General Discussion

General DiscussionWas this match even winnable?

Was this match even winnable? in General Discussion

    all 4 of Lion's kills are killsteals from me, and everyone else fed hard while laning and Lion didn't ward until like 20 minutes in.

    Was this match remotely winnable or was my team about as useful as Ebola?


      morphling was more farmed than meepo! feeder game


        Wouldn't doubt that, Morphling had a dominating streak within 7-8 minutes :T

          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

            I would have, but they kept sticking together, couldn't get any solo kills, and I couldn't be arsed to teamfight, my team instantly gets wiped out.

            casual gamer

              there's a certain point at around the 5 min mark where you have to man up and buy the wards, even if ur medusa or w/e

              OT: you could've tried to force tower trades and hero rotations in the mid game, ur tower damage is subpar for how fast u eat towers

              also while they do have lothars meepo it looks like none of them had detection so you coulda done terrible things to their towers if u just dropped a sentry wherever u pushed

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                And that would have stopped my team from feeding within the first 10 minutes, resulting in a 15 to 3 advantage against us, how?

                casual gamer

                  by raxing them because ur playing against the mentally subnormal



                    Yet they defended the lane avidly after the tier 1's, always showing up to stop someone while pushing a lane or sitting at the tower to repel the attack sio no ratting could be done.


                      your build on clinkz was questionable.

                      You get midas on clinkz generally as a part of the blinkz clinkz build. The idea being you sit in the jungle to farm quickly in between ganks and tower pushes so you are never seen by your enemies forcing them to play defensively. You Ulti and use midas to clear neutrals as main source of creep farm, and you use blink dagger for fights and to take towers.

                      Not going orchid / deso on clinkz is highyl questionable in normal bracket. You shouldn't need a skadi.... you want to destroy people before they are our of range, not slow them so they cant run away.

                      You shouldn't even be thinking about how bad your team mates may or may not have been. Also, there is no such thing as kill stealing. In only the most rare circumstances does the person who gets the kill actually matter at all, such as early FB for a naga rushing radiance, or your carry getting a kill streak in mid game.

                      Honestly, almost everyone in the game did "the wrong thing" just from looking at the end game stats.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        you played like trash

                        your item build was horrible, reasoning was horrible etc etc

                        if they five man and dont expose themselves to pick offs get a soul ring desolator and rat them, clinkz can push almost as fast as an entire team by himself

                        tl;dr it was winnable half the people here would have won it in your shoes easily

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        kanye went to uni

                          lol why mkb 1st? its not like pa's the only hero worth killing, esp that early on

                          and if they stick together then you can change lanes and pressure towers, if not then you can get pickoffs, you can't complain both ways

                          edit: LOL when i was typing those two comments werent there ... there you go

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            @Zenoth seriously I think everyone here has had enough of your overbearing attitude and offensive comments

                            how about you actually give some constructive feedback that we can learn from

                            you don't get to be so mean just because you have 5.8k MMR

                            on our way.


                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                @ Zenoth hater, he's 5.5k MMR ffs get your facts right

                                  Ten komentarz został usunięty


                                    you guys realize we can just click on your profiles and see that Contemplacion, Zenoth, I Hate this game and Maki all play together in matches right...?

                                    Humorous, but just sayin....

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      fuck skadi go for damage ffs


                                        1.Normal skill
                                        2.US server
                                        3.Fail skill build
                                        4.Fail item build
                                        5.You can't farm
                                        6.They had 5 carrys
                                        7.You suck
                                        8.Was pretty winnable if you ask me, you're just not good enough to win it
                                        9.That morph skill build

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          What he said, 7 and 8 are the reasons you lost.
                                          The enemy were beyond trash. Like PA mkb against zero zero evasion.
                                          36 min > 138 lh and midas, wut. You went "farming" and produced those numbers.

                                          Seriously those players are beyond trash as I said and you couldn't kill them with FREE DMG clinkz.
                                          I think the real issue here is you being a manchild and watching my little pony. Have yet to see a MLP fanboy above 3k.

                                          Pom Pom 🍕

                                            Everyone has so weird skillbuilds this game.


                                              didn't even notice how awful morph's skillbuild was.


                                                enemy team had 5 caries that means all u had to do in that game is farm up and splitpush and if someone comes to defend rek their faces

                                                u lost cuz u played bad

                                                SWAG DRAGON

                                                  normal skill tears :(

                                                  SWAG DRAGON

                                                    following on the above, never blame your team if you're solo qing, as suggested in previous posts do things like buy the wards even if you're a carry, normal skill support sucks, u suck aswell but u can stop urself from sucking...rotate...communicate with the team...."bait a stun....ill try for a pick off etc" u have to communicate n shit with ur mic but dont speak too much...."smoke up...push mid...." go to the lengths where you need to point out to your team who is the number one target, usually the simplest way to win..."Disable the fuck out of hero A, rape the fuck out of hero B" most people can follow that kinda shit..

