Deso looks cool on paper but in reality its a waste of slots since you already melt buildings and heroes. Theres no point.
deso if you have huge lead, but meta nowadays , comeback mechanism, this item is risky on any hero imo.
They don't really have synergy. Vlad's increasing dmg only from stat items, which isn't deso so I really don't see the point. If going vlad's you'll want to do stat items like manta/s&y, skadi, butterfly, not deso.
The only reason to go vlads over dominator is if you have a melee heavy team and you want to build it for them, or if you are stacking lifesteals like with wraith king. Like if I have an offlane void or a sven or something I might vlads for them.
the other reason is when you get an attack modifier like deso that means you can't get dominator, which is an extremely cost effective damage item, which synergises with troll's high attack speed.
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