General Discussion

General DiscussionRemove party mmr and stacks in ranked?

Remove party mmr and stacks in ranked? in General Discussion

    Does anyone else think this is a good idea. The amount of times I get fucked by duo where the higher mmr player picks support and the lower mmr player picks carry and doesnt know how to farm or when a duo circle jerks each other and wont accept each others mistakes and they proceed to blame everyone else on the team.

    edit:Lol turns out I just got chat banned from a couple of idiots in stack

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      most of players ask for it.

      Mortimer Smith

        S T F U


          No need to remove. Just add the option for solo players to only play with other solo players. Both in normal games and in ranked. I have ZERO interest in playing with or against stacks when I play solo. It is only bad for me, in almost all aspects.

          You wana play with your friend(s)? Fine, go play with and VS other stacks then. Dont ruin the games for the solo players. The most fucked up games are the ones including stacks. Just look at my last game. This feeding. I never seen anything like it.

          The stacks were Tusk+WR and Pudge+Undying.

          My last game for the evening totally ruind by stacks. First game with stacks on this account. As well as my worst KDA on this account.


            removed party mmr gonna result in me leaving doto since there will be nothing interesting left


              I played so many games with bad 4 man stacks VS good 4 man stacks. It usually ends with them all 4 reporting me. If they didnt allready report me during the draft phase for the CM draft I made instead of picking the heroes they asked for.


                ^thats possible only in NMM. RMM in these terms is much better for you.


                  Same thing in ranked but then it is 3 man stacks instead of 4 man stacks. Not very big difference.


                    ^nope, you are wrong. in solo q you can get only 2-men stack. 3-men stack always gets matched with 2x stacks (3+2 vs 3+2)

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      Is that changed recently? I have played around 2000 ranked games and I am very sure I played with 3 man stacks. Difference in CM and AP maybe?


                        Or they just can bring back the solo queue option that they once had and everything will run like a clock again. No harm, no foul.

                        Notice: I think TripleSteal is right, there is equalization in terms of stacks in both teams.

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                          ^afair it was possible untill approximately 6-8 months ago
                          dont think there is a difference between AP and CM, but I cant state this for sure. My experience comes from AP tho.


                            ^jake tyler
                            if they make solo real solo (no 2 stacks allowed), it will greatly increase delay in finding match for dual stacks, since there are relatuvely few threesome parties in comparison to classical duals.


                              Well, let say I play with two 2 man stacks. If one out of these four gets made at me for any reason, it is like 50% that all four insult me and/or report me. Guy number one gets mad at me, then his friend joins him. If the games goes bad, they blame me and soon the other 2 man stack start blaming me also (2v1 turns into 4v1, it is human biology). And two 2 man stacks vs two 2 man stacks can also be very unblanced depending on internal mmr differences and picks etc.

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                                Well, increased waiting for two man stacks can be worth having for them selves also since many of them also play solo.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I think it's fine, I queue with a 2nd guy from time to time and don't want to wait forever. I feel the pain though, sometimes you get two morons who pick shit that doesn't sync at all, like they'll hog carry mid and pick a 3rd carry for offlane when you are short supports.


                                    I cant understand why is this even allowed, i've seen the scenario you described way too many times, ie: we are all 4k mmr, the party guys are 4500 and his friend 3500... the damage a 3500 guy can make on a team is not compensated by a 4500mmr, and SPECIALLY WHEN THE 3500 PICKS CARRY, WICH THEY ALWAYS DO OR TRY TO.


                                      One way to solve this waiting issue for 2 man stacks is to let solo players choose to play with stacks if they want to. The stack players can choose to play with stacks when they play solo.

                                      Also, let people q for BOTH normal games and ranked games at the SAME TIME. Ofc, you get the normal game first, but you could weight your preferences for NMM and RMM.

                                      Example: My desire might be 70% RMM and 30% NMM.


                                        I mean the possibilities are endless. You could make a technical rules that "says" that you need 10 solo games in a row in order to play games with 10 solo players. If you after that play stacked, then you are back to playing mix games with both solo players and stacks.

