General Discussion

General DiscussionHidden pool (for the millionth time)

Hidden pool (for the millionth time) in General Discussion
5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

    Daily reminder that the redditards and other likeminded idiots also were in disbelief and ridiculed those who suggested

    - hero dmg was the main factor used to determine mmr (but how can that be possible????!!!)
    - reports were automated and NOT checked/verified by an actual valve employee

    I suspect this is another one of those cases where the sheeple will have to experience it for themselves before finally accepting the truth


      ofc reports are not checked.

      I did intentional feed 4 games in 2 days NOT IN LOW PRIO

      I carryed my shitty team 20-3 LOW PRIO

      5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

        I'm making this thread again to raise awareness, you can hate me all you want but nothing will change the facts

        I watched my friend rise from 4800 to 5600 (and let's not kid ourselves, he is a 4800 skilled player cuz i remember climbing to 5k with supports way before he did) playing mostly broken heroes like sniper/wyvern/axe and his team is full of 4 or 5 star rated players who are cooperative in over 80% of his matches

        His game history shows the other team either falling into disarray right at the start (1-2 star players) or people who can muster up decent competition skill-wise but are still at a disadvantage due to having people who might flame/be demoralized easily (3 star players)

        Meanwhile an ACTUALLY good player on my friend's list was 6200 mmr in 6.81 (played mostly invoker/qop/other non-broken heroes before hidden pool was in effect) and now he's 5400 and still dropping. This player is good enough to stand in for tier 1/2 teams on NA and the other isn't even close to being that level, losing to trash tier 5/6 teams in SECS

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          What's the point of this thread? I certainly hope a "hidden pool" exists so that assholes and morons can be relegated to it. Just like I'm thankful for LPQ, because at least it gets them out of my way for a while.


            Pool party is up omega get ur self a beer and i will bring the hidden chicks


              I hate this hidden pool! Yes, im verbal player and a shitty bracket player also. My MMR is right now at 1171. I usually use the chat a lot, not always very constructive though mostly try to coordinate the game because no - nobody at this level know what they are doing, or are supposed to be doing.

              Still I get collecting reports and stuff. People do not want anything written in chat. They blame you for losses if you said a word.

              Ok, now here is the thing. I do not consider myself as that bad player. Ive played as a team in 3200 MMR games, and I do fine there. The bracket my solo MMR is, needs guidance. However, the people that are there, do not want advice. They do not want games coordinated, or picks discussed. Well, I do that and get regularly reported and likely recieve a very few stars. Im very certain that I spend a lot of time in hidden pool, which sets me up with bad players again - that need coordination, that gives me another "I dont want to chat with you" -team. And it goes on and on.

              It sucks. Im not skilled enough to dig myself out of here. At least I would want to know how long, how many games Im going to be punished. Im not creating a new account though it would be easier. Its ok for me to make my way up in time, I just would like to know how long I have to be prepared into losing games I should be winning.

              But this as in point, that not always verbal players are toxic or throwing the game. There are people who like to get back to you "for any reason". Thanks for punishing for that.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                You are doing intentional feeding almost every game?
                Am I right?


                  On 1k mmr everyboy is on hidden pool i think


                    1k is a hidden pool itself lmao


                      keep up the good work, detective


                        "You are doing intentional feeding almost every game?"

                        No, of course not. You know the stats can be turned into disaster even if you had decent early game but someone else decides to buy brown boots so he can get to enemy faster (no, some people @1k MMR dont use TP even for that - though it would be even a faster way to throw games if your cat is on fire and you need to go, but still dont want the abandon).

                        Laugh away, sorry for posting here with no imaginary 5k MMR. Just being honest with my poor stats. If you find that amusing, please have your fun then.



                          This is kind of offtopic but if u want to get ouf this mmr spam furion or Lycan jungle (if u can play him) until u reach 2k. I was also at 1,1k when i started. People never carry tps.


                            omega - u appear delusional. it looks like u are just a low 5k at best and are coming up with excuses to make up for ur lack of skill.

                            jus chillen

                              my friend thought he was in it, (around 3700-3800 mmr friend).
                              winning only if he goes 30-0 and losing what looked like because of feeding teammates (really looked like it).
                              he said his teammates always flame, if the die once or something, i believed him.
                              then i played one game on his account and i enjoyed that game as maybe one game from 100 on my main.
                              i got decent teamplay, 2 save tp's on mid (at fucking 3700 mmr), this shit never happens at my mmr (4500-4900), why?

                              just because i was really friendly and cooperative from minute 1, trying to lead the team, and apologizing if i did mistakes.
                              but in my games i either dont talk or i flame, and i cant change that because apparently teammates are relatively close skilled but have different ideas.

                              and btw, fuck icefag, nice sniper good dota gg

                              Zero IX

                                Ho ho ha ha


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