General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy TB so fuckin broken now

Why TB so fuckin broken now in General Discussion
legendary ball

    I fuckin checked my tb at dotabuff and lost so many matches at this patch... Fuckin outfarm other side carry still cant win in terms 1 vs 1 carry... Seems desperate since i like to play that hero.. But i think better stop playin this hero at ranked for a moment


      hes base-destroyer, not manly fighter
      and yes, he's out of meta

      Jay Ashborne

        Needs nerf. Fosho broke.


          Lol Melody, as far as I know, you can use broken to mean UP as well :P


            He is so weak, cause they nerfed to the underground a hero that was balanced...

            Jay Ashborne

              You would be correct zano =P Im just fooling around.


                I remember when TB just came out and I spam picked him. So many racks demolished, so much qq by enemies. Got me from 4300 to 4700 mmr back then.


                  definetly most broken hero in game needs nerf

                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                    Judging from your match history I think your MMR is just inflated, so you won't have a chance to win games with TB on the level you are playing.

                    casual gamer

                      i think illusions should pop if they go more than 800 range from TB, his split farming is just too close to making him playable

                      Jay Ashborne

                        And I think they should give cm her stats back and change global aura from global to >1500/2000/2250/2750 range.

                        We can all have prayers.


                          JDF8 great idea

                          here's another one, I think he needs to have 0% magic resistance because his illusions are too hard to pop with a single tier 1 nuking spells (like Crypt swarm or dragon slave, you need 2x crypt swarm or dragon slave to pop a 5-slotted illusion...)


                            Back when he had 60% slow at lvl 1, it was good and OP, and I liked him.

                            Now, kill potential with him is just bad. He's still strong with full items, but it really takes like 50+ min game to contest their carry..

                            How to fix TB:

                            Give back him ZEAL(passive regen and attack speed, Dota 1 TB) - and when he goes into Meta, give him Ilu like it was before Dota 2.

                            Give him back his lvl 1 60% slow and increase the mana for that from 60(if I remeber correct) to like 100-120...

                            Hero is just useless now.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              lol no

                              just revert part of his nerfs and he'll be fine


                                I'm pretty sure that the zeal tb is worst than the one we have.

                                However, the only nerf he really deserved was the scalling on reflection, else it only had to do with the brain of competitive players ....

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                Sugar Show

                                  Got two random terrorblade as safelane carry, two free loses. Both 2-10.


                                    Tb is shit now, why did they nerf an already borderline balanced hero. Needs 2.0 strength gain.


                                      bring back soul crush or w.e
                                      coolest spell


                                        I'm not so sure about that "balanced" hero. When I tried him before his illusions nerf, I got like 80% winrate with quite an ease.


                                          Amazing, you had good winrate with TB in pub... Except you can get even 90% winrate with specific heroes at specific MMR brackets if you're good enough, what does that prove?

                                          Saying that storm spirit is broken because blitz climbed to 7k with him is silly, hero is strong, maybe very strong but it has its counters.

                                          When tb entered cm I've barely seen enemies pick stuff like Lion, out world devourer, legion commander or pugna core with aghs against him. Even stuff like enchantress who can TAKE OVER terrorblade illusions etc.

                                          Have those heroes disappeared? No. So, since tb got nerfed, he barely can go toe to toe against enemies who have drafted 0 counters. When enemy drafts 1 or more serious counter to terrorblade against you, terrorblade is literally useless. Cuz he barely does anything even in the vacuum. When under pressure because his illusions don't work properly (lion pugna takes them out no matter how farmed you are, or enchantress uses them against you, or enemy has huge cleave etc) he's total trash even in 6.81, so why Nerf him? Cuz pro players didn't even want to think of all the counters to him?

                                          And he also takes decent amount of micro to play him at good level. He never was a free win in 6.81 and certainly not if first picked.

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            ^ yeah I could get 80% winrate with tb in normal skill bracket too. I could even get 80% winrate with rubick in your skill bracket.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              He is quite weak in pub games now, as he demands decent game coordination between teammates. But I think on pro-scene he remained as strong as he was, you know, split-pushing, rat doto thing, sunder to change single fight result and push racks and ancient right after.


                                                @ matrice

                                                I don't know. Zeal TB was just a lot simplier to use that this TB. Y he did farm a slower with ZEAL, but he's more useful with old reflection + zeal in pub-games and early game.

                                                At least, return old reflaction Ice Frog.

                                                Old reflaction was way better for low-tier pubs.


                                                  The thing is, I wasn't good with him. I just picked him after looking at few games of good players and went straight into ranked without any training.
                                                  Looking at your games, I don't think so, tbh.

                                                  When one hero requires the whole enemy team to play around him from the very start of the game or lose miserably at like 25 minutes, it isn't very balanced in my opinion.

                                                  Btw, I ain't saying he's balanced now - he's overnerfed indeed.

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                  "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                    I think PL is OP .He really needs to shut down in lane and you need to finish early if you want to win. like him back when he was just invis


                                                      Terror isn't op I think he will get smashed by Troll PA and all those other agi carries But yeah the zeal in dota 1 was pretty good.

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        There's no way PA will kill full-farmed tb. He'll just destroy