                                        Seems fair to me. But the number 10 can be discussed ofc.


                                          Needs to be 5 man ranked and solo ranked that's it. 2-4 man stack play unranked


                                            I remember a ranked game without stacks, but it is still relevant since similiare things happens during stack games.

                                            Most people in the game had around 3k and 3.5k mmr. In my team we had one guy on 5.2k or something like that. And their team had two guys on 4k mmr.

                                            Our 5.2k guy had almost no game impact. Maybe since he was alone with high mmr, or that he picked carry and we failed to make space, I dont remember. The two 4k guys won the game for the other team.

                                            edit: waiting time for this game was like 30 min during the night.

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                                              Duo stacks have nothing to do in solo ranked and should be banned from it a long long time ago.


                                                This topic doesnt seem to interest many people. Maybe people in general like the fucked up stack games and know that there is 50% chance that they will be the winners anyway.


                                                  Yes, got matched with another 2 man stack in my second game for the day. They feed instead of farm. Then they report me and Pudge abuse me by blink into the forest and then hook me into the forest more or less the entire game. Fun. Ty Valve for letting me play with stacks as a solo player.

                                                  We had more carries and still my team try to fight early instead of farming behind my mines - and then they blame me.



                                                    Yet another fucked up game with a 2 man stack in each team.
                                                    TB+Disruptor and BH+Tree

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                                                      Well, yet another fucked up game with a 2 man stack in each team. This Time I had the good stack. But since two solo players left fro our team we eventually couldnt stand the 5 man push.

                                                      Natsuki Subaru

                                                        It's actually godsent that he is a carry and will only farm and right click (unless you screwed up your early game, therefore lategame will be harder and more reliant on your carry). It's your fault for not picking an early game snowballer then. You play to win in MMR, and to win you need to be ahead economy-wise, and to be ahead you need map-control, and to have map control you have to scare the shit out of anyone showing themselves on the map.


                                                          Maybe post you comment on the right topic? Much more easier that way.


                                                            Another fucked up game with stacks.
                                                            We had the game. Everything was solid. But since we had no communication and team play in our team, and I guess they had much communication in Dire they totally crushed us even if we had better picks and had the game.
                                                            Silencer + Gyro
                                                            Lin + PL
                                                            and me solo


                                                            I made most hero damage and tower damage, buying wards and Necronomicon, but still I was told I was the most useless player. That is nice.

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              And another fucked game with stacks.

                                                              Lina was lvl 8 mid when SF was lvl 11. SF ganked me two times in jungle. And all other feed. Lina ganked nothing.



                                                                Now a fucked up game with a four man stack in each team. We won without losing even one T1. But Clockwork in our team still cried for report on me since I didnt let him solo the hard lane or since I didnt do what HE wanted me to do in general. He even asked the opponents to report me. Very sad people that behave this way. Even if we have the most easy game possible they still want to abuse the report system. People like this are the toxic that make this community so psycopathic and evil and totaly almost loveless.


                                                                  Today I was blessed. This was my only fucked up game with stacks for the day. To bad it was my last.



                                                                  Mid storm: 21 3 5 and godlike
                                                                  Mid ES that called mid before all players loaded: 6 7 3
                                                                  SK did NOTHING at all the whole game.
                                                                  WK just auto attacked creeps the whole game. He even farmed the jungle afk on lvl 4 so it was just to go there and kill him.

                                                                  edit: ohh, it turns out that ES has six lost games with ES in a row. Ty Valve for letting me play with this guy and his completly useless friend.

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                    REMOVE PEOPLE FROM RANKED?


                                                                      And yes, my first game today was with stacks. Completly fucked up game.
                                                                      My team started to flame me at min 5 so I muted all of them. Then they just feed. And feed. And no farm.





                                                                        Zai and puppey stacking together and playing vs eternal envy who is solo queuing. Due to Zai's much lower party mmr compared to his solo mmr, their team end up having 5k mmr average compared to envy's team with 5.4k average. Envy was solo queuing with 7k solo mmr.

