General Discussion

General DiscussionEul on storm?

Eul on storm? in General Discussion

    Is it safer to go orchid>eul>bloodstone now or even first item? Because storms very popular right now so the rise in silencers and other orchid hero has been rising aswell. I think its a safer item to get if you have bad vision or when a solo support seems to be baiting but their ennemys are backing them up, eul and ball away as a retreat sounds like a good purchase. Plus the mana regen and MS is excellent.


      no, its not good, it doesnt save you that much early in the game, doesn't accelerate your farm enough as it doesnt give health regen to tank neutrals. Best first item is bloodstone if they have no lina/qop or something that REALLY needs to be silenced that early. Orchid if u rly need. Or bkb if they really have that much silences/stuns.


        It's a decent item later in the game to counter their orchid though


          it's good


            i like it vs spirit breaker

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            ULTRA INSTINCT

              it's good when you are behind,you dont really want to go bkb first anyway(at least eul gives you some mana regen) so eul is situational ,but if you're owning it's better to go orchid+bloodstone then bkb
              it is also quite good against silencer,skywrath
              and if you're losing against QoP,you should get it


                its good against heroes that go orchid like QOP, or heroes with silence ;Skyrathmage, silencer etc
                Also surprisingly good against Kotol, when he manaleaks you, just euls and it will purge the mana leak


                  wat abt linkens. i like linkens on storm since i split push a lot. ofcourse, i make it after orchid/bloodstone

                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                    Better get a BKB instead.


                      BKB costs more gold, Magic immunity is nice, but if the lineup only has few silences you have to worry about, euls is much better since it also gives much more mana regen than bkb


                        I'm not conviced. You're super squishy with eul-orchid build (sumail's main build from what I've noticed). He can play this way, because he is the best Storm in the world with perfect positioning, but for normal mortals I think it's shit. Eul-Bloodstone is a little better, but I think if u really want to survive early on Bloodstone rush is the way to go.


                          I play storm alot and its situationaly good, if they have low disables and orchid hero,silence euls is good, i hate bkb on storm i really hate it , euls is good but not every game, when im against qop i go for orchid first item , if the game is even i look at her items , if she is building orchid first too , i go euls second item unless im raping them , but even if ur raping them with orchid she can kill u with help with euls not anymore , against riki i might go forcestaff , everything is situational .




                            this one with eth blade making troll lycan or od unable to rightclick was amazing pickup , we lost cuz i dced for about 3 mins found that we lost cuz my team didnt pause or the enemy kept unpausing im not sure i reconnected to find the enemy gg pushed us before i reconnect it was there only chance