General Discussion

General DiscussionEarth Spirit players gather!

Earth Spirit players gather! in General Discussion

    Hey, what do you think of octarine core on ES? I tried it one game and I find the CD reduction really awesome. You can nearly permaboulder for example. I would go typical bottle brown boots urn dagger into ocarina core. Lotus orb is occasionally good aswell but most of the time it's not worth it.
    Also, what do you think of the changes? I think ES is pretty fine now that the Ult is dispellable (even Eul dispells it right?) and the sick nuke dmg from lvl 4 E is nerfed aswell. I think ES is best on midlane now.


      I have no idea but you are an awesome person beld!



        El sucio potter

          What do you mean "permaboulder"? You mean, keep kicking stones? Also, Does the Stone Remanent gets a cd reduction from his original 30 secs?


            Too greedy to be an early game option imo, unless you are snowballing


              You will never farm octarine so it's not good.


                not good at all and you will most likely want to spend gold more efficient than on this item


                  It appears that no one in this thread has a game with ESpirit getting octarine core yet on these accounts. So on what did you base your opinions?


                    on pure logic and game understanding. (basics actually)

                    item costs too much, offers too little for es.
                    for snowballing there are much better items.


                      So far ES has only used octarine core in 3% of his games globally.


                      67 heroes have been more successful with octarine-core than Espirt. It looks like people have only purchased it when the game was already won or lost.

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                      El sucio potter

                        With the new changes, ES is falling more in a support-ish role. Im thinking changing the usual bottle urn treads for Guardian Greaves

                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                          4 games this patch haven't tried it seems more like a luxury snowball buy as someone said.

                          I will throw in I've got an addiction to medallion of courage and it's upgrade. Part of that is due to game matchups though.


                            i think he needs the levels even more now actually
                            what is your skillbuild? that long stun duration is really nice to max but u cant do kick pull roll combo anymore effectively since 2.25 stun and 2.5 silence comepletely overlaps


                              with the new change he cant be played as support role..
                              support role generally get the least lvl from the group, and he needs those lvl to maximize his stun and silences. Now he needs mid or solo offlane.


                                probably offlane is a must, u can't go mid unless snowball but on high brackets 4.6< that's pretty weird
                                gonna try octarine


                                  My ES build now is 2-1-2 then max silence then stun. Also Octarine is retarded just by the fact you'll never farm such an item in a real game, if you get octarine you probably have won anyway.

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