General Discussion

General DiscussionHero orbs

Hero orbs in General Discussion

    2 patches ago burning spear and fury swipes changed to not being orb effects anymore. Can we please have manabreak as not being an orb? It doesn't even stack with diffusal and the potential of getting Satanic on AM would make him a truly powerful late-game carry against the likes of troll and such.

    casual gamer

      s k a d i a n t i m a g e


        True! I believe the end-game build would be boots + stanic + skadi + manta + abysal +butterfly/mkb

        casual gamer

          i honestly dont think that antimage needs a buff, he seems to be in a pretty good spot

          it would be very nice to get hotd instead of vlads though, weaker push in exchange for the ability to stack ancients

          heart vs skadi is actually debatable, am makes very good use of the passive regen but i think if you get a satanic you would go for the skadi

          saving private RTZ


            Pom Pom 🍕

              It should stack with diffusal blade. They made the item a non-orb too last patch (so you can go DB+skadi/satanic/mom on pl for example)


                If you read the patch notes carefully, it does not. Which is kind of a small nerf to AM vs other carries.

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  Ah, "Multiple Manabreak type abilities do not stack". That kinda sucks.


                    He breaks enough mana imho =)


                      In my opinion, AM is in a desperate need of replacing that shitty Heart in his build with Skadi. So, yeah - RIOT fix it.


                        in HON from what i heard diffusal+mana break works but everyone goes/would go FOR DESOLATOR on antimage if it would work with mana break...

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          Antimage is fine. Seriously, he will not get changed.


                            @flame/kid/noob = muted: I have some friend who play both dota and hon. HoN's AM (magebane) has a bit more edge then magina, his 3rd skill acts as pugna's ward also which I find pretty cool making him a true anti-mage, also, when he blinks near allies it gives them a temporary magic resist increase, kind of like how mirana's leap works


                              HoN Anti-mage doesn't have an insanely large ulti range.

                              and desolate has 3 recipes and only requires one hammer.