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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

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    There's not much match detail so i can't tell if you were a core/ got midas/ bought any wards?
    But if you did do your support duties without sacrificing yourself... Then your cores sucked a big fat weiner.
    Seems like you guys lost 1 fight then all the advantage just went poof.

    nah i'd win

      JESUS CHRIST THE RAZOR IN YOUR TEAM. you were probably outplayed since the draft's kinda even, sad loss


        That looks like a pretty weird game. Not sure if your teammates abandoned you early on, but if they did, props to you for sticking with it. Ghost scepter might have been overkill, but it seems you had a lot of impact anyway so I don't think it matters a lot

        (that PL BF though wtf)

        Village Whore

          Phantom assassin doing phantom assassin things. Nice hero damage and good balance between farming and sticking around for teamfights. Game could have been interesting based on the line-ups but looks like they weren't even close to threatening your base.

          Gotta love a reaper scythe with scepter, can basically take a shower and have a coffee while waiting for respawn.

          smol brain
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              I'm replying to the not deleted comment

              Enemy antimage was absolute garbage. I guess his supports also fucked up hard during earlygame so you got an opportunity to snowball hard and you did. Though your hero damage is kinda low, but it seems that it was enough to create enough space for spectre.


                Getting screwed by a 3 rapier ember must have been a chore. 90 minute drag w/ bane and rasta would have made ember happy. Skilling razes last is odd but if you can last hit like a boss you dont need it urgently. I dont think you got any use out of the razes because your autoattacks probably did more damage


                  Get rekted dude why play cm(capn mode) ur win rate is sad


                    Nice game as SK. Only 2 deaths, good itemization, nothing bad to say :)

                    Onii chan

                      im joining in. hmmm, seems u and snip rekt them out. that spec probably didnt aim the snip and ez free hit

                      Onii chan

                        fuck thats my name u noob. ur just a fucking smurfrer. da hell 100% winrate riki? no one buy wards our gem for u?


                          you got out played early game


                            200 gpm 60 minute game.


                              got boosted

                              U are all dogshit

                                Get moon shard instead of butterfly maybe. Ez game.

                                Player 124137522

                                  Yeah sea games are interesting to look at literally idk how you laned. Either mid or offlane, guessing offlane qop. Well played I guess. I guess the 4-1 build was used to harrass the safelaner slark? Not sure, but could use the 1-1-3 build, since slark purge etc, and could be more consistent damage given. Anyway good game.


                                    You completely wrekt them with your legion. Well played you dirty shadowblade builder! kappa


                                      0 0 0 Sylla, Ayyy lmaaoo 5/0/3 into abandon, gg!


                                        2 Deaths. Your team completely wrekt them GGWP


                                          Sorry but I have only one word for that:
                                          LOL carry IO WITH FUCKIN RAPIRA, GG!


                                            You're probably lucky the invoker abandoned. Both teams had very good late game lineups and it could've gone either way.

                                            On the other hand, it seems like you had good impact on your undying (getting heals and spells off) Probably could've invested in a vlads though to help with your team composition


                                              Godlike performance.Seems like was a close game but you and your team came through and secured the win


                                                You did most hero damage, but alch and this build is no longer good also very low tower damage for a hero that want's to keep all lanes pushed, low cs, gpm and at least you died least on your team, I guess you just farmed afk woods :d

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                                                Pale Mannie

                                                  Congrats you just managed to not throw with the most broken hero in 6.86 *sarcasm overload*

                                                  THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                    Only you can pick alch and get outfarmed by 5 cores.


                                                      Pretty solid axe game, you did what your team needed you to do

                                                      Also lmao

                                                      Keke LM

                                                        You did the job with WK even if it costed you many deaths, I guess there was some suicide missions to kill spectre particularly and let m8 do the rest. Also, legion dagon kappa

                                                        U are all dogshit

                                                          U should have ratted more tped into team fights less. Odd stats for an am. Try to just be annoying around the map.


                                                            I guess you made enough space and impact on the game so your cores got really fat and won the game with ease :)


                                                              You got carried son. Nah, just kidding, looks like the standard jugg game you'd expect a from a VH skilled player.


                                                                15k swing to 0 and 10k to zero ggwp nice throw from dire, good job carrying anyways :)


                                                                  My insight: Nice. I dont think I am qualified to speak here. I crawl back to my hole. ;_;


                                                                    There was a cm in your game?


                                                                      Great impact. Either you had really good positioning despite not having a positioning item or the enemy had really dumb decisions regarding their items. Great game nonetheless


                                                                        Naga carried the game I guess, but seems like you played well with your chen.
                                                                        The enemies had too many carries I guess, Spectre's farm is really poor.


                                                                          Had highest Hero Damage and Tower Damage and you carried the team well. Looks like some of your teammates were terrible though, and it was close.

                                                                          U are all dogshit

                                                                            Ez game shitty ta had desolator and lifesteal.

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                              You had some impact, although you died way too much for nyx. Good think Alchemist pushed like a beast and actually won you the game despite your team being quite behind.


                                                                                I like how you're not afraid to get out of META things. Abysal on Cent is cool.

                                                                                HD could be higher tho. Well played I guess.


                                                                                  @Perfect is shit

                                                                                  What a roller coaster game, looks like ur team peaker way earlier than the enemy one, but you could not close the game fast enough, them spectre got online, and i would guess that you guys outplayed them, because by that stage in the game, its more about decision making instead of networth. wp i guess :)


                                                                                    Idk about eul pickup on doon i think its better if u get a blink to catch up ons sniper or zeus, shadow bladr is quite good


                                                                                      OSfrog my OSfrog wings OSfrog beat OSfrog like OSfrog the OSfrog rhythms OSfrog of OSfrog eternity OSfrog


                                                                                        Ez stomp


                                                                                          idk if you have any interest in playing lone druid but the way most are playing it right now is double brown boot midas radiance you neglected to get midas and bought upgraded boots on hero and bear

                                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                            Seems like an ez stomp vs idiots like rightclick bounty, gg!

                                                                                            Pale Mannie

                                                                                              ez farm ez cancer
                                                                                              your support got the concept of protecting the safelaner from threats

                                                                                              not like the supports in my games letting me alone against two
                                                                                              *cries in 1k*

                                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                good KOTL giffs mana ,
                                                                                                fat alche ggwp enemy good support


                                                                                                  ggwp shotgun QoP


                                                                                                    idk how u won vs farmed spec and pa late but good performance just a lot of deaths. Should totally have gone hex over aghs


                                                                                                      You chose damage over attack speed, generally giving survivability (with Heart) and attack speed (with one unconsumed Shard) is enough to take down an entire team. You did good but just tips, generally after you get a Shard, the match doesn't last long enough to get a Heart. Extra damage on a -50/+35 build kinda doesn't hurt that bad.