General Discussion

General DiscussionOctarine core

Octarine core in General Discussion

    This item deserves its own thread. What uses / heroes have you come up with for this thing?

    Mystic Staff (2700)
    Soul Booster (3200)
    Total: 5900

    +25 Intelligence
    +450 HP
    +400 Mana
    +4 HP regeneration
    +100% Mana regeneration

    Passive: Cooldown Reduction - Reduces all cooldowns by 25%

    Passive: Spell Lifesteal - Restores health for a percentage of any damage dealt from spells. 25% from heroes, 5% from creeps

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Top1 is 100% Timbersaw
      2-3 are ogre and zeus probably, but they get much less than timber.

      even tho i love timbersaw and its my main hero, i think this item is way TOO good.


        IMO broken on Lina, Zeus, Invoker, Lion, Omni and others who rely on cooldowns.
        Octarina Morph str enjoy permastun


          how does it stack with DP's witchery?


            guys don't forget about bristle


              ^ye, didnth think about him, should be rly good on bristle-core.


                BristleBack. Someone (who is much better at me at dota) thinks i'm stupid for thinking this will be good on BB... but i'll just leave this here.



                  ^THIS i think bristle is now actually the most broken hero in the game. Like imagine a position 1 bristle + IO. gg 15 min octarine core try to to kill him


                    no1 though of lesh? that dude has a giant magic aoe, and i guess lifesteal goes for each of the enemy aoe hits.


                      Yea Caesar, I'm scared of the lesh core and kotl... even before the octarine core chakra magic removes the cooldown of lighning.


                        4.25secs stun every 8secs.


                          Death prophet.

                          Dire Wolf

                            They're drastically trying to change the meta away from right clickers imo. But there are also more magic resistance items available now too so maybe there are counters. Remains to be seen. My guess is it will seem extremely op at beginning of patch until people find a counter.


                              Kotl cooldown removal is only once every 12 seconds so not a big deal for lesh.

                                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                  even if this item would have no cooldown reduction at all, it would eb a must-have.
                                  and 3 sec timberchain and 6 sec whiling/chakram cooldown is incredibly good actually. You spam all your spells by cd with timber, and 25% less cd means 25% higher dps.
                                  this cd decrease is good for all spells that are used as soon as their cooldown ends, no matter whether its long or short.

                                  plz do

                                    @ the bristle lovers in this thread.. u still have to play the same way vs bristle as before. kiting and silences and kill his team first. if u fail - u better run and hide. also 5900g for an item which gives u only shit while building it. lookin forward to raping the next bristle who carries a mystic staff in despair, because he cannot finish soul booster.

                                    oh wait. legion can now duel all day long vs bristle.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                      It's like adding a league of legends item to dota.


                                        ^ yup all these new items carry those childish LOL vibes. Also, I think the oct core is good on axe too. imagine culling blade with the item in clutch plays. Axe always seeming to go below 1 hp, and then regaining again and again, never dying


                                          Veno is a good one. Big ult means big regen and even more wards. Dark seer too, healing balls and more balls and more frequent walls yo

                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                            Necro is coming ;)


                                              Necro is hard countered by Lotus Orb, I think that item basically killed necro, he can't ult anyone with the fear of ulting himself LMAO
                                              same thing for Doom and all single target ult heroes


                                                This item screams Lina and Zeus to me, but maybe I'm wrong. We'll just have to wait and see.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Yeah but necro with this? 3.75 cd on pulse, if it hits everyone in a fight with standard resist he heals 257 dmg + 130 heal on it, 387 every 3.75 seconds G FING G. He won't need to ult. He'll probably top 60% win rate this patch. AA the only hard counter or a bazillin silences.

                                                  Or other team gets 5 lotus orbs and reflects his spam. But lotus orb won't stop his ult since it's based on missing hp. Necro is pretty tanky and you usually burst a carry down fast and then hit em with his ult. Just make sure you're over 70% hp before you cast it, no big deal, then the regen from the kill will heal you back up. Granted it will be much harder to 1v1 a carry with orb but teamfights so what.

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    By the time Necro purchases this item, his pulse will be no longer important, unfortunatly.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      that's not true, spam pulse in a team fight and heal your team and tank for days. I mean obviously smart teams won't focus you, but I've 1v3'd people spamming the current version of pulse.


                                                        I play necro rather often and what I feel is that after 25 min mark no one cares about your pulse anymore and it becomes useless.


                                                          didnt read everything, but dont be fooled, this item is no way good on bb o_O
                                                          i dont get ur logic behind it lulz

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            @Ampoule Aquatique
                                                            Its space cow in a vacuum. Ina dream world where everyone focuses bristleback, fails to do it fast and then pursues him attacking bb in the back, you spam 2nd spell and regen hp each time you do it. Also cd is 25% less which is cool.
                                                            IRL you are either not focused at all, or killed rly fast. Not to mention that this item's price is 5900, and it doesn't contribute anything except listed effects to bb. He doesnt need int, additional mana reg after min20 and higher mana pool.


                                                              25% on 3sec cd spells is not what id call impactful :p

                                                              tbh this item must be one of the worst u can make on bb^^ its complete non sense. in theory everything is cool, if you have infinite inventary slots and gold but in reality u dont. there is no momentum in the gmae where u could make this item profitable.

