General Discussion

General DiscussionTiny is a fun hero but.

Tiny is a fun hero but. in General Discussion

    It seems like for me to dominate with him I have to have way more farm then I would with other carries so he seems weak to me but I have a lot of fun playing him. Seems like he needs way to much farm to carry. Should I just continue to play occasionally for fun or do you think he is viable to raise mmr with more practice. I wish craggy worked through bkb.w

    casual gamer

      in my experience he peaks later than heroes like troll/jug, but maybe that's just because I'm awful at him

      in the late game where bkbs are 5s and attack speed is high tiny becomes very tanky against melee carries, and his low attack speed and vulnerability to right clicks are mitigated by your itemization

      in the midgame though you're basically rolling around with aghs + 1 high gold item like ac or aghs + some midgame crap like mom + bkb

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        get a wisp friend
        cause mischief

        Such a legit hero but pubs never pick him anymore. I'm always tethering to trolls these days. ITS JUST NOT THE SAME MAN

        Dire Wolf

          He needs a ton of farm to go all man fight mode like people are used to troll, sniper and jug doing. But to wreck a base? Only really needs aghs. Aghs and ac and he can lay waste to a rax fast. Play him that way, try to team fight with a good setup for cleave dmg like magnus or enigma, split push and kill bases.


            Ah figured I needed to split push more often with him I guess most games seem to get decided by the time I get ags and ac. I only have a 50% win rate so far with him but enjoy playing him even when I lose so maybe I'll try him more. Do yall usually get blink when going carry tiny or skip it? I only tried sb once but what yall think about it I bet the as would be beneficial.

            Dire Wolf

              You can get blink and play a ganker tiny or skip it and go carry tiny. I'm not really good with him though. Bottle can be pretty amazing on him too. Also cus grow is considered base damage manta can be good. And I like a quelling blade after level 6 too, tiny has some mad dmg and it just helps farming a lot.

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                Tiny hits like a truck with aghs, agi boots + manta/cuirass/mom/hyperstone. Noone is telling you to rambo in 1v5. You go in after your initiator and just smack everything away.

                He doesn't peak after jug or troll wtf, he peaks way before them and if you do get your aghs early you flash farm faster than both of these 2 heroes. You're also supposed to play him like an SF. You flash farm fast but also participate. Your last tiny game had 5 kills against an enemy lineup where you could instagib ALL FIVE HEROES EARLY-MID GAME. Slardar with sprint, SF who went euls first, cm, rubick and pl wtf.


                  also, the majority of statistics in dotabuff come from normal skill so they should be fairly applicable to you

                  he has about a 71% win rate if he gets big items up which is about 6% lower than trolls average win rate with big items (both of which are absurd). in otherwords, his opness is fairly close to troll and its just that his currently not a fotm hero

                  tiny also has two peak periods. he peaks at level 9, dips back down a bit afterwards and peaks again when he gets aghs + one other item

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                      Tiny is pretty weak in current meta. He's wrecked by troll/jugg/sniper

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                        Dire Wolf

                          Sniper wrecks him since his armor stun doesn't work outside 300 ft. Troll gets like perma stunned hitting him once it's maxed. But early on when it's not he kinda suffers. And I still don't think he flash farms as quick as those guys, maybe if you have a wisp feeding you mana cus you can 2 shot creep waves with avalanche/toss but even with aghs troll clears waves just as fast with whirling axes.


                            My last game of tiny isn't a good one to look at , I had crazy lag I usually play at night no lag , I guess people don't have jobs or some shot n flood my connection during day time. Also didn't help having crappy team but I think I coulda did a lot better possible win if wasn't lagging . Anyways look at the two previous tiny games I think I did better those games I thjnk I agree on the two peak thing I think before I was fighting to much between the peaks instead of farming.


                              Definatly gonna play him more tho especially vs melee carries that don't build bkb typically he is good force them to buy bkb if they wanna hit you .

                              Quick maffs

                                I think tiny is actually pretty good against sniper and even more against troll


                                  If I wasn't stacking all the time, I'd pick Tiny just to toss teammate Sniper/Troll/Jugger to the enemy team.


                                    Lol earlier today I accidently canceled my sand kings ult by tossing him . It was during our final team wipe if them but still a bit funny cuz sk died