General Discussion

General DiscussionSUB 4K PLAYERS

SUB 4K PLAYERS in General Discussion
Mortimer Smith

    They are the most toxic players by far, no way to refute that.

    - We rage every game

    - We don't know why we rage, we just flame cuz we are bads

    - When we play support we don't put any wards

    - When we play carry we ask for supports

    - When we play carry we spam we need wards

    - We can't lasthit more than 5cs/min

    - When we play with 7k players we still thinking we are better (see wagamama yesterday game flamed by a 3.8 player)

    - We don't gank mid cuz ''mid is ganker''

    - We don't buy bkb cuz it dosnt give much dmg

    - We spam pudge and techies and allchat EZ every time we get a kill (and OFC it make us PROS)

    - We are much better than all the other players on game

    - We blame everytime we get killed

    - We can not let someone on our team gets farm cuz we allways need it (cuz everyone is the best)

    - What we play is a random game where everyone run arround the map like headless chickens and one of the ancients get destroyed

    - We all deserve 4k or 5k




        is this thread some kind of bait


          4k are the most toxic, cuz thet think they are good enough to pick mid/hc on a party with 5k mmr average

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          Mortimer Smith

            No, 4k is fine compared with it


              high skill bracket is actually pretty enjoyable

              Mortimer Smith

                ^LMAOOOOOOOOOO U MAD?¿


                  Being a dick and flaming has nothing to do with mmr. BOGI just posted a thread about how Xcalibur (a 5.8k + player) is toxic, angry, and flames a lot.

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    ^ btw i dont think that Xcalibr is real one

                    Mortimer Smith

                      Same, and bogi is not 3k


                        everybody is toxic i think


                          The 3.8k-4.1k range is definitively worse than the 4.5k-4.7k bracket. I obviously meet some toxic players and griefers when solo queuing (currently 4.7k), but when I play with friends and end up at 3.8k average mmr the amount of raging, flaming and blaming stupid shit like "mid no gank 5 minutes" or "we lost because of picks and not because we suck horrible at this game" increase drastically.

                          Hex Sigma

                            op is right.


                              I've played 3 games on Ynit's smurf (technically 2), people were between 3.4 to 3.7k. Their execution is not even that bad.
                              It's just the people in this bracket are mostly unaware of things happening outside their screen and if they do react it's often too late. Also the way people walk on the map is a bit strange.

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                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                ^XD zig zag michel jackson walkingz


                                  sometimes when I watch noob streams on twitch, the way these guys/grills hold their screen on their hero 24/7 just hurts me, I feel nervous just seeing them playing and my reflexes make my right hand shake trying to move the mouse to check the other lanes.

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    ^ i play on mini map while having my screen look at fountain so if anyone strim sniping they get fucking nothing


                                      high skill unranked was the best bracket I have ever been in. That said 3k ranked was pure uncut retarded baby rage. The people who first pick carrys and then refuse to farm all game are the worst, I know I shouldn't report anyone for being bad, but if they are bad in that way I just cant help myself.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I've been all the way down to 2900 and all the way up to 3800 solo. By far the worst was at the high end so I somewhat agree. My current status ~3400 is pretty congenial actually. Most people are will to contribute to the team, not too much flaming, supports try, carries might be bad but they don't whine too much. We definitely deserve this mmr though, mainly we all are terrible, terrible gankers and at rotations and most farm very poorly.


                                          i still type " ez " or " ?? " after every kill #confirmed1kmmr

                                          and now i understand why im muted after a 20+kills game

                                          enjoy dem mutes

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            u can still press chat well played every time som1 die XD


                                              I have 2 accounts, my main on 4.8k and my sub on 4.1k.
                                              I try climbing on my 4.1k but its impossible getting flamed when I support and flamed when lose mid against 3. its like they want to lose

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                ^ EAT SOME GRASS GET STRONK AND WIN


                                                  4.5k-5k is absolute shit its actually annoying they think they should hc and mid and end up losing lane every game


                                                    I don't want to ofend you but, since when you're sub 4k?

                                                    So far, if you're X6, I see 2900 MMR on your main.

                                                    Never seen you above 3200 MMR and because of that, I can't call you legit sub 4k.

                                                    You might been several times on smurfs around that rating, but, that doesnt make you sub 4k player.

                                                    One more thing, you might be right about lots of stuff, but keep in this in mind:

                                                    Any legit sub 4k player would wreck any sub 3k player 99% of the time.

                                                    Difference is noticable.

                                                    There are several reasons why sub 4k players are sub 4k players.

                                                    Some of them got struggle with map-awarness, some of them with spamming the same hero, and some of them just play casualy and dont give a fuck much.

                                                    One way or another, you are right to some extent, but just to some extent..

                                                    Every time I drop from 3.7k(3.4k or lower) I find games to be less enjoyable then in high 3k bracket.

                                                    Yes people tend to flame more, but at least, they have some idea how to play at least SOME of the heroes..

                                                    In low 3k everything is RANDOM. EVERYTHING>


                                                      btw nice name on ur main x6 :D

                                                      kvasius # KSVM

                                                        1.6-2k best bracket ever.

                                                        Natsuki Subaru

                                                          Ignore team, play pubstomp doto, make your team shut the fuck up after u secured ur win

                                                          Mortimer Smith

                                                            SUB 4K = LESS THAN 4K

                                                            I WAS REFERING TO 3000-3999


                                                              @ X6

                                                              Okay bro.


                                                                Meh I enjoy low to mid 3k but I had to grind up from 2150 so I appreciate it more I guess. Flaming wise I think 2.5k worse Ive ever experienced.


