to get his items. My main effectiveness , however, was probably not the kills. It was the splitpushing and the stasis traps when one of our team was out of position. 4 second aoe stuns=ez tp.

                                                  Also sidenote:i was 7 slotted with a refresher at base. I was gonna get moon shard since i had buyback.......hehe.

                                                  Big Daddy C

                                                    @ragezeus I've literally never had any mana problems after building octacore, I always have aghs and a soulring before I get the item.

                                                    @oni sure I'll watch a few games.

                                                    Optimus Drip

                                                      Oh and as far as item builds, i always go soulring >arcanes > aghs >octarine >travels and bloodstone >hex though sometimes i gotta switch up the order and get a euls or forcestaff ofc

                                                      EDIT: i never have mana problems with octarine..... you place octarine down and your soul ring and arcane heal like half your mana

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                      Big Daddy C

                                                        @runza that poor earthshaker! lmao and yeh that's pretty much my go to item progression aswell, sometimes ill throw in a force staff or a euls situationally

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          @ runza3 sure I forgot about that :D
                                                          Nonetheless I would build force or Euls before going straight up agha after manaboots and soulring, cuz setting up kills for your team or forcing them in to your mines when they deward ^^

                                                          Big Daddy C

                                                            The reason I go Aghs first is because the rare times I havn't gone aghs my damage feels underwhelming, and it's alot riskier to teamfight without that extra range on your ult. But your reasoning is sound, I get where you are coming from.

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Legacy you don't fucking get it. That's why people hate techies. You turned a game you clearly should've lost around 40 minutes into a game you had no business winning that last around 60 minutes. Think how fucking pissed the opposing team must be to waste 20 mins and lose a win, not cus your team is any good, not cus you are any good, but cus of one cheap as hell ultimate ability. Yes, they were noobs for pushing that rax and you punished them severely, but that's same reasons people bitched about snipers uphill cus they defend for ages and turn matches later and draw them out. Techies same deal.

                                                              Even if they had been not retarded and didn't push into your minefield you still make a 40 minute game last an extra 10 or 15 mins cus now they have to push the other rax instead.

                                                              Techies is a boring as fuck hero that no one likes except for the techies pickers who get off on noobs running into mines.

                                                              Big Daddy C

                                                                Lol I love your argument man.

                                                                I think it's ironic you call techies a boring hero yet you literally only play heroes that are broken to inflate your mmr. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

                                                                Optimus Drip

                                                                  I was about to defend timberwolf and tell you not to insult him....then i checked his profile-.-

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    That's such a weakass argument. Who gives a shit what heroes I play or why I play them? (hint it has nothing to do with mmr inflation, I don't give a shit about mmr)

                                                                    Techies ruins games, way more people agree with me than you. Take your mines and shove em up your ass

                                                                    btw what's with that profile pic? fucking white ass gangsta you're so cool

                                                                    Big Daddy C

                                                                      'I dont give a shit about MMR' - Only plays ranked matchmaking, most played heroes sniper and troll, most broken heroes of the last patch, hasn't played either since they got nerfed in 6.84, makes thread about how stronkkk CK is, spams CK. Clearly you don't just pick the heroes you think that will inflate your MMR. KAPPA

                                                                      Atleast I don't look like a retarded robot XD


                                                                        poor pudge + invo pickers can't gang > they get mad > ajajajajaja
                                                                        also terrorism

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