General Discussion

General DiscussionMoM on any hero.

MoM on any hero. in General Discussion
Sup m8

    I feel like MoM is viable on any carry right now. Combined with skadi, it's even better. Why do you think it's gained in popularity?


      Well, it is a huge attack speed and move speed buff for little mana with lifesteal.

      High risk high reward item. It has always been a popular "yolo item" in pubs for high skill players than can mitigate the risk involved in using it.

      Aui built it on PL yesterday in a pub

      Sup m8

        Just tried it on PA. Really solid item if enemy team doesn't have to much magical nuke.


          It can be build on any agi carry, even better if the carry needs lifesteal anyway. Not sure about other brackets but in normal skill it's basically a low cost farming tool, no risk involved.
          It is multifunctional since you can use it to clean up, burst down, chase, escape, farm, maybe even initiate the enemy.

          ^ it's amazing on PA, got some hate for it but who cares. carried their asses anyway

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            IMO on medusa it's really strong, MoM -> Skadi is much better than the retarded Linken's rush


              Very cost effective item, you get insane movespeed, attack speed and life steal.

              U wot m8?

                MoM is op as fuck its my fav item

                bum farto

                  High risk with high reward usually pays off.

                  U wot m8?

                    if you russian theres no risk

                    Dire Wolf

                      It's not bad on any hero but I disagree with it being the best choice all the time. I actually don't like it on sniper, I like maelstrom way better and don't like delaying maelstrom to get mask. But it is probably the most cost effective farming item, especially if you have any built in aoe of high base dmg (sniper has neither that's why I prefer maelstrom, and sniper's range means he doesn't really benefit from the lifesteal farming at all).

                      "IMO on medusa it's really strong, MoM -> Skadi is much better than the retarded Linken's rush"

                      Anything is better than linkens rush. Linkens is such a shit first item, enemy team can just ignore you every fight cus you do pathetic dmg. Linken's makes you tanky but again, who cares if they just focus you last due to your shitty dmg anyway?

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                      casual gamer

                        sometimes I wonder about mom on shit like mirana and qop

                        Mortimer Smith

                          some days ago a 3k players call me noob because ''mom doesn't stack with skadi''

                          So u NUB.

                          I dont think heros like shadowfiend, troll or pa are good with mom

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            Linkens rush is not retarded..... Looking at lowmmrforevers last game with looks like you should have gotten it..... I mean ogre magi and lion on other team? Ya you should have gotten it.. If you guys think about how Medusa works as a hero she needs like 3 major items before she can carry. Linkens just helps you farm safely so you don't die to ogre magi and lion a million times.... If they really have no single target spells then just rush skadi with some life steal


                              MoM didnt work with Ursa. At all.

                              Dire Wolf

                                @atheist, uh yes it is dude. If you think about how medusa works as a hero she needs farm. If you think about how linken's helps your farm it doesn't. Farming safely doesn't mean shit, you can find space to farm safely just by being map aware, not by saying, I can be out in lane farming all day across river cus I have linken's! I am untouchable! Liken's is so expensive for the stats it provides, it's a good late game dusa item cus of the ability and mana regen, but for farming? lol you might as well buy three wraith bands at less than a third the price. If you go madness or yasha or maelstrom first you will farm sooo much quicker and going linken's next I'll bet you get it at the same time as rushing it.

                                You even said it yourself, she needs three major items before she can carry so why buy the slowest one first? Buy stuff to help you farm the next two/three items.


                                  Divine rush dusa is the best. No one expects a +300 damage split shot carry in the 20 mins. You kill entire waves in 2 seconds and you push immensely. At the point of the game roshan is weak and you can take him with your team so quickly. After that you 5 death push and win games. Its fine as long as you have map awareness, you can even farm quickly but when you have that whats the point? At most you'll need a linken's so you don't instantly die to their supports and you kill them in 1 sec. I don't understand why people still try to build dusa tunnel vision to 50 mins, your team can only buy you so much time.

                                  casual gamer

                                    But if you get mom before rapier, not only will you farm the rapier faster, you will also do almost 2x the damage with better chase and lifesteal

                                    Sup m8

                                      ^ Team in pub buying you time to farm core items? Not in most skill brackets.


                                        What puts me off is when people put this on Spirit Breaker, but maybe that's because I prefer to build him tanky and MoM comprimises his tankiness.


                                          i like mom on PA tbh


                                            Lol linkens helps you farm because of mana regen..... And watch the map all you want.... Your never gonna see smoke ganks coming... If your good you can get linken in 15-18 min and by 30 min you should have a butterfly and start work on skadi.


                                              Also maelstrom on Medusa isn't the best item IMO .... It helps your farm but you have snake and split shot you don't need a farming item first..... also magic dMG dosnt work with stone gaze very well and you need stats before DPS IMO or your just an easy target... Medusa isn't a threat till your tank and you can dish out dps .... So naturally going DPS first is greedy because you won't survive long enough to buy the tank items later... That it why I always rush linken or skadi.... If I really need early DPS I'll at least get a drums or something..... Also 3 Wraith bands is just wasting your item slots and becomes nothing useful later

                                              MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                linkens is a garbage item most games
                                                you are the front liner in fights, your linkens will always be popped by some useless spell
                                                for eg in that example, ignite or mana drain
                                                mj active is extremely sick for dusa

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                  Ya I don't like mom on sb either but I usually initiate with him and Id rather get a hyper stone same price pretty much with no extra damage taken altho less as but what good is as if you are dead.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    How does mana regen help you farm faster? Tell me, I'm dying to know. Snake spam? It already steals so much mana at level 4 you don't need extra regen, unless you're literally spamming it on solo targets which would be dumb. You tank jungle creeps with mana shield? I mean there's like no reason to do that either. I'm really struggling to see how mana regen helps you farm more. If you're really good with MoM you can get phase, mom by ~8 mins and have skadi by 20 tops. I'd much rather have a skadi and MoM than just a linkens. Or hell, go linkens, but do it after MoM. I'll be you can get both by 18 mins.

