General Discussion

General Discussion6.84 cant come soon enough

6.84 cant come soon enough in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    Even the pro games are worse because of this patch.

    Anyone else watching Newbee lose a game they should win just cause of sniper high ground?


      dota is just shit tbh, its like there is bound to be a troll or at least a sniper every fucking game, often both heroes.
      this game sucks so much, worst patch 100% imo, only playable in party or else its not even funny


        idk I like the current picks more than the previous naga/tinker/void spam meta

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          fucking awesome patch, last patch was so fucking retarded with the void tinker viper and naga picks. I enjoy this one lots of fun even though i randome every time


            I like this patch but i rather fight a void/tinker than a sniper/troll/jugg lol.

            Void you just pick a forcestaff/venge/pudge to save the chronoed ennemy.

            Tinker you just pick storm and rek him.

            Sniper? you gotta pick clock, spirit breaker, dust, pudge, storm just to counter this lil shit.

            Troll? no one can 1v1 on equal farm. Hope your team picks bkb piercing stuns.


              Naga and Tinker bitches made the game just as boring as Troll and Sniper.

              I really don't care too much about flavor of the month heroes, but dota really needs some hype back, most people are too unmotivated.


                Against troll pick oracle, winter , lina , storm , jugger
                against sniper get clock, spirit breaker , storm , lina , blink
                against jugger get lina, earth spirit , storm , winter , oracle , axe
                there is more but these came to mind

                All hheroes can be countered if u try hard

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                  ^ You forgot Omni vs all of them too xD

                  But that shitstain sucks so much in lane.

                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    Most fun game ive had by far in a long time....


                    sadly if not for axe probably not possible.

                    kvasius # KSVM

                      Even dont want to play/stream because its even not fun to endlessly tryhard to win vs troll/jug/sniper/slark/combo of those. Not in my bracket. So sad I even remembered what smoking is.

                      Waiting for 6.84 then, hope it will bring some new shiet.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        too bad i cant win a game where i "counter" other heroes.
                        i used to just pick my shit and wreck scrubs.
                        now i pick my shit, i rekt scrubz and then i lose in 80 minutes cuz its impossible to end.


                          ^voker, timber, pudge, batrider and zeus dont rly have tons of TD, whatever the patch is.

                          EZ MID 9k mmr

                            Check my last 15 games and find 1 game without troll.

                              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                Hmm some newbs are going to be real mad that 6.84 is almost here....

                                aka this reject


                                EZ MID 9k mmr

                                  Didn't assfrog say that 6.84 is coming after StarLadder?

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    I went to 3.1 from 2.1 in just a month, barely started playing ranked this year, and haven't been playing Dota 2 for even more than a year (eh maybe exactly a year)i like to think a 1000MMR jump is insanely impressive, but i'm not worried about the patch, it's not like i abused heroes to do so. The only reason i play Slark is cause he's my favorite, and lots of people in 2K can't deal with him, no matter what patch it is, they're minds go blank whenever i ult, same with when i Brew Master ult, they just run, get me? Not sure if you do. I recently started playing Troll now that i'm better, and he's so fucking fun, not even just cause he's good. I never play sniper, only when i started about a year ago, that hero bores me to death, no matter how broken you make him. Lots of the games i only went troll cause they picked Juggernaut, Sniper, and Storm Spirit, those heroes destroy my dumb team mates. (not saying i'm pro, just saying most of the Dota community is bad)

                                    ^ and yes that's what i heard, so April 24th supposedly, i'm seeing your guys profiles, pretty cool seeing "very high skill" ! O_O Hehe, but i have no respect for people who make new accounts just to try and calibrate into the "4, 5, 6K MMR" they think they "deserve." But if you do play on your main, and are climbing like me, then shout outs to going from 2K something to 4K. <3

                                    Affinity is making me feel like playing Treant protector right now. XD That i will do, here i go!

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      I jumped from 2.1 k to 3150 in first 4 months I played Dota 2 but now I am 9 months into Dota 2 and my mmr is 3000 so maybe I didn't deserve to jump up to 3k that fast Cuz now I am stuck here. I played Dota 1 but that was 7 years ago last played so I think that's why I got to 3k so fast.

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        Oh, i wish i played Dota since part 1, i'd be a beast, well now that MOBA's are on the rise and main stream, at least i'll have plenty of competition. Can't wait to see how good i am at the end of this year, this game is deep, not saying it's easy, but i feel like stupid people just make it hard. I come from a fighting game background, which is a 1 on 1 genre, so i know the only person to blame is myself, but Dota 2 is a special case, people are just really bad at decision making.


                                          the reason why every 3k or 4k player think they're awesome sauce is because they stomped in dota 1

                                          i remember killing people with shadow word

                                          those were the days


                                            @lastpickingisforpuss, damn that guy is spamming troll and sniper so hard how come is he still in high skill lol, id be 5k with that many troll game. Its just not fun for me to spam the same heroes for some epeen.


                                              I remember carrying with lich hard . Wish I never quit Dota well I mean I kinda had to quit for two years due to military / having kid/ other shit but I wish I woulda just quit for two years instead of over 6 years possibly 7. I'd prolly be a lot better now I just played Dota 1 mostly for fun unless it was a big clan match or something.