General Discussion

General DiscussionLPQ Games

LPQ Games in General Discussion
5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

    I just found out today that you can be reported WHILE ur in LPQ

    Apparently running down mid on purpose to end the game faster makes retards irate

    5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

      The amount of faith I have in the human race right now is like a well after 2 dry seasons

      You might see a few drops of water left but I doubt it's going to last for long


        The only difference between LPQ and Normal Queue is that you queue with other people like yourself and have a lower priority for match making.

        If you are losing faith in the human race due to this, maybe you should check yourself too.

        Out of my ~2000 games of dota played, I've been in LPQ once.

        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

          prime example above me

          clearly u still don't understand that i wasn't complaining about me BEING in lpq (i abandoned a game before creeps spawned on purpose to test something out), but the fact that getting out of LPQ the fastest way is simply having one team feed another and then throning by 15 minutes

          u roleplaying as the sanctimonious redditard with the "i've only been in lpq [x] number of times" amuses me greatly

          then again it's dotabuff and the number of intelligent posters active is close to the number of fucks i give

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Yeah, because you never explained that. #logic.

            But if you were testing some experiment why are you annoyed for getting reported in LPQ for acting like shit?

            Just because you are in LPQ doesn't mean you are supposed to throw the game to make it end faster. Sure, people do, but none the less you aren't /supposed/ to, and doing so gets you reported.

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            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

              oh my god

              do i really have to explain? ok whatever, i was going off to bed so u should be grateful i am even formulating a reply

              case 1: both teams agree to end quickly, one team feeds intentionally
              result: game ends by 15~ minutes (win/win situation)

              case 2: both teams agree to play it out normally
              result: game doesn't end quickly, very likely a stomp (win/lose or lose/lose depending your perspective, i'm inclined to believe most people don't want to play lpq matches in the first place)

              now if u had a semi-functional brain u would know which one is in ur best interest, but most people i've seen in lpq are unaware of this for some reason (it's like they're incapable of basic reasoning)

              furthermore, before valve instituted the 4 -ar games, it was 16 -ardm games max, and in 90% of games at least one team would agree to run down mid and feed intentionally so the games would be over by like 5-7 minutes. it's fucking AMAZING how valve tweaks the rules somewhat and people all of a sudden act like the whole environment has changed, and think they are supposed to play by "the rules" (whatever the fuck that means, i can think of many examples where someone who feeds courier intentionally should be equally as likely to be sent to lpq as the retard who last picks legion jungle and ruins the game for his team unintentionally)

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                its true.
                its better to find like minded individuals from channels though but it takes longer to find a game as a party for whatever reason.

                /\/ /\ T

                  Personally I'd rather play out the four AR games and have fun rather than go down mid to end fast. I enjoy low prio because you can take a break from taking the game seriously, and actually have fun


                    thats why you have to report back the fuckers not feeding too! equality bitch

                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      Another chapter in LPQ Adventures.


                        It is pretty simple - you are free to feed - people are free to report you. Point me where it says "You must feed lpq game". It is a choice. Some poeple have no intention to feed lpq games.

                        Pom Pom 🍕

                          Have you ever had a LPQ game where someone on both teams compete with feeding the hardest? That would be funny to watch.

                          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                            @ waifu

                            do u know which channels these might be? i think having a 5 party stack just feed mid and ending in 15 minutes is quickest

                            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                              nvm i found a stack, lots of channels available

                              im so bad at artifact

                                Yes, and rational choice is also pretty simple.
                                If one team agrees to feed, everyone gets out of LPQ sooner. It's that simple.
                                Is someone free to not do that? Sure, but it's selfish, not to mention stupid because the chances of actually having an LPQ game without someone wanting to intentionally feed is pretty slim. If you want a game where you don't have to care go play reddit inhouses or some other hugbox.


                                  If people dont feed and leave LP games, you would not feel the need to get out of them.

                                  In game theory there is a well know example of this:

                                  im so bad at artifact

                                    People don't just get into LPQ for no reason. On average, it's going to be much less enjoyable to not play an LPQ game. On top of that, maybe people don't want to play garbage modes like -AR or maybe they want to play ranked.

                                    Either way, trying to enjoy an LPQ game is a pipe dream because if at least one person wants to feed to get the game over with, it ruins the game for people who are trying to enjoy it. Thus, if people are trying to enjoy games, it makes far more sense for them to just get out of LPQ. It's not a prisoner's dilemma because one side doesn't get more from screwing the other side over as the game is still ruined from their point of view. They just report so they can feel good about themselves or something.

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