                                                                  Actually, I started below 2k but surprisingly I found the worst teammates around 2.8k. Being close to 3k makes people go mad.


                                                                    U might be right pela that might be Partly why I trenched at 2.8kso long.


                                                                      its true im 5.4k right now i made a 2k acc to play with my completely new friend. all i do is get flamed in games ;/ so sad


                                                                        the games arent even ranked i dont understand the frustration



                                                                          In the Bracket arround 3.8-4.5k there are mainly 3 Types of ppl, who are stuck there:

                                                                          a) Tunnelvision casuals, who have a proper execution but lack a higher understanding of the game+do not care. They love to play "skill" or "fun" heros (techies, pudge, invoker, puck, qop) no matter what happens. They often random and just play for fun. They don't rage, cause they do not take the game serious at all. Yet, they are quite talented some times, they just gif not enough fucks. They do not read changelogs etc. They could escape the tier with ease, but they just do not want to.

                                                                          b) Untalented tryhards. They try to win, but they have just limited hand eye coordination and lack game sense. But at least they try. They support often, they buy wards, they do not rage but they fail often.

                                                                          c) Ragers. They have gamesense, they want to win, but they get frustrated too often by the other 2 types of players and ruin games by flaming etc. They pick a 2. carry, cause they had placed their icon on safelane and type a) just randomed a carry. These players could get easy out of the trench by just accepting, that they can't change their teammates, just accept them. They could escape the trench, but they are just overwhelmed by their emotions.

                                                                          Btw. These applies to all "tiers":

                                                                          2k, 3k, 4k, 5k.

                                                                          You have ppl who can't move out of there cause they lack:

                                                                          - Talent

                                                                          - Motivation

                                                                          - The right mindset

                                                                          If you put these 3 things to a max, you reach your max MMR.

                                                                          Just watch a versuta game. This guy is the most toxic fuck you could ever meet. Yet he is quite talented. Or envy. This guy is so fucking unsymphatic. I ask myself if he got ever laid.

                                                                          Is he rly like that? Is he autistic or whats his fucking problem. I can't stand his stream. He is so fucking annoying.

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                          plz do

                                                                            people get frustrated over themselves and blame others. its a natural defense mechanism of our psyche in order to protect ourselves. I takes a while to have enough insight - dunning kruger. BUT if you start to blame yourself for everything, you give up. So, this defense mechanism is actually very important. It just seems ignorant sometimes and is annoying.
                                                                            E. g.:
                                                                            -> i get bad grades - I blame students, who are better, or teacher => ok. whatever, fuck 'em. I still pwn in dota.
                                                                            -> i get bad grades - I blame myself. I give up on myself. => selfesteem is shit. feed in dota.


                                                                              Well I think my lack of progression is mostly due to the fact that between work and taking care of family and what not I get4- 5 hours of sleep or 6 if I get to sleep In on weekend until son awake . Next thing holding me back gots to be talent Cuz I never flame In games and I always try hard / want to win.


                                                                                I don't think it's "3k is the worst," I think its "3k has the largest population"


                                                                                  Largest population that's active here maybe but 2k has more people for sure.


                                                                                    + When i play support carry it's shit
                                                                                    + When i play carry support it's shit
                                                                                    + When i play mid i suck mid
                                                                                    + When i play offlane others lane are DOOMED
                                                                                    + When i play jungle they blame me

                                                                                    And this is why i can't reach 4k solo, but at last i got lucky and going up to party mmr a lot way EASYER.

                                                                                    When i play with friends:
                                                                                    When i play alone:

                                                                                    Low Expectations

                                                                                      I can confirm that 3,5-4k is the worst kind of hell that exists. Every game now (4k) is like 5x more enjoyable that retards who die then flame the entire team for not dying with them

                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        ^frankie if you really want to climb keep in mind you should be able to solo carry if you can develop 5k+ skill

                                                                                        even with 4 garbage teammaes you should he able to easily outfarm 4k trashcans

                                                                                        i dont play support as much but sometimes you can just win the game by smoke ganking mid/offlane 3 times and making their entire team tilt


                                                                                          ^Even with jungle stacked, even with ganks (I go often every 2 minute for the rune), even if warding and all i can't just win.
                                                                                          It's just frustrating, it's better to play with friends who does stacks, play good and teamplay even better.
                                                                                          There is no real reason for go solo ranked, it's just a russian roulette (haha) in the fucking hell where you get shoot EVERYITIME

                                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                                            4K players so guud


                                                                                            Low Expectations

                                                                                              BTW how the fuck can u lack "talent under 4k, srsly people who lose in sub 4k are most often just casuals 3.9 tryhards lack talent or for some other reason cant climb (game sense, reaction time, mapawareness etc)

                                                                                              Low Expectations

                                                                                                ^^^Also Frankie u cant win because u dont know how to farm, you dont know when ur hero peaks and u complain on others when its 50% of the time ur own fault ur losing the game


                                                                                                  Mostly is becuase people are assholes, i don't mind if miss a hook or two or make some mistakes, but asking to do rosh lvl 1 at 0:10 for the creeps to start against a pudge... just play stupid, this guy after he was killed (obvs) just stood in base for 3 minutes, then went to lane again and fed game.. you can always have retards with a shitty attitude, not shitty plays.





                                                                                                      It took me a really super hard time getting to 4k from 3.9k. I even went down to 3.7k at one point. The main problem is that I keep getting pinoy dcers and laggers, and every time when they are in the same match as me, they'll be in my freaking team. I almost always did well, it's just my team. (disclaimer: I'm not hating on pinoys, I'm just pointing out their poor internet connections)

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                                                                                                      MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS
