General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Super Senko-san Time

    A 13 minute Midas is relatively fast for a safelane support and it certainly came in handy as you were able to get luxury items such as Octarine and Refresher, although ending the game fast is better given the enemy lineup. Either way, your team is scary in clashes given Enigma and Treant both with refresher. One thing I would buy that you didn't is a blink dagger.

    I don't understand Naga's game at all. Why buy Manta first before Radiance if you're doing a Radiance build?

    Also, from what show is your profile picture?


      Your last game with Life stealer was a total stomp, you and your party member just destroyed the enemy team , nicely done.


        You played a riki who had a 14min treads and a 20min aquila and your team still managed to stomp the enemy team somehow. Comeback mechanics are real!

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          You should have bought useful items to actually push the towers. Pretty low tower dmg for such a stomp


            Was that feed or something?


              Your opponents fed harder than you


                I would blame the game on spectre though. I think if he pick ember or ld safe lane you can still win because you have jakiro and ta that can deal damage to tower. Other than that you should try to make a new build with skadi or if you feel you need some initiation you can get a se intead of blink


                  normal skill matches could be intensive sometimes


                    Good performance on Riki, you were a second carry and carried it out!


                      Ez stomp with Nyx, no doubt won the game for your team. However, the Dagon build is not optimal and many players are building Arcane Boots > Midas > Blink/Forcestaff right now. If you do go the Dagon build don't build past level 1 and focus on items that keep you alive like Force, Blink, and Aghs.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        maybe a late blink, but you did your job excelently, dealt alot more damage than their supports. GG WP


                          u had all fine but i dont see u hit tower
                          or maybe u couldnt ...hard game dont expect alot from those kind of games


                            Fcking wierd vhs game. Seemslike they are playing very badly


                              Seems to have just farmed Alche then started joining team fights when you were stronger than everyone which is the right way to do it. Meh, average la. Congrats on the win tho

                              Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                The game was a disaster, but your slark didn't fall behind much, considering. Neat.


                                  Great job on that Bristleback, you've won your line, you've outfought them, made an early VG, OC worked well on you, you definitely played one of the most important roles in this match.


                                    great roaming you shutdown invoker pretty hard, imo a stomp against him

                                    Super Senko-san Time

                                      Good pick against Alche. Dagon 5 by 27 is okay but I would prefer building Aether lens first if I should use a dagon build. Good game well played!

                                      casual gamer

                                        I personally like going back for the midas after phase if i'm going to buy it on LS, only because it makes my lane stronger and gives some kill potential. You have a lot of damage items, but i would've replaced mkb + crit with bloodthorn and an abyssal, would've made it a bit easier for you to chase down slark/storm/alch

                                        looks like you steamrolled them though, good job. i hate armlet toggling against alch haha


                                          seems u learned tinker
                                          only thing was low lasthits but item timing was good for hex,yes ur lasthits are low relative to mine for example
                                          btw try mine build
                                          travels, blink ,bloodstone ,soul ring, dagon 5, eblade/hex/shiva

                                          i think tinker can make u 6k if u play him alot

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            bump wtf

                                            Super Senko-san Time

                                              A toe-to-toe matchup given the lineups. It should boil down to who has more coordinated pick offs and teamfights. You were able to farm and scale just as well as enemy AM. Props for the skadi pickup to counter enemy bkbs. Apparently, QoP didn't know about the blademail nerf.


                                                you and PA were in a party so i assume you guys had much better communication then the other team, allowing pa to snowball

                                                  Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                                    Tales of sniper mid rekting everyone 2
                                                    elo boosting a friend edition

                                                    btw why is batrider's WR on 3K is 42% i'm rekting noobs all night all day long with him (7W 2L atm)

                                                    Super Senko-san Time

                                                      73 min game with only 75 kills and yet you still had all T3s and racks (mostly thanks to techies, who is becoming more of a tolerable hero as of late). Your lineup is pretty flexible given that you have 2 supports with great teamfight presence. Personally though, I would shoulder more of the responsibility in warding since I believe that an Aghs warlock has more importance to a fight than a CM with BKB.


                                                        Good item timings, you and your party member both killed the lanes. And you didnt even make him pick SD to spam illusions for more tower banging fun.

                                                        gj sir gj!


                                                          A very solid Phoenix performance, though, I don't understand why'd you build Agha before Shivas.

                                                          But who am I to crtitize this, whatever works. Very well played I'd say.

                                                          Second highest HD in your team and 0 deaths.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            Typical techies game, You did good with 10k heal and 30k damage. Good timing on aghs though.

                                                            No Gem on dire side is the only thing im surprised about against treant and techies!!


