General Discussion

General Discussion6.84 Spirit Breaker with Desolator

6.84 Spirit Breaker with Desolator in General Discussion

    Thoughts from those of you who have tried it? It give good burst damage for 3 guaranteed hits (charge + ult + 1 hit in between). It also allow you to apply the debuff on all enemies if you bowl through them with charge in the middle of the fight. The minus armor works well with tower pushing immediately after gank too.

    Dagon rush: 300 dmg (after magic reduction)
    Shadow blade rush: 241 physical dmg before reduction [175 backstab dmg + 66 dmg (+22dmg from shadow blade * 3 guarateed hit)]
    Desolator: -7 armor debuff + 150 physical dmg before reduction [+50 dmg from desolator * 3 guaranteed hit]

    Follow-up with AC rush if you can. Otherwise, small items build-up with Crimson and Vlad to aid in teamfight. Optional BKB as always.

    An ending inventory of threads, desolator, AC, BKB, Crimson and Vlad seems to be quite cost effective.

    P.S: I have start to lose a bit of faith in disarm and break due to BKB being able to dispel them.


      if you want to deal damage it's better to build atk speek for moar bashes imo
      AC is better, atk speed and armor reduction


        Deso is about the same price as plate mail + hyperstone. But I think it give much more than those two.

        There is no doubt AC (a tier 4 item) is a better item than deso (a tier 3 item). The issue here is how to maximize the usage of your gold since SB is not a good farmer and not a good team fighter.


          my thoughts on it = pretty retarded


            imo its suboptimal unless you execute sb in some uncommon way, not like everyone else does. no theorycrafting from my side, just game intuition.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany
            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Just get Medallion into Solar Crest later if you want minus armor. SB needs AS more than anything and Deso doesn't give that.


                'It also allow you to apply the debuff on all enemies if you bowl through them with charge'
                What do u mean by that? ppl in the path of ur charge gets bashed, no orb effect is applied...

                Sb has pretty slow att spd without item so ur deso is not going to work well when ur att spd is so slow whereas an ac can minus armor + add armor+att spd for ur team so it's much better choice even if u have to farm longer for it.


                  imo only hyperstone is still better than deso


                    Since spiritbreakers damage is mostly magical, it's rather suboptimal I think. Your better off building AS for more bashes

                    plz do

                      ur a bashist, ur a way pather, ur an intiator, ur a teamplayer and a global ganker. but ur a not a physical dmg dealer.
                      U pop the can and let the others get the candy inside.

                      With the gold u invested in deso, u couldve bought items, which ur team profits from more.


                        you will probably get more work done with a drum instead of deso on bara imo


                          I've been building a lotus orb on spirit breaker, when going for a fun build. Its been both fun and practical since I've tried it. Though, people tend to lose it when they see a perseverance in your inventory.


                            His bashes don't do physical damage. You don't get as much out of minus armor as many heroes do.


                              Go mjollnir, go moonshard, go everything that give more as

                              Bad Intentions

                                I think bkb is more important, especially in team fights.


                                  Tried again. I think BKB+IAS or utility tank are still the way to go. i.e. HH/Crimson/Shadowblade/maelstorm etc

                                  @riwu, orb effect is applied on all units hit by charge of darkness. I don't know whether this was intended or not though.

                                  @cubcakes, lotus orb is much more expensive than blademail. Even though they provide different mechanics, the primary function is still to deter your enemies from hitting you or to penalize them from aiming you. With that in mind, I rather go for blademail due to its cheaper cost. On the other hand, I was never a fan of blademail + agha on SB as it is so underwhelming.

                                  @baka, drum better than deso? That may be a bit too far-fetched :)