General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW TO PLAY SLARK

HOW TO PLAY SLARK in General Discussion
Mortimer Smith

    I seen a guy playing offlane slark and it can work ,but i seen if u dont get a good start u will get fucked all game. So mid or safelane is the best option i think.
    Im playing on the smurf, as allways i have a shit Wr but im getting good KDA (when i lose i can kill everyone too but the enemy just push more) 60%wr 6kda (less now coz techies ARE SO FUNNY)

    -Starting items:
    ···········Tangos / 2 branches / shield / ring +3 armor (safelane)
    ···········Tangos / salve / mango / branches (mid)

    I think is better to do RoA than bottle, u will not need the HP regen, so go for armor +stats.
    Early game is esential on slark, so what i get is: poormanshield, RoA and when the enemyes have something like zeus batrider.. get magick stick also. In the case that early is fucked get Midas, u will get nice networth at min 24.

    Boots: allways Power threads cz they allow you to farm jungle fast with the thread swifting.

    After that:

    -Alllways shadowblade and upgrade to Edge. When i see some carry i scaut with sb and then go for him, if i scaut and i see some support, i kill the support first and then go for the carry.

    -Solar crest works great if your enemy is Pa, am, alchem,sf.. and it can be dissasembled to buy btterfly (If u have a venge or dazzle i recomend dont go for it)

    -Skadi (core) u can get it before min 26 without the solar crest and it will make u really strong if u get it faster u can solo kill almost everyone with it.

    -Basher i just do it cuz works great vs qop and sf (im facing them almost every game) and cuz its anoying when the enemy teleports on your face.

    -Butterfly... seems shit for me when what i do is go kill first the supports and then the main carry with the team, btw u will get agi from the pasive anyways.

    -Mkb better than basher i think.

    -Moonshard, almost allways as a 6th item, it works really really good on slark.

    What i do on lane:
    - Since u improve the pasive begin to harash the enemy everytime he gets close to u, if u get 3 hits on him it will really hurts.

    -If the enemy doesnt have blink or invisibility jump on him allways tha u can.

    -Skill build W E Q Q Q R or E W Q Q Q R pounce damage is less and dont allow you to farm jugle after lane phase.

    What i do after get my ult:
    -I farm all jungle or lane until i find someone to kill (im tired to write but basicaly its what i do)

    Please tell me what do u think about how i play because I'm abusing it and i want to abuse it better :)
    EDIT: i feel now like MetaDesigner, i hope at leas i get readed.

    Ten temat był edytowany
    Mortimer Smith

      Lol i never posted something that long


        I don't care about pounce damage. I care about having it always available. So it gets priority. And Slark needs to spend less time farming creeps and more time farming heroes. When Shadow Dance is up, gank another lane.

        Pom Pom 🍕

          What's wrong with farming as Slark? He has great late game potential and doesn't need to roam as much as like a pudge, earth spirit or night stalker. It's good to get some items on him. Kill if you see an easy opportunity, but you don't have to go around attempting to gank all the time while losing farm time on it.


            If you're talking about the guy i think you are..... hes on his smurf and his actual mmr is around 6k but he was playing with lower 4ks. The only reason he was winning so much is because of the difference in skill.

              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
              casual gamer

                mkb is just for countering evasion, basher secures you agi stacks and lets you chase people/fight like man