General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone know? How many mmr I should get?

Anyone know? How many mmr I should get? in General Discussion

    I'm a new player just moved from HON to DOTA2.
    When I play with my friend who have 1700-3000 mmr my party skill bracket is show High Skill and Very High Skill.
    But when I play alone my skill bracket is Very high skill.
    Anyone know? How many mmr I should get? My win rate is drop a lot this week cause some games my teammate is so bad.
    If my win rate is down. Dose it has effect to my mmr after calibration?
    Please advice me. Thank you.

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Might be low 4k, might be 5k or close to 5k. Analyze your enemy players in normal pub games or add them as friends, and you'll know approximately what mmr you have.

      Ded Kazarepku

        what is your HoN mmr?


          My HoN mmr is 1920



            Thank you.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany



                you should get many mmr, maybe even 7

                Meepo Lord

                  No your not new to dota. Your a smurf.


                    Really? Can calibrate more than 5k?
                    What is the maximum mmr calibration or don't have maximum?
                    Thank you.

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                        anyone know how many mmr i should get ? ty