General Discussion

General DiscussionRiki asdfaf

Riki asdfaf in General Discussion
5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

    vErY goOD herO in pUbs

    5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

      - Shitty supports don't do anything, so invis offers you some protection against a very hard lane
      - Can solo kill most heroes at level 6
      - Backstab lets you farm pretty quickly (sadly you can't ever jungle with this hero)
      - Great counter to storm spirit, which is picked like cancer now

      The only reason I don't instapick this hero is due to the fact that his base dmg is fucking horrible and you can't contest last hits without backstab (which requires some awkward positioning)

      His tower pushing ability is also terrible so you're kind of reliant on your team for that as well

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      casual gamer

        if you get an illusion rune its the easiest jungling of your life


          Also you never instapick it because of the counters


            The only real counters to Riki are the heroes that can stand inside the smoke and face him instead of turning their back to him. Or get out of the smoke early in the game.

            Pom Pom 🍕

              I hate rikis in pubs since they just get caught out on sentry wards or walk into the gem carrier. And also ends up with less lasthits than the supports since they just roam without farming past the laning phase...

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                Dire Wolf

                  Riki isn't as dependent on his stealth as a lot of other heroes though. His smoke and blink strike still let him function even out of stealth. Bounty and a lot of heroes who go shadow blade suffer more. So having him is a nice way to make supports spend tons in wards that aren't all that effective if you aren't stupid and out of position.


                    I think the largest advantages with having riki in team is that he is a good space creator and is hard to gank with heroes like NA and Storm. And he is most likly the best hero at taking out support heroes made of paper, like wr, ench, sd, rasta, and so on.
                    With just some snowballing riki can kill supports like these constantly if their team dont move as 5 and are watching out for backstabs from behind.

                    5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                      he's actually horrible vs enchant but good against most of the other supp


                        In theory he should I think. But the slow never seem to kick in for some reason.
                        edit: on the other hand. just blink strike 4 times and enchantress is dead :()

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                          Blink strike is a normal autoattack and gets slowed...

                          Pom Pom 🍕

                            Actually, the blink strike damage works like a nuke (40/70/100 damage dealt before your attack lands). But yeah, the right-click when you blink strike won't hit if you spam it, so you don't do much damage at all.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              As far as I understand, if you blink strike to her, you will hit the initial nuke-like damage and then it will take ages for your actual autoattack to land, and it can even miss if you blink again without landing your attack.

                              Nobody plays Enchantress though, so it's a moot point.

                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                Poor Bambi

                                < blank >

                                  I mean check my Winrate with this hero, he is really good in pubs


                                    ^ Normal skill bracket.


                                      70% of dota is played in normal skill bracket

                                      jus chillen



                                          The blink strike spell dont get slowed, and the spell include an attack. So the slow should not work on the attack from the spell.


                                            u can go vlads and ur tower pushing neutral problem is solved

                                              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                ring of B is enough. smoke the creeps and attack them from behind. Ur creeps remain high hp
                                                ring f A better ofc

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