                                                              this item is made for leshrac, and a little bit for some others, but not sky/lion etc, more for manfighters who deals and take damage constentely in a tf.

                                                              and idk about timber, im not a timber player but i dont think he needs lifesteal, but the cd might be good actually.

                                                              tho id rather buy casual bs +agha than this item or buy it after yes

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                This has to be insane on necro, i mean stats wise it everything necro needs ( mana and hp ) plus the healing from pulse + the lifesteal + the insane mana pool this items grants you its going to make the hero really tanky.

                                                                You can probably rush it too.


                                                                  Ult reflected on necro is nothing more than a 1.5 stun, his ult does almost nothing if you're +50% hp (without aghs), now the cd reduction on death pluse can get intresting in tfs, not so much for the damage but for the healing (both necro and their teammates)..

                                                                  First thing i will try: mana boots + mekans + recipe for guardian + booster + mystic staff


                                                                    @Ampoule Aquatique
                                                                    3 sec instead of 4 is same impactful as 90 sec instead of 120 if you use this spell any time u can, and thats the case of timberchain. you use it by cd, even if you are not im teamfight btw.
                                                                    i alrdy answered u about lifesteal in another thread, im ookig forwards to try it. should work well imo.


                                                                      Does OD's orb count as a spell? Because the 25% lifesteal effect would be interesting on him. He makes use of the mana pool and the intellect. Expensive item, but could be fun to try out.


                                                                        yes, it works for OD.


                                                                          @triple I was talking about bb here. 25% of 3sec is 0.75s which is not even one second, so it doesnt rly matter, cuz all it does after 4 instance is add a free instance, which makes 5 spray instead of 4, so yeah here goes ur 6k item.

                                                                          its not about the % its about the spell impact so no 90 sec instead of 120 sec is not the same as 2.25 sec instead of 3sec cuz its not the same spell.

                                                                          one more quill will have almost 0 impact, if in theory u spam it (even less if u dont spam it )
                                                                          wheras for exemple one free blackhole every 3blackhole will have huge impact if u know what i mean ;p

                                                                          +its the same for the dmg, it deals nothing and will heal nothing, so it doesnt help you healing.
                                                                          in the video vs 5sven u see him healing pretty well, thats cuz you have 5 sven with stacked sprays
                                                                          in a real game ppl dont stand near you like trees and wait to be fullstacked of spray so u can start dealing a lot and healing a lot.

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                            triple is a silly boi


                                                                              ^^I dont think enigma will be able to cast such a huge quantity of blackholes after he purchases octarine. Game gonna end sooner. Probably this CD decreas will work even better for the heroes whose important spells got lower cd. For heroes like zeus or nigma refresher is still much better.

                                                                              ^ye, I know.

                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                idc about enigma its just an exemple so u understand the concept of skill impact mixed to cd reduc
                                                                                the point is the cd reduc % would be profitable for heroes that have huge impact spells and wont be profitable for spells like spray.

                                                                                and im tlaking about %cd and dmg healed cuz its the main argument of ppl thinking its gona be good on bb, idk if im clear

                                                                                yeah forget the enigma it was just an exemple of hero who has long cd

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                  ^well i would agree about bb, by the time you can get octarine spray becomes useless crap, and you dont need this item for the rest of bb spells (that is actually 1 spell lmao).


                                                                                    bb octarine is going to get patched, i guarantee it. Enjoy bb while you can.

                                                                                    KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                      Honestly cannot wait to try this out when I go my clowny mid Veno. SB Aghs Treads Veil then Octarine and Silver Edge and something else to fill that last slot like a butterfly. Probably around 3.5k health, an Assload of armor, invis, and crazy heals in a fight.

                                                                                      More practically though on heroes like Zeus, Lesh, and OD as well as those with crazy Teamfight ults and some Bloodstone users would benefit.


                                                                                        If by teamfight ults you mean stuff like Blackhole, Ravage, RP, etc., then refresher is still much more viable than octarine for this type of heroes.


                                                                                          No one cares about the 25% cooldown reduction for be tho it may help keep stacks up.

                                                                                          It is life steal from his quill spray. Did you not watch the link I posted?

                                                                                          In a real team fight BB does land a. Lot of quills, but the kite him and then try to kill him last. It is really common frankly.

                                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                            as already said, in lategame bristleback is either killed fast or not attacked at all. no one will cut your hp to 10% and then just pursue you for 1-2 minues trying to rightclick you.


                                                                                              This is a wait and see situation. An impass.

                                                                                              Reminds of me AUI telling everyone sniper new shrapnel would suck...

                                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                we'll see, you are right - on paper some stuff looks way different comparing to what it actually is.
                                                                                                however, imo this item is still too costly for bb comparing to what it gives him.


                                                                                                  yes late game he is killed fast. So u betr hav another more high priority carry for enemy to choose btwn u and pos 1 carry. But if by mid game bb can make the core i think its gg team fights

                                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                  KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                                    @Triple Steal: This patch seems much more lategame oriented so instead of a Shivas a Tide could try and get an Octarine.

                                                                                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                                                                                        well, he can do it, but its still optional. This item is not a must-have for anyone. Except Timbersaw, xD. I can't wait to actually try it.