General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it worth getting morbid mask / ring of health to sustain jungle fa...

Is it worth getting morbid mask / ring of health to sustain jungle farm on spectre? in General Discussion

    3.65k MMR here, I play mostly supports and offlane so I'm trying to figure out proper farming techniques for when I do play carries. On most agility carries, I typically go either mask of madness or helm of the dominator, so I can farm the jungle without having to go back to base.

    On a hero like Spectre, however, I'm not really planning on going for either of those, since they'll slow down my radiance and/or diffusal blade. I'll end up with a Heart to give me the health sustain later in the game, as well. However, I'm finding that if I have a tough lane (e.g. 2v2), it can be hard to secure CS in lane, and then moving to the jungle is not an option as I end up losing health and have to return to base. In this situation, is it worth grabbing a morbid mask just to be able to farm the jungle without losing hp?


      ring or vanguard is usual buildup on spectre.
      try mask of madness also, it won't slow your farm, it will do the contrary.
      i have seen s4 and some other good players go mom on spectre, so you can give it a shot.


        but your teammates gonna flame you for MoM on spec, and possibly report. original builds are not well appreciated in 3-5kk games.


          mom is op


            Thanks for the input troyboi. I'll give this a shot next time I'm playing Spectre.


              not really

              if u got completely freefarm lane get early radiance

              if u get heavily contested go phases urn and try to make kills with ur ulties while getting farm somewhere nowaday mids are usualy free kill with desolate dagger ulti

              then get radiance and farm while contributing to fights with ulties


                Do you mean mids are usually free kills nowadays because people are picking squishy mids like Sniper all the time?

                Dire Wolf

                  Lifesteal on spec isn't really going to help you farm jungle as her dmg output is low starting out. Madness will work cus of the attack speed. Get ring if you need sustain in lane. But spec is not really about farming creeps, spec is about farming heroes. Unfortunately spectre is very dependent on your team taking good fights so you can ult in and get kills or assist gold. Her strengths are desolate and dispersion, one skill that does nothing for your farm and desolate helps very little.

                  That's why so many people rush radiance. While it's a great team fight weapon also, it's a good farming item and battlefury would just suck on her.

                  Basically if you want to play spec you have to be really good at last hitting in lane even under pressure cus spec is a hero that has to nail all those early cs. You also need a lane support with you, a good one who can get you farm, not like a sand king, you need one that can zone out ranged offlaners. And even after all of that you generally want a team that will be looking to fight early, guys like axe on your team who you know will go harrass and gank lanes where you can ult in.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    Bottle is decent on her.


                      I met klasynky going mid with Spectre building PT>MoM

                      I think it could work out decently well if I didn't fuck him up with my Oracle disarm HAHA Xd SAD KALYANSKY