                                                                        As a result envy and 6.8k solo queue player in his team end up losing 45 points because the mm system assumed that Envys team had a much higher average mmr, which never would've happened if there were only solo queue players in the game.


                                                                          Mmm, I think they can keep the party MMR for 5 man stacks only. All other stacks que with their solo MMR. That would solve some of the blanace problems but not all.


                                                                            And here is one more fucked up game with a two man stack.
                                                                            We didnt even get the mid tower.


                                                                            ES didnt jump on them one time. He tried once. But failed. Pressed ulti before blink or something.

                                                                            I guess venge and kotl supported each other. They sure didnt support me.

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                                                                                Well, this game was so fucked up so I pots it here even if there was no stacks in it.
                                                                                We had the game easy. Just check the xp graph.
                                                                                But Lina Sniper and Gyro suddenly stoped playing. I guess the reason was that I didnt buy MKB with Void.
                                                                                IMO it was enough that Sniper had BKB. I wanted damage and escape items.
                                                                                But since I was muted for calling trash players trash, I couldnt explain to these trash players why I didnt want to buy MKB.


                                                                                Edit: and ofc my whole team cried report because I didnt buy MKB.

                                                                                GG WP Valve

                                                                                Edit 2: and how am I supposed to be able to predict victories with prediction charms if 3 palyers in my team stop playing even if our team have both gold and experience advantage? To be honest, I want my money back!!!

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                  Solo queue will not be added back to the game. It is the price you have to pay for introducing mmr system. Enjoy!!!!!


                                                                                    Enjoy? How do you mean now?


                                                                                      Didn't players ask for ranked system? Turns out Valve listened, but at the same time they didn't want to create more pools.


                                                                                        Don't like it? Don't play it


                                                                                          Remove randoming from ranked. that's all i ask


                                                                                            not sure whats to be done here since itll screw parties but I can def say it sucks having a stack on your team they usually only work with each other and flame a lot or one sucks so bad it tanks the game.





                                                                                                Well, most people seem to be very aware of this. Valve just dont care.

                                                                                                Cash > good games


                                                                                                  Yes, here is a nother fucked up game. This time with a three man stack that speak their own private language.

                                                                                                  They let me solo hard lane with sniper vs Sand King and Void. SK and Void tower dive me over and over. My team dont help me once. They dont even care it seems. Later in the game when Radiant start to win they start to whine on my "feed" and report me.

                                                                                                  But then Radiant throw the game over and over and we won. Basically since me and pudge try to rat them with boots of travel, which make Void do a buy back and then he dies vs me and pudge without killing anyone of us. And since Void was the only hero with good farm in their team we won. He did not belong to the stack.

                                                                                                  But hey. I am the one to blame the 3 man stack in my team thinks.


                                                                                                  One word for this stack in my team: trash


                                                                                                    Wow this was a fucked up game with rare proportions. A two man stack in each team.

                                                                                                    WL+Doom in my team
                                                                                                    QOP+Lina in Radiant.

                                                                                                    Doom go afk jungle untill he has his min 12 midas. Then he just feed.

                                                                                                    I created space with BS mid and had 5-1-0. But my team just feed. And feed. So we lost.


                                                                                                      The fucked up stack games jsut keep coming today.

                                                                                                      Now venge+wk in my team. Completly useless stack. Got help from them once. WK just autoattack the whole game towards radiant base untill he got killed. Venge feed up to 1-13

                                                                                                      In radiant Tech+AM was the stack. Tech completly uselss. But my team made AM godlike for no reason. So we lost. Just check the xp graph. I made it more or less solo to our favour 99% of the game. Then zeus left and i have to defend the base 1v5.

                                                                                                      Ty Valve. Good game, Well Designed.


                                                                                                        if you focus so hard on stacks being shitty, you're going to be unhappy every time you run into one. i run into stacks all the time and never have any problems. i think this is a personal problem. also, there is just as high of a chance of the stack on the other team being shitty. honestly, it seems like you would be better suited to a 1v1 game like starcraft 2 if you can't handle interacting with other people.