General Discussion

General DiscussionNew PC

New PC in General Discussion

    What for:
    - streaming, gaming (mostly Dota 2 but games in general).
    Budget: 620$ for case only. I'll get a 21.5" 1920x1080 full HD monitor.
    Any better options than i5 4460 and GTX 960 in this price range? Really looking for different opinions because in this price range I can't get much more but I want to get the best performance for my money otherwise I'm not spending.
    And if anyone has a GTX 960, how much average fps on Dota 2 with ultra high settings? Thanks.


      Buy used Radeon R9 280X and you'll get better and much cheeper gpu for really good price. I5 4460 is good, add 8GB ram and 250GB ssd (you got 100$ from gpu) and you're pretty much done.

      kanye went to uni

        i remember reading that ssds were bug prone a few years back and i stopped keeping up with computer hardware stuff; is that still the case? and do you know what a good sort of price range for them (in usd) would be?


          get a K i5 with unlocked multiplier so u can overclock it pretty ez and get some extra power

          Giff me Wingman

            You should focus more on the CPU than the GPU. Since you want to stream you would want a strong CPU. Dota runs with high FPS even on low ass graphicscard. It even runs smooth on onboard graphicscard.


              look for SSD deals online, typical 256gb SSD should cost $100 as a good deal.
              i5 4460 is fine, GTX960 is not that good, I do agree with getting a used R9 280X/7970 (Same thing) better than gtx960...
              dota 2 has ultra high? i thought the ceiling was high.


                yo kumbomaman can i ask u a feq things about coaching? mind if i add u?

                bum farto

                  Kumbo, you know a 4690 costs about the same as a 4650 right, and if you're streaming you will want as good a CPU as you can get.


                    @^. Sure, you can add me.
                    @Havoc Badger Do you mind if you make me a wishlist with all components when you have spare time? I know I want as better CPU as I can get but I figured that 4460 will make it through. And my budget is kinda limited if I get 4690.
                    Also I don't know shit about overclocking so I won't do that.

                    bum farto

                      I will message you later with something. Any website preference for shopping?


                        No need to get 4690, it's just waste of money. You'll get 4690k, or you'll get 4460.

                        Getting used r9 280x/7970ghz ed. is bad, since most of them are used for cript.valute eg. mining/bitcoins, etc.

                        You may get lucky but it's really risky, esp. if you're not exp. that much.

                        On the other hand, I already told you everything you need to know about Dota 2/fps related things several times.

                        And on the other hand, you can check out that also on Youtube. There are several videos showing performance of listed cards and cpu's in Dota 2.

                        No need to bother with that actually, since that setup will run dota 2 smoothly.

                        Will get online later so I'll help you more bro.

                        See ya.

                        bum farto

                          @shred you to bits
                          11-13% increase on most benchmarks for about $20 is not a waste of money, even the 4690s performs better than the 4460 and when streaming CPU performance matters the most.

                          I built a PC for someone who plays dota2 and he is maxed out on a 1920x1200 playing above 60 easily so I would imagine as a guess you should get equal or better performance on a 960 which actually benchmark nicely against others for its price. Dota2 isn't all that demanding of a game so I would put more into longevity of use over current Dota2 needs.


                            Longevity of 4460 is the same as 4690. When first gets too slow, other will be too. I dont know about the prices in your country, but here in our country the difference between them is like 40 eur if not more.

                            bum farto

                    ,80810 there is quite a difference in speed over all for marginal cost, while yes speed is relative and all things have a shelf life why not spend the extra $20-$30 to get that little extra. If building budget makes you cut the wrong corners you may as well not bother.

                              Here is the list.... somethings to note and suggest.

                              1. Go for 8GB now and upgrade to 16 (if you want) when you have more cash
                              2. The 128 SSD should suffice but you may want to consider a storage drive or another SSD as a games drive down the line.
                              3. You might have to stretch your budget for a good PSU, the one I selected was to fit the budget but it scares me how little it costs, Silverstone make phenomenal PSU's but at a cost. Something to consider.
                              4. All the parts come from two store Newegg which has a Europe office now, and some other unknown. So it means you can get the parts from one source rather than multiple.

                              I think all round its ok but I have tried to keep to budget while maintaining the integrity of the build. You do not want to go cheap on things like the PSU, and motherboard as those are the backbone of your system and you can really fuck up not buying the right ones in favor of value.


                                @Havoc Badger I will buy all the components from PCGarage (a romanian reseller shop). They pretty much have everything.
                                Here is a wishlist that one of the PCGarage specialists recommended to me:
                                I think it's really well rounded and I love the monitor as well. That monitor will be the one that I'm getting although I dunno about the GPU. I feel like I want a GTX 960 at least.

                                bum farto

                                  Hmm, that is pretty bad. While I don't manage processes and background apps as well as I should, idling my pc uses 3.2/16GB so 4gb seriously won't cut it. I can do a screenshot of it with dota2 running but you will suffer quite a bit and 4GB will bottleneck your PC quite badly.

