General Discussion

General DiscussionBlunt finally reveals his mmr.

Blunt finally reveals his mmr. in General Discussion


    Rly skiled guy.

    Had such fun playing with him.

    Blunt pls, I'm sorry. I was wrong. You're such skilled Doto player.

    Ten temat był edytowany

      btw i missed crucial point.
      why did u decide to afk after 15 min mark and why was flyer that angry with u? i didnt keep an eye on chat.


        I decided to go afk for last 15-20 mins because I felt like I don't wanna stress myself over that game just in order to get some MMR when that shithead is giving 0 fucks.

        And to be honest I was so sick of his constant shitting on mic, so I rly didn't care at that point.


          well u could mute him and just play. but ur decision actually stressed me. i dont give a shit on u playing bad, and also i often suck dicks myself, but intentional feeding/afk doto ruins game for everyone u r playing with. isnt such an attitude some sort of lack of respect towards other ppl u r playing with?

          Giff me Wingman

            The moment shred took mid, me and pugna didn't give a fuck anymore, because we knew that 3k mid vs 5k mid would be horrible. After a very short time lina controled mid no problem and shred went afk jungle, that's why flyer was mad at him, because not only did he lose hard mid (big shocker) but also went and ruined flyers jungle.

            OH MY GAWD, BLUNT HAS 4.3K PARTY MMR ON SMURF, SUCH TRAGEDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            I think pretty much everyone knew that. Why are the stupid ones always so late to the party? ~.~

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              sad game tho
              im cursed to face all kinds of shit happening when playing with ppl from db

              Giff me Wingman

                You really expected 3k mid SF to go well against 5k? You cannot possibly be srs. I'm amazed you even invited him in the first place :D


                  I'm sorry if I lost you MMR, but you should know I don't like blunt so much, and he doesnt like me aswell.

                  Your stack went Toxic from very start, as I already mentioned, I don't play that kind of Doto.

                  I already have a lot of toxic players in my solo bracket, which is Doto I play 95% of my Doto time.

                  When I accepted your request for party, I expected some decent and non-toxic players.

                  It turend out completly wrong.

                  And last thing, why would I respect someone that doesnt respect me?

                  I have nothing against you, but just watching him failing like centaur like a fucking shit and tryin' to blame me, already gave me a reason to go afk.

                  Just to make something clear: I didn't feed. I just gave up.


                    ^^as alrdy said, i dont mind losing; i like to play the game. however its nearly impossible to play without one of the teammates. would be better if he lost but didnt give up that early. we were playing against 3k's that can rasily throw even such a one-sided game.

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      We totally trust you it's your smurf, since you already showed us your 6k mmr.

                      Oh, wait...


                        i k u didnt feed. i didnt know u dont like to deal with blunt, ud better said it b4 game starts. and cz u dislike blunt, u ruined game for 3 other ppl that u (hopefully) had nothing against.


                          But I didn't lost mid in the first place, that's actually quite sad you trust him that easy.

                          Why would you trust that autist brain damaged idiot?

                          Why don't you check out replay, so you can judge what actualyl happened?

                          It wasn't me that failed, it's actually him.

                          Giff me Wingman



                              You totally did. I'm going to stress over this shit at least for 2 weeks.

                              You just hurt my feelings bro. Now I'm lost.

                              Do you actually really belive someone is giving A FUCK about you?

                              95% of Doto forums is making fun of you, you fucking piece of shit . : D : D


                                ROFL, this topic is so good :D You literally get cancer from reading it.


                                  again, for the 4th time: i dont say u lost it, i mean i dont give a fuck, like at all, even if u did actually lose it. people fail and thats normal, w/e. i just enjoy playing with any kind of people who PLAY the game. i dont ask too much, do I? i left mid to u without problems and i dont blame u for picking sf after i asked for mid and picked necro, i dont care what mmr u have as long as we can play together.
                                  well fuck that, actually.
                                  i feel kinda shitty now. didnt have games of this kind for a very long while.


                                    Tripleseal, I already said. Your stack went salty and toxic, that's why I gave up.

                                    "u ruined game for 3 other ppl that u (hopefully) had nothing against."

                                    As I said, I'm sorry for that.


                                      For the 4th time, as long as you invite toxic and shit attidude in your stacks that's what are you going to get.

                                      Won't apologise anymore, it's poitless.

                                      I did what I did, and I'd do it again if I see him.

                                      He's such brain damaged c***.

                                      End of story. Get over your mmr/game.


                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        Let me put this into a nutshell.

                                        Your perspektive:
                                        You didn't lose mid
                                        You also claim that that account isn't my smurf
                                        You 'gave up' because i hurt your feelings.
                                        You didn't like me from the start.

                                        How it really was:
                                        Before we queued, you said in the party chat, that you had nothing against me at all. (triple can confirm this and so can every other party member)

                                        You lost mid despite getting firstblood against lina with the help of pugna and chen. I trolled you because you were buying idiotic items like mom against a lina, you gave up the moment lina oneshot you because of that mom and you saw i was right, that pissed you off so much, that you simply gave up on the game.

                                        Chen was mad at you because you couldn't even stay in lane and farmed his jungle. Pugna and me were yoloing the game and were having fun.

                                        I didn't like you but i still didn't decide to ruin the game. Sure i didn't tryhard nor did i give it my best, but at least i did something.

                                        That account is my smurf, which can be veryfied by multiple people on dotabuff.

                                        Overall, this thread is proof that you are not only bad, but you also are insanely butthurt. Apparently i hurt your feelings so bad by pointing out the massive mistakes you did, that you somehow are trying to bash me by posting a screenshot of my party mmr which everyone already knew from the beginning.


                                          Boys, thats what happens when you play with people 2k lower then you :D It's like talking to the other specie, australopithecus or sth.


                                            I have nothing against you. but it doesn't mean I like you.

                                            : D

                                            Whatever you say bro. : D Multiple people on Dotabuff? : D Okay.. : D I guess you showed them your main aswell? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              1234: this 3k autst
                                              1234: can undestand it
                                              1234: so long posts?
                                              1234: you write max 10 words of flame to 3k people
                                              1234: like
                                              Mid or Autistic Gameplay: oh god
                                              Mid or Autistic Gameplay: u are rigth
                                              1234: LEAVE FUCKIN DOTA YOU MONKEY FUCKER
                                              Mid or Autistic Gameplay: omfg
                                              1234: or sth

                                              Dis man....such genious...much wow. You are so right.

                                              ok i will try!


                                              1234: or
                                              1234: EVEN SHEEVER WOULD FUCK YOU MID LANE
                                              1234: this one he will understand 100&
                                              1234: cause he watches her probably
                                              1234: now impress me

                                              Wisdom ;_; such beauty....

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                You must be rly brain damaged if you actually think this makes me mad? AHAHAH : D


                                                  ok i love this thread now
                                                  quality 10/10, best db thread 2015


                                                    Since I'm just 3k thrash I expected blunt would have no problems carrying me as 6k.

                                                    Oh, wait.. he's 4.3k : D Might be even lower on solo, since I'm almost 4k on solo actually . : D

                                                    He might be 3k?

                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      I know right? x'D


                                                        So, 6k loses to 3k stack? ez :D

                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                          6k who doesn't give a shit loses to 5k lina which destroyed 3k mid sf, yes. Pls give us some sort of point, cmon, i know you can do it :3

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            THIS THREAD IS NOW OFFICIALLY BEST THREAD EVER EXISTED ON THIS FUCKIN FORUM. PERIOD.

                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              1234: if you're smart you flame him
                                                              1234: with 10 words max
                                                              1234: and then watch and have fun when he writes novels
                                                              1234: you went lose mmr with this monkey?
                                                              1234: o m g blunt
                                                              1234: second rule
                                                              1234: you dont ever
                                                              1234: and i mean EVER
                                                              1234: play ranked with 3k people

                                                              1234: unless they're cute girls
                                                              1234: with cute voices

                                                              So much wisdom. I should start being gay and marry him.

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                g party tmrrw, dude. i alrdy love you.

                                                                bum farto

                                                                  I will not make this a massive deal but...

                                                                  @shred you to bits

                                                                  You realize this is why I also deleted you? You need to learn to respect parties as not everyone will be feeling like losing. If you want to troll or throw then let people know in advance or simply don't play at all.


                                                                    Havoc, you realise I don't rly give a fuck?

                                                                    You're just pretending to be someone else, while in real life you're other person.

