General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting better at melee heroes.

Getting better at melee heroes. in General Discussion

    I am relatively new to the game and I almost exclusively play ranged heroes, mostly supports. I want to learn Earthshaker and Tidehunter though and I am just terrible at them, it's also the same for melee carries like Wraith King, Sven and PA. Does anyone have advice for playing melee heroes? My biggest problem is I feed like crazy. The last game I played with Tide, I didn't get Blink till about 30min in because I kept dying and never making back the gold lost.

    Greygrey the Sailor

      Melee heroes regularly are a bit tankier and require more mobility, phase boots, shadow blade and blink dagger are core.

      If you want to learn melee carries you should try slark, he has all the above in his core options and can really desolate in the teamfight.


        slark is a tougher hero to try. i think u shud go for wk. with some levels in aura and crit, u can learn to sustain urself in jungle and lane and get those last hits. perfecting ur creep score using a melee carry in a contested lane is the best way to learn i think. u can also try pa with dagger last hits in a contested lane. needs atleast 2 points in dagger

        Bad Intentions

          ahh fresh meat!

          so what brings you to the world of doto?


            It looks like your KDA's are low on all of your heroes so most likely you could benefit from improving your map awareness.

            Start by determining that you WILL when you see each new creep wave coming in, all game long, you WILL look at the mini-map and decide if you know how many enemies are near you. When you do this you will realize that checking every 30 seconds is not enough because people move in and out of vision every few seconds. What experienced players do is check the mini-map constantly - its just like checking your mirrors when driving a car in heavy traffic. You have to do it constantly. But doing it constantly is a difficult habit to develop. So try to check once per creep wave. You need to get to the point that you check it enough to instantly understand what you are seeing - to know what is a rune check, what is a warding move, what is a pull, what is a gank, what is a push , what is a rosh attempt - learn what these look like on the mini-map.

            Once you are checking the map properly you will notice that you die a lot less because you hid/backed up when the enemy was rotating to gank you.

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            Dire Wolf

              Tide's pretty easy to pick up. You just need to learn when to back up in offlane and when to be aggressive. He can zone out most carries on his own with a couple points in shell and anchor smash cus he reduces their dmg so much. But you need to run when the supports show up to kill you. Just focus on getting levels and pick up farm where you can. Then get a blink and go ganking at level ~8 ish. Don't be afraid to blow ult for a single kill. If you get it it's worth it.

              Same with earthshaker. Don't be afraid to blow your load if it secures a kill. Too many big ult heroes try to wait for a perfect team fight to use them.


                Thanks for all the advice. Map awareness certainly is a problem of mine so I will work on that to avoid deaths (the major factor in my low KDA). Also you've given me a lot to think about Timberwolf, I do get rather ballsy early on wanting kills and end up dying instead now that I think about it. As for getting the blink as early as possible, do you get Arcanes before or after the Blink Dagger?

                Bad Intentions; I got into Dota because a friend was really into it and I also wanted to be able to watch the professionals and actually understand it lol. I've played 300 games or so now and love it but am just amazed at how hard it is to do well.


                  One thing that hurts me lee heroes inparticular (but not exclusively) is positioning in lane part of it comes with expirence

                  How close to the creep wave one can go at certain times

                  When to go past the creep wave or even when to tank it so it doesn't go under a tower to make it easier to last hit

                  When to dive that T1 for a kill and when not to (that goes back to map awareness and also knowing the heroes involved who's missing and what they are capable of)

                  If your playing the invis based melee Heroes always always always check the enemies inventories for dust and for sentries if they have one odds are they have placed one down somewhere (as they come in stacks of two)

                  As for the items it's kinda dependant on the game if you really really wrecking with good ganks then maybe go for the blink first for the positioning allowing for better ganks

                  Otherwise I generally go for boots then dagger

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                    I started Dota with melee heros so I hadaa do the opposite and adjust to ranged last hitting ( some heros got shitting animation or slow projectile speed ) I have been mostly playing ranged last couple months now so I am about even with them now , you'll get better if u keep playing them.


                      i dont have time to see your replays but i think the problem might be your positioning in laning phase and maybe also in combats


                        learn how to aggro pull its pretty impt as melee carries

                        Hide The Pain - Herald

                          if u want some easy melee, go play bristleback

                          i love u butt

                            pick strength heroes if you are new to melee. Gives you the buffer to back off.
                            Agi heroes needs too much farm for newbies