                                  Asrock are known for subpar components as the company is owned by ASUS to stay in competition with other cheap suppliers. ASUS make quality boards but can't go cheap without hurting their name, so they own ASrock who sell cheap shit so they cover the market but don't hurt the name of ASUS. Gigabyte or ASUS all the way for design and quality though I prefer intel cause they remove all the extra's but still give you immense quality of build.

                                  Also with H81 you're limited to single dimms per channel so you will have to plan for the future if you don't want to be stuck with components if you're going to potentially upgrade.


                                    I suggest you to buy components from one of those 2 German shops. Really great prices and they're very reliable.


                                    bum farto

                                      ^ Do they ship to RO though I think that's the deciding factor in a lot of this.


                                        Those 2 ship to every country in EU and the cost is only 11Eur for whatever weight

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Just get an r9 270. Unless you're trying to play inquisition with 8x msaa there's no point in going higher because it'll run everything without msaa on ultra settings and for price you'll get just as much out of it as you will the 280x. The 280x is about $100 more or about 66% more, but you won't get 66% more time out of it before it goes obsolete. You upgrade gpus every 2-4 years anyway so it's not usually worth buying anything over $200 unless you just have to have extreme performance to play like 4k resolutions or msaa. That $300 card is going to go obsolete almost in the same time frame. The price performance sweet spot is 150-200 range.


                                            I think this is the final version.
                                            I know that 4 GB RAM is not much but I will just get another stick later.
                                            I can't fit 8 GB RAM + i5 CPU + good GPU in 620$, not possible.
                                            What do you guys think about the build?

                                            the realm's delight

                                              iti dau un sfat sa nu iei de la pcgarage

                                              bum farto

                                                3100 Romanian Leu equals 762.10 US Dollar says the current exchange rate. So you're going overbudget by $100 by using that shitty website.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Uhhh is that power supply sufficent? I don't think 450w is enough. I can't really tell on that page, but on newegg all the r9 270s require a 500w psu or more. I'd go more like 600+ with appropriate rails.

                                                  Also you do not want to go a single 4gb ram slot. That processor/mobo combo uses dual channel ram so going 2x2gb will be better performance.

                                                  The problem is that motherboard is a micro atx and only has 2 ram slots. The r9 270 isn't that big of a card, but cramming stuff onto a micro board is often hard.

                                                  It only holds 16gb of ram max on two slots. Not very good if you want to upgrade and ram is a super easy thing to upgrade normally. And since 8gb is pretty normal standard today for the very newest games I'd definitely want to have that upgrade option available. For example, my motherboard has 4 slots and I started with 2x2gb and just put another 2x4gb in it so now I'm at 12 in dual channel. That processor and video card are probably powerful enough to get you at least 3 years of gaming, possibly a lot more depending on how quickly games push hardware limits, but your ram capacity won't last that long. You'll be replacing that stick to drop in dual 8gb sticks most likely in 2-3 years.

                                                  It also only has 4 stata connections, which is probably enough, but hard drive is 1, dvd drive is 1, if you ever want another hard drive that's another and... I can't think of another for the 4th but most standard atx mobos have 6. You will most likely be fine with 4 but I don't know if you plan on putting more devices on it or not like a separate bluray drive or something. It's something to consider.

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                  bum farto

                                                    I have a PC more powerful than that and I have a 500w. Depends.....if you go good quality you can get lower power ones cause they are efficient and manage power well. His build shouldn't take more than 300ish even on load.

                                                    Hex Sigma


                                                      Look for "the next gen exterminator" it's 600 bucks. You can also see cheaper builds and afaik all of them are updated


                                                        @Havoc Badger It's 762$ because of the monitor + assembly service + DVI cable but the case is 620$ like I said.
                                                        @Timberwolf I don't use DVD Drive and about the RAM you might be right but I can't fit 8 GB in, not possible.
                                                        @abc123 De ce?


                                                          @kumbo i got a full pc + mouse, headphones in 5 orders i think. my friend also ordered his pc from pcg and he got it fine.

                                                          wishlist looks good. i dont think you can get a better gpu at that price. maybe 2nd hand only. or a clean 280 you will overclock to 280x, but again not sure if its worth. also super flower makes decent psu. if you dont trust it, you can go for a 500W sirtec bronze. too lazy to search for it atm. it should be 20-30 lei more expensive

                                                          i didnt watch prices for 6-8 months, but that i5 seems kind of expensive. try checking other sites.

                                                          the realm's delight

                                                            am luat de la ei de mai multe ori.. siberii v2 hdd si mouse, niciunu/una nu au tinut mult. sunt un fel de emag aia de la pcgarage. unele produse nici nu sunt originale. daca ti neaparat sa iei din romania iti recomand de la, altfel ia din afara.


                                                              I'm just gonna wait and gather more cash, the parts are gonna be 10% more expensive soon on the site that I want to buy so it gets over my budget. Thanks everyone for the help.


                                                                You're PC is half of it. You should also invest in a minimum of 30mb/s of download and upload speed. Unlimited. I also recommand 2 screens for streaming. It'll come out handy but you can start with 1, I guess you'll find out soon enought.