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                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty
                                                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                            "How does mana regen help you farm faster? Tell me, I'm dying to know. Snake spam? It already steals so much mana at level 4 you don't need extra regen, unless you're literally spamming it on solo targets which would be dumb."

                                                            Dude are you srs? you can clear creep waves with snake alone no split shot if you time it correctly and manage the creep wave so they are all low when you use snake and if your doing that to farm it will only steal mana from the range creep and sometimes there might not be a ranged creep you might be in jungle clearing camps early not all camps will give you mana. If there are heroes in lane that will be getting hit by your snake then yes it will steal enough mana but, even then you need to keep your shield up almost at all times sure you will have life steal with mom but you have no mana regen to sustain your shield. I don't disagree with skadi rush if they don't have a big single target disable and its all aoes then getting linken is not worth it, you can get a ROA at least tho. That said anytime I see a vs or a sven or wk ect I will always make a linken.

                                                            Timberwolf: Medusa3 days ago 32 50.00% 2.92

                                                            Ath[e]isT: Medusa about 20 hours ago 220 60.00% 5.19
                                                            I think i know what Im talking about bro I don't claim to be super pro or anything but I have a lot of play time with this hero in dota 1 and now in dota 2

                                                            waku waku

                                                              best item if you wanna get bursted down


                                                                well yes but mom has some merit with medusa due to the fact that they will be turned to stone if you use MOM with Stone gaze its not a bad item but I dunno she needs to tank first imo or at least get a bkb or somthing lol divine bkb mom is a real nigga thug lyfe build

                                                                basically anyone that can remove/minimize the risk involved can get it: void ect

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                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    I can clear waves with snake whether I have linken's mana regen or not. Linken's doesn't help you farm. Rush it if you want but you do shit dmg with it.

                                                                    And medusa is not a squishy hero going to get bursted down with mom on. People naturally ignore her in the first place cus of mana shield and her lower dmg output than most carries, especially early. Even if they do focus you gaze gives you 6 seconds to deal lots of dmg, then maybe you get hit for 6 seconds but with mana shield it's not a big deal. Mom with the way mana shield and split shot work is so good on her.

                                                                    Sup m8

                                                                      I tried MoM on medusa. Didn't turn out too well :(

                                                                      pos 3 kokwhynoob

                                                                        medusa go linken when enemy noob
                                                                        medusa go blade mail when enemy aggressive
                                                                        to me medusa go damage or blink is much better because uti control battle field
                                                                        one of my match to medusa linken first but my tema don't buy these shit


                                                                          MoM had buffs at all notables maps upgrades, so that is why its op

                                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                            mom ember spirit and kunkka best shit kappa


                                                                              I never said MOM is a bad item for medusa but, rushing it as your first item is dumb...... that is 1800 gold you could have used to get an ulti orb that will give you much needed stats.... If anything rush skadi with a ROA and then pick up the MOM after.

                                                                              Your wrong about medusa not being squishy she is so fucking squishy till she gets stats and regen (life steal or mana/ HP regen) that is why rushing DPS over stats is dumb..... just watch zmsj play medusa . That said going too many defensive items is bad when ppl go linken into skadi manta with no DPS item


                                                                                Oh also sny is a semi garbage item for medusa


                                                                                  And yes Linkens dosnt give you very much DPS but that's not the point of getting it.... A medusa 15-18 min into the game should be farming and only joining fights that are next to towers. (like say your offlane is getting dived you can tp to save him) since your only farming at this stage you need items that will allow you to tank and survive ganks. If your 40 min into the game, you havnt died once and your farming well you will have all the DPS you need... I often start to really carry my team once I have linkens bfly or skadi bfly normally at 25-30 min but if the game goes past 30 min I will have linken bfly skadi and a big damage item like mkb.. Then you get 6slotted and win the game.

                                                                                  That is your goal as a Medusa get 6 slotted with the best possible late game items... Not some shitty mid game fighting build......


                                                                                    Would mom be viable on spectre , I never tried it but spec my main hero.


                                                                                      Mom Phantom Lancer Doesn't sound that good :P


                                                                                        Unless she is a milf^


                                                                                          Spectre can go mom skadi but its so sub optimal compared to diffusal radi manta ect


                                                                                            MoM weaver nasty


                                                                                              Rushing mom on medusa is fucking legit idk what yall are smoking

                                                                                              The amplification even kicks in after mana shield reductions as if you needed another reason to get it


                                                                                                MoM Spectre is gut if u can't rush the radiance. MoM + phase + diffusal + manta + skadi so stronk.

                                                                                                U wot m8?

                                                                                                  ur mom lel

                                                                                                  Sup m8

                                                                                                    Yo what the fuck PA with MoM is OP. I'm on a streak.

                                                                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                                      Pa is pretty tard friendly OP in pubs period regardless of mom or helm of dominator....

                                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                                        It's not us all zenoth, it's that one guy who insists on linken's rush.

                                                                                                        I don't get why the haters hate s&y on medusa too over manta. Manta's more gold, less hp, more mana, crappy illusions, good disjoint if it's needed.