General Discussion

General DiscussionI need advice in 3.6k-3.8k

I need advice in 3.6k-3.8k in General Discussion

    I've been hanging around there for a while, it's really difficult to Carry now. I sometimes get good teammates sometimes pretty bad. Is there any advice? Also I would like to know what type of heroes should I play. Should I play carry, Mid, Support or good Teamfighters?


      pick last or 2nd to last, get carry when ever you can. Pick heroes who are good late game even if you cant get carry, try to pick what your team needs and what counters the other team.

      If do get carry focus on farming until you have your items, hold a TP so you can join fights but don't join in unless it looks like you can win. smoke into the pit & kill rosh early (also do this when ever he is up unless you Need to be some where else). take lane farm over jungle when ever you can farm a lane safely, when you kill a wave go farm a jungle camp, then come back for the next wave. If your team takes a fight they cant win TP/walk to another lane and start pushing, back off if the other team is coming for you.

      Save for buy back late game, and if your team doesn't have enough people alive to defend late game don't go in 1v5 and die, be super careful until you are actually ready to fight. Soo many games get thrown cuz people don't have BB, or die one at a time trying to defend racks instead of w8ing for enough people to actually chase the other team off.


        I dont agree. Carries dont have the most game impact. It is the space creators and rats.
        Go mid and pick something that let you gank easy. Then your carry can farm and later win with autoattack.

        But it is impossible to give advice to that kind of small bracket specifically.


          But sometimes your carries make bad decisions and can't farm efficiently and sit around mid waiting for someone to start a fight. I honestly don't know if going mid all the time will be easy mmr for me, it used to be but now people are getting better as mmr goes higher.

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            Above 3500 people can usually free farm with a carry. If they dont, it is usually possible to tell them to do it. There is always exceptions.


              Well, if mid is not for you, then get a support that kan push lanes, create space and is hard to kill.
              Perfect examples are Mirana and WR.
              But it is possible to play semi support with heroes like Bounty and Riki. Also good choices. They create space without much gold and they have impact during the late game with the right items.

              Last picking is 4 pussies

                Are your mirana and wr really support? I mean by that your talking 3-4 position.

                I would say work on offlane heros since that is the lane that if won hurts the other teams primary hard carry and also stresses the mid lane. Plus if your the offlaner and don't feed then your already better off then if you had a bad offlaner.

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                casual gamer

                  here is carry advice for you

                  hit more creeps in less time

                  hit creeps then show up to fights by your towers with tp

                  sometimes hit creeps and trade towers instead of showing up to a bad fight

                  dont die by getting ganked while hitting creeps


                    Other alternatives for Mirana and WR are to play Jugger and AM as support. Jugger is strong early wihtout farm and have good escape. Both AM and Jugger can push the lanes and cant be ganked by one enemy.
                    Venomancer with one or two escape items are another alternative.
                    I also think Broodmother as support would work if you stay at the mid lane. She is strong early wihtout farm and she is hard to kill, good push. And se has the best scout potentiall in the game.

                    Edit: AM can harass the enemy offlaner with mana burn. He is strong in that sense. And his magic resistance combined with blink also make him strong early in a defensive aspect.

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                      Well, as I argued above. All heroes that are strong early without farm and has good escape are good support.


                        It all comes down if you're good enough to get out of that mmr.

                        If you are, you will with time.

                        There is no magical advice that will help you move on.

                        As you did with 2k with a little help from me, you'll get out of 3k with a little help from some other guy, better then me.

                        Just learn, I'd say you're fast learner.

                        Btw, best advice I can give you is this:

                        Don't give up. Don't play if you're mad. Don't pick heroes that can be easily coutered if you don't know what are you doing, eg, if you're not sure you can do good in that match.

                        Last thing, people from 3.7-3.8k might come from 4k bracket aswell, so assume they can be somewhat better then casual 3k players, so supporthing them isn't that bad.


                          If you dont seem to be doing anything wrong but you still lose, then get stronger picks and force your teammates to do so also, troll, jugg, sniper, storm, these fellas wreck games, its a repetitive meta but whatever, winning is the key.

                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                            Best advice is actually don't flame your teammates and get put into the hidden pool.


                              I can teach you how to get out of 3k trashkan bracket for 5$/hour, payment western union. If you are interested add me on steam

                              Natsuki Subaru

                                Storm spirit is good against noobs (solo kill snowball)
                                Earth spirit owns storm spirit
                                Spirit Breaker owns most of the time
                                Shadow Fiend owns if there are no gankers (make sure to farm fast and dont die)
                                Lina owns when you can snowball mid
                                Sniper owns with a good team
                                Omniknight is just omniknight
                                THat's pretty much your hero pool to increase mmr.


                                  Last picking is 4 xxxxxxx

                                  Can you explain what the hidden pool is?

                                  "Shadow Fiend owns if there are no gankers"

                                  Two people with blade mail and dust own him. He cant attack and he cant escape.

                                  edit: how can Omni possible be good when both repel and his ulti can be purged?

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                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    Hidden pool is where all the people who get rated low or sent to low priority to to my understanding.

                                    I realize for sure I'm there based on well my own flaming mouth in conjunction with the fact in 3 games yesterday I had one other English speaking Peru and specters who skip radiance......

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      And you get rated low if you are reported?


                                        OK, I guess so.


                                          Just pick Sniper


                                            why no keep playin ta? seems ur comfortable with her

                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              It all comes down if you're good enough to get out of that mmr. 3k player tries to talk to an other 3k player

                                              If you are, you will with time. 3k player still is talking...

                                              There is no magical advice that will help you move on.The lies are real with this one

                                              As you did with 2k with a little help from me, you'll get out of 3k with a little help from some other guy, better then me. Suddenly i feel very bad for OP

                                              Just learn, I'd say you're fast learner.Said 3k bracket player

                                              Btw, best advice I can give you is this: Oh, dis gun b gud

                                              Don't give up. Don't play if you're mad. Don't pick heroes that can be easily coutered if you don't know what are you doing, eg, if you're not sure you can do good in that match.DOn't give up? 10/10 advice. Playing a game when you're mad can work if you play agressive heroes, buuut whatever. Don't pick heroes you're shit with? Outstanding advice. It will help him so much.

                                              Last thing, people from 3.7-3.8k might come from 4k bracket aswell, so assume they can be somewhat better then casual 3k players, so supporthing them isn't that bad.yeah, those 200mmr makes the difference. Might aswell worship them, cuz as well all know, 4k is totally godlike bracket.

                                              Low Expectations

                                                ^I dunno went from 3,8 to 4,2 and the diffrence is fucking huge actually feels like I can rely on my teammates, to do their fucking job and even if we lose early game most people know more or less what to do to recover so Id say 200 mmr means alot

                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  8 wins = huge skillgap.

                                                  Roger that. Please transfer me direcly to the president, i have urgent news to deliver. This guy is speaking the truth.


                                                    where is tah presitenti


                                                      I really like the way he talks...

                                                      With all of that enthusiasm, man.

                                                      He really likes me. : D : D : D

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                      casual gamer

                                                        btw people cant freefarm at 3.5k, people can hardly freefarm at 4.5k either

                                                        and pls dont play antimage as a support, you will be 700 hp all game...


                                                          I heard Benano is a pretty good coach

                                                          Giff me Wingman


                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              looks like you need to contact benano for advice on bb-codes usage copy pasting links, Blunt

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                N0. It wasn't the BB code itself, it was the URL which was not a direct URL D:

                                                                But we should make a thread where we hopeless fools ask the master benao for advice how to get out of our 5-6k scrub bracket. Mods should also make a sticky of it.


                                                                  Blunt you're just a noob.

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