                                                    bum farto

                                                      Morph's skill build was probably the reason their team did decently. He skilled wave to max so big nuke quite early on, he put stats and if you guys really weren't going on him why would he need the morph, and he skilled adaptive by 10.

                                                      1. Morph farmed well.
                                                      2. He had impact.
                                                      3. He was level 22 in 30 minutes so didn't really matter what he skilled.


                                                        You mean
                                                        Morph was retarded, Clinkz was retarded. Everyone was retarded. Someone rolled a dice and won.

                                                        You also play in trash games, you should know that.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Dude it's normal ranked, what mmr, like ~2800-3k ish? People build lots of weird shit at that mmr cus people are bad and you can do whatever you want and it will work out anyway. Look at all the shadowblades lol. And PA MKB over basher lol.

                                                          People are going to say it was winnable but that's cus they are considering if they ran into a team like that in their bracket. If you are marginally better than your team/competition those games are pretty rough. So sure, it's possible to win but not that likely, otherwise you'd be higher ranked in the first place.

                                                          bum farto

                                                            Regardless of skill and state of mind in that particular game morph performed decently.


                                                              If OP knew how to play, Morph would not have 'performed decently.'
                                                              Do you understand what I'm saying, do you understand that the shitty stats morph would have no space to be retarded in?

                                                              Do you understand the words that are coming out of my replies? Jesus.


                                                                Ofc this match was winnable. Your farm is complete utter garbage and you could have won this game easily if you knew how to last hit creeps better and get quick orchid.

                                                                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                                  the best build is always 144
                                                                  in any case where you would think higher level of strafe you should sacrifice points in searing arrows.
                                                                  if your ww level is low you will run out of pact before finding your prey

                                                                  you need to be fighting fit by 11 cos of the high exp bridge
                                                                  orchird vs mkb is honestly not a big deal this game orchird you kill morph naix meepo
                                                                  mkb you kill pa lone druid naix meepo
                                                                  if you skip orchird you need another source of mana regen though if not its complete garbo
                                                                  compulsory sr, with medal and bottle being situational additional mana items
                                                                  i didnt watch the game but if everyone fed hard playing split push would probably be a good option since you need a team to frontline for you while you dps from behind/cut backlines
                                                                  they have low catch except for meepo who went a garbage build. if you have a bkb you can rat with 0 risk so that should be something you can consider

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                  U wot m8?

                                                                    theres no such a thing as killsteal, so stop your fucking bitching

                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      The reverse: If Morph knew how to play, Clinkz would not have 'performed decently.'

                                                                      Playing at really low, equal skill, both a Morph and a Clinkz have an equal chance of doing well. Morph tends to be more farm reliant than Clinkz who relies on pick off's and space to farm openings in groups. In this instance Clinkz tried to out farm a morph who was both farming, and playing the early game well.


                                                                        In your head you think this is how you improve as a trash player. DotA treats everyone as equal once you are in-game. You do not have input lag, you do not have gold handicap (hurr repick = 3 lane creeps) on one guy.
                                                                        Maybe OP should read guides on how to play DotA 2 or watch some replays instead of trying to improve to be 'less sluggish' with stupid advice like trying to 10% less passive or have 10 more cs by 30 cs.

                                                                        That shit does not work. You either play the game like you own it or don't play at all like OP.

                                                                        Mr. Nice Guy

                                                                          i feel ya:
                                                                          but idk, i m just a bad clinkz player i guess

                                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                                            Shitty cs, item choices... not really reasoned.
                                                                            Mkb first pretty bad, PA not only one to be kill

                                                                            As guys above stated out, you probably dont really understand the hero . I think when you saw that Morph you was like :

                                                                            " O shit morph, this guy carries harder than me, i have to outfarm them"
                                                                            Ok so you got 2 options and you frankly choose the bad one. Try to out farm him, midas, really?

                                                                            Why would you try to go for the late game vs morph whwn you could end it much before that.
                                                                            Farm, get pick offs, siege t2, t3 towers blah blah
                                                                            1) Bad item build or atleast kinda bad
                                                                            2)bad knowledge of hero power
                                                                            3) bad approach of game vs their lineup you tried to go for the long-haul farm
                                                                            3.1) god you suck LH so idk how you wanted to go late game
                                                                            4) Welcome to Dota, you suck

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                            "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                                              Rule 1 after losing) Find way to blame entire team rather than see how u could have played better

                                                                              Howard Donald

                                                                                I'm really not sure, but I think the general consensus is that you could have won if you played much better.

                                                                                BOY WITH LUV

                                                                                  Every game is a winnable game.
                                                                                  Stop thinking that every one of them are burdens cos look, your HD and TD isn't significantly far from theirs.