General Discussion

General DiscussionGlimmer Cape

Glimmer Cape in General Discussion

    Just tried it on ES:

    Item isn't good at all in my opinion, but hey, it's just my 2 cents.

    Only good thing about it is that you can cast it on your aly.

    However, it last just 5 secs, so I think it's not even comparable to Shadow Blade aka Silver Edge.

    I don't think it would be good on Slark tho..

    Pom Pom 🍕

      You need to think more about the magic resistances it gives. Thought at first you meant Earth Spirit, which is actually a good example for this. If you jump in with earth spirit, ult, silence, stun, then you can glimmer cape when the silences are off and you'll take a lot less magic damage from whoever is still alive.

      On earthshaker you could use it after initating with your stun and fissure so you don't get bursted down in a second.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        It's good item for supports i'd say. Not for carry/mid heroes.


          The item is retardedly op, dunno what you're talking about.

          Pom Pom 🍕

            yeah, it's a decent item for supports who will take too long to afford a BKB. It's basically like a ghost scepter that helps against magic rather than physical damage. Though the 30 attack speed is mostly wasted.


              Yeah. I was hoping it's good for SF/Slark, but in my opinion, after I tried it, I don't think so.