                                                              They've bought 3 gems. Lol.
                                                              Lost them all and were very tilted.
                                                              I somehow even understand them.

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                Great job supporting, even had higher GPM than core players. Long-ass game, was probably got boring but GGWP.


                                                                  Wp with carrying and/or winning this game which you faced all-core lineup at very late game.


                                                                    you rush aghs and seemed to play pretty well


                                                                      Great bf timing turns into drawn out techies fest


                                                                        Easy game for you and your team! You had the least deaths and you definitely brought your team to victory. Maybe a bit late scadi, but Riki isn't that type of farming characters, so, for riki, it was quiet fast scadi. WP on that anyway. I just don't get it, why your team had no support, heh.


                                                                          Looks like it was a long game with some comebacks for the dire side. You got a quick blink and blade mail so I assume you went for some early kills easily, however you needed nearly 30 minutes to get AC as next item. I guess you went for travel boots and you got caught out by the enemy team a couple of times while trying to duel, not to mention they had a well farmed Sven, maybe a Heaven's Halberd would have helped with disabling him even further.

                                                                          Good job on finally winning anyway :)

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            Your line-up should have been the sole reason you lost the game because they had sick early game fighting potential, while your team ran a quad-core lineup. Be thankful that the Doom let game go late, it seems he was the only one in their team which didn't see the win conditions. The PA even went for Desolator and Vlad's, the Bfury build is still common despite its inefficiency.

                                                                            Good job in securing early game for your team, great foresight for playing tank-oriented Razor rather than Desolator/SB build. SnY is a decent item now, great buffs since 7.02.

                                                                            That match was well won, carry on with this level of play!


                                                                              Quiet fast game, you definetely was an MVP player of the match. Good job on there! Keep it up. )

                                                                              Feichang Gaoxing

                                                                                At last someone who doesn't rush echo sabre on wk. U da real mvp. Enemy noob tho. U were playing with 4 stacks but they didn't even bother to counter pick wk. Great job. Tho stomping in ranked games with wk feel better. Hahahaha. THE KING IS HERE


                                                                                  Your team farm slower than the enemy team given that Sven in your team only have morbid mask in his inventory which dont provide him a sustainability enough to farm creep well and thus he need to join a teamfight often which put him in a disadvantage too since he will need to go for mobility item like Blink Dagger just to land a stun on enemy core and as a result, having no item to increase his damage output. And plus your team couldn't harass AM early game which spiral thing to go downward as soon as AM get BF at 13 min where your team couldn't catch up with him since he get to free-farming while the rest of his team draw the attention from your entire team away from him by forcing a teamfight at the place far away from AM.

                                                                                  Edit: PL are still a pick in pub games? His illusion is giving away 12 golds for free.

                                                                                  Edit 2: THIS IS JUST AN ANALYSIS FROM A SCRUB WHO MADE THIS SMURF ACCOUNT BECAUSE HE'S BEEN HAVING A RED DAY FOR A WEEK AND HE'S TOO TRIGGERED TO PLAY ON HIS MAIN.

                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                  one-man bukkake

                                                                                    so you like rekcting noobs on normal skill uh?

                                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                      ^It got true vision good.
                                                                                      Is really a bloodbath matchs too much clash happening.
                                                                                      Your performance - bad you do way too less dmg die too mUchida but got carried anyway,congratulations

                                                                                      one-man bukkake

                                                                                        Hard to rightclick an alchemist, an axe or a nix with the objetive of take you down first. And this is ns, if i died too much in that match was bacause I had to keep saving luna's ass or because i was combing with bs rupture.

                                                                                        VERY HIGHSKILL OVERLORD MAY I HAVE THE PLEASURE TO ANALYSE YOUR LAST MATCH

                                                                                        So those retarded quadracore lineup keep happening in VHS.

                                                                                        I dont like that you didnt pick a point on your Q till lvl7. That means that you were afk farming the jungle for like six minutes. In my ns mind I cant understand how that draft just came together. Was some vhs bullshit? or just instacore pickers and a hmble support player.

                                                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                          VERY HIGHSKILL OVERLORD MAY I HAVE THE PLEASURE TO ANALYSE YOUR LAST MATCH

                                                                                          Not,u may not so this post will survive


                                                                                            Armlet sniper lmao


                                                                                              Not much to say, you completely outfarmed the enemy which brought you an easy victory :)


                                                                                                ^ ez +25


                                                                                                  This wasn't even a ranked game thus you got a freewin vs 5carries lineup


                                                                                                    ^ so that's a core pudge eh? Hope that 17-1 mid troll showed you why it doesnt work that well anymore :D


                                                                                                      What the fuck are you talking about