General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the mmr calibration limit?

What is the mmr calibration limit? in General Discussion

    So I found a guy, he is really convinced that can calibrate 5.6k and be in leaderboard, so he keeps creating smurfs and adding people to check their mme. I told him that he's retarded.

    What is the limit of calibration? I thought 4.8-4.9 max




        4.9k is max.
        Maybe if you get your unranked mmr above 5k and calibrate then, you would get over 5k.


          I've never seen anyone calibrating over 5k, even Wagamama calibrated 4.9k on his smurf


            ^ I think it was 4.6



              Ok, found it, Waga calibrated 5k and his highet peak on main was 7.5k
              Found his dotabuff too, his stats are insane, like 78% wr on TA with 8.5 KDA

              Probably 5k is the maximum mmr you can get without abusing (that has been patched). Any thoughts?

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                I'm not a gagamama expert but that tweet dates way before the 4.9 callibration cap was in place

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                  also tell him that FyyQ says that ur retarded


                    I'm fairly sure it's around 4.6-7~
                    The account sellers had this discussion, they are thinking about reselling 5k MMR accs for higher profit since smurfs only give 4.6k MMR now and require 20~ ranked games to climb which is essentially free boosting of said acc unless the price go up.

                    edit: friend had 89% winrate but got 4.6k MMR even though he has been stomping all games incl. ranked. He has several smurfs at 4.6k whilst his main is 6k MMR.

                    Definitely patched.

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                      This smurf thing is getting really retarded. They expect to get 5k+ out of nowhere. 5k is really high, like top 99.9%
                      I was expecting to calibrate 4-4.5k and i'm okay with it, i can climb if i deserve more


                        Yes, since the Zeus influx valve has decided to make 5k exclusive again. Not bad except most people just spam FotM heroes to get there or something like Meepo/ES.


                          its 4.9


                            My smurf got calibrated at 5106 solo mmr so it definitely possible to get over 5k.

                            Singsing once on his stream was talking with... Someone don't remember with who but the topic was s4's party mmr, they said that he got calibrated at 6.5k with his party mmr. I don't know how much truth was in that if he had that high party mmr after calibration.


                              seems reasonable to have a party mmr of 6.5k if that was what his solo mmr was no?


                                it's not about winrate bros it's like ranked you have hidden mmr not based on winrate but rather what kinds of wins also you can get 4.9 cali i did that on one account even tho i lost all 10 calibration games ^^

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