General Discussion

General DiscussionI need some advices

I need some advices in General Discussion
Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

    Hello DB scrublords, i would like to play a good morphling, but for unknown reasons i really suck with him. Feels like i didn't understand the hero correctly, and have bad habits with him.

    pls halp i cri


      morphling as carry in this meta is no go

      morphling as support or offlaner is gogo

      u go offlane/support u get lvls u morph strenght to get long stun duration u get tranquils soulring and then u farm with wave inbetween fights/rat while having ur ulti up with ur team

      when teamfights happens target their strongest/most important heroes and land some nice 4.25 second stuns into their face

      after u get tranquils soulring u can start building semicarry like (or utility) ive seen many 6k ish players do this with nice success

      u can use this game as example (yes they lost but they had super greedy draft vs drow lineup and got demolished before they could even come online

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        @Duo MId Expert

        Why do you think morphling is bad now as carry?

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          morph is bad cz troll, sniper and jugger outfarm and shrekt him

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            cuz he takes forever to get his items

            cuz his range is low and he needs heavy babysiting which u won't get in pubs cuz majority of support players are utter trashes at zoning enemy offlaner

            and even if u get his items u wil still most likely get outcarried by troll or jugger or whatever else enemy team has

            Pom Pom 🍕

              Don't most core Morphs play him mid in pubs though?


                he gets rekt vs majority of stronk mid heroes too due his short range

                hvnt seen mid morph for like 4 or 5 months now

                Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                  I'll try your build Duo Mid, thanks!

                  Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                    Then, is there any other hero than troll/snipars/jug that i could pick in pubs for core position?


                      slark, storm, sf, ta, fv


                        jugger troll sniper like top 3 stronkest

                        then slark sf void pa spectre necro pl are somewhat weaker and mroe situational


                          basically, if u wanna win u pick jugger/troll/sniper/lina/axe


                            batrider and ta fits too

                            Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                              But like, if i pick these kind of heroes will i get any better at the game? No point having 6k if you're spamming troll


                                playing heroes like ta, storm is probably the best, since they are really strong in pubs, and also require decent skill and game sense to play well


                                  Thanks dizi, thanks to you im not a 8k player


                                    playing game in general makes u better at it

                                    after 100 games as troll u will understand how torll works what counters troll what troll counters n shit

                                    if u wanna improve properly just random and try to play anything u get but u will mostlikely won't have best impact to the game cuiz some heroes just better than other atleast in more aspects


                                      If you want to play him in this meta don't expect much success. Just don't play him now. Even support morph is kinda meh, there're better heroes for that.

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                                      Zero IX

                                        support morph i s os legit, he just doesn't do anything during the laning phase when supports are supposed to do things but LFMAO wHO CAREAS xD, right??