General Discussion

General DiscussionHigh MMR Gods please come help me!!!

High MMR Gods please come help me!!! in General Discussion

    Hello high MMR gods. I am a scrub and really need help trying to go up in MMR out of the 1.5k range. I find it really hard becuase I know there is room for improvement but I dont know where to begin. At this MMR level there is never a team everyone tries doing things for themselves and feeds until enemies are fed and kill us by pushing. I know im not good at Dota but i would like some advice from anyone on where i can improve. Im not asking for you to watch replays of my matches just if there is anything obvious on my matches and you could take some time to look at them that would be very appreciated. Thanks for putting in the time for any input you have. I know some people will just flame that I should delete Dota but I would also like some ways for me to improve other than "Deleting Dota". I really love Dota and just really want to be able to improve. Thanks all and have fun improving your MMR!
    Solo MMR: 1558 Party MMR: 1688


      im high skill mmr god, but unfortunately im turning into very high skill so i might not be able to help you.


        Are you rich? I can teach you some if you send me dollars $ I m 5100 mmr


          u must sacrifice ur newborn baby and i will grant u 8k mmr

          otherwise no deal

          also get good

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            for the glory of satan!


              I only sacrificed a old sick goat, so only 3.7k. babies are so hard to come by these days.


                u can murder 7 old grannies il grant 6k for that


                  then you are 7 times cooler than Raskolnikov


                    I like this ynit.



                      learn to play heroes with bigger impact , as i see ur not lacking of farm ( last 4 games checked) ur mates maybe terribad but enemies are terribad too.. pick better, stay friendly, decide correct when to fight,push,farm
                      and with the time u will get better

                      Fyyq , your lover , your flamer

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        ^ cant even flame


                          listen to kawaii shit and watch hentai you'll be 6k in no time


                            i am offering boosting and coaching services for a cheap prize if you are interested contact me on "skype : HeavenCoach" and lets talk

                            .                     .   .

                              for you sir! I recommend to create a new account, start from scratch, make better judgement or decision... lessen or avoid using heroes that will not make a big impact on game. I am not very good... but nowadays i've been put on high skill bracket so i think that a start. And remember Assist also counts as your kill....

                              Bad Intentions

                                Do what I did to climb, spam easy high impact heroes that YOU know how to play.


                                  Thanks for the help guys I will use any of the serious help to the best of my ability! Also I am thinking of getting a coach so all of you who offered if I can get some money then I will go to you first. (that is more likely to be this summer where i will be getting a job and I have school right now). I love Dota with a passion and want to play in tournaments and make a team so here is to hoping i can improve my play. Thanks again high MMR gods! Cant wait to see how high I can get my MMR up to. Any other commands or tips from the high MMR gods are always welcome!

                                  @DuoMIdExpert: If I give you both the 7 grannies and my newborn.. Wll you give me 9.5k MMR?


                                    ^ i can help u for free for basic mistakes and stuff i will have some free time this weekend feel free to add

                                    Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                      If you wanna go up in mmr, get better at the game, play your game, don't watch your teamates mistakes, watch yours, even if you won thinik about what you could've done better, play all roles, read guides, also sacrifice babies.

                                      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                        fucking randomes furion 2 times in a row f u r i o n 5 letters 5*2 rat dota 6 letters 10(6 = 4 Navi is 4 letters confirmed


                                          remember these concept:

                                          - play to win not play to kill
                                          - killing 100, lose game : noob
                                          - feeding 100 , win game : pro


                                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                            legendary ball

                                              Add me... I'll try to lead you with watching your games... The rest is on you decided whether you want to improve or not

                                              legendary ball

                                                Add me... I'll try to lead you with watching your games... The rest is on you decided whether you want to improve or not

                                                GSL.TV Blackbeard

                                                  contact me, i can spare some time to give you some good advices.

                                                  < blank >

                                                    Learn a hero that is fun to play and spam it, did the same. From 1.7k MMR Storm spam until 2.4k MMR then keep spamming Troll