                                                                    I realised that long time ago.

                                                                    To be honest, Blunt was actually right when he was talking about you.

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      What the? Someone made havoc delete someone, even i didn't manage to do that.

                                                                      Oh boy, shred starting to do some psychic mind shit. Now he wll proceed to analyze every dotabuff user and tell em that they don't behave accordingly.

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                        Yeah, as much as I dislike blunt, he's actually right about Havoc.


                                                                          arent we all different irl tho?


                                                                            O M G. Even Havoc deleted this 3k monkey, how does that even happen in real life :O

                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                              Oh boy, i need to hear this. What exacly am i right about when it comes to havoc? TELL ME


                                                                                keep it up guys

                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                  Mid or Autistic Gameplay: u know
                                                                                  Mid or Autistic Gameplay: this is the best part
                                                                                  Mid or Autistic Gameplay: So, 6k loses to 3k stack? ez :D
                                                                                  1234: ez
                                                                                  Mid or Autistic Gameplay: I felt like I don't wanna stress myself over that game just in order to get some MMR when that shithead is giving 0 fucks.
                                                                                  1234: if you let 3k mid
                                                                                  Mid or Autistic Gameplay: he could talk to himself
                                                                                  Mid or Autistic Gameplay: xD
                                                                                  Mid or Autistic Gameplay: EXACLY
                                                                                  1234: do you realize what do you expect to get?
                                                                                  1234: DO YOU THINK YOU'LL ACTUALLY FUCKIN WIN THE GAME?

                                                                                  bum farto

                                                                                    1. You kept going mid as the weakest player in the stack
                                                                                    2. You would throw all the time
                                                                                    3. You would never take criticism even when 1. and 2. were there

                                                                                    Of course i got upset I even made a post about it when you whined. I said I had a limit and you and a couple others I had added to coach really pushed it.

                                                                                    Here you are

                                                                                    I put it in detail for you. I even re-added you cause I thought you were less egotistical and more receptive to input.


                                                                                      You were right that's he's mostly lower skilled then people actually giving him credit for his skill.

                                                                                      He's trying to be a nice guy, but in reallity, he's just one frustrated poop.

                                                                                      We played several times in 2014, and he flamed us just because he wasn't able to carry lower-skilled players.

                                                                                      Have nothing against him to be honest aswell, but I'd lie if I like him.


                                                                                        Anyways, I'll say one more time you got wrong opinion about me.

                                                                                        But as you already give 0 fucks about it, I do it to aswell.

                                                                                        So, let's life our lifes and move on.

                                                                                        BB guys!


                                                                                          Must feel like a champ when even Havoc gave up on you xD


                                                                                            And btw - did i mention already how much i actually fuckin love this topic?

                                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              1.) Yes, i did indeed state that. Good information source so far.

                                                                                              2.) Not quite sure where u did get that. He's trying to be nice yes, but he keeps trying to be smart in stuff he doesn't know to much about ( like trying to justify lothars as an initiation item or trying to help lucky with his PC issue for hours, which i solved in less than 2 minutes)

                                                                                              3.) I flamed you 24/7, i don't blame him.

                                                                                              4.) Sure, like you have 'nothing against me'. I getcha Kappa

                                                                                              5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                                i've thrown like 5 games in the past month/abandoned once playing with havoc and he never got mad at me

                                                                                                u must have really done something to piss him off



                                                                                                  dont see u online in steam. are u going to play with me (us?) tomorrow?


                                                                                                    2.) Not quite sure where u did get that. He's trying to be nice yes, but he keeps trying to be smart in stuff he doesn't know to much about ( like trying to justify lothars as an initiation item or trying to help lucky with his PC issue for hours, which i solved in less than 2 minutes)

                                                                                                    Yes, you got that.

                                                                                                    That's what I wanted to say.



                                                                                                      Wrong answer, i'm dissapoint. You should have said no.


                                                                                                        I did nothing. He just got frustrated cu he wasnt able to carry us, so he lost his precious mmr...

                                                                                                        Blunt was right about what he just said.

                                                                                                        Anyway, I really have nothing against you guys.

                                                                                                        Why would I? We're all here to say our opinions at the end of the day.

                                                                                                        If someone is taking this forums too serious, it's really a problem then.

                                                                                                        It's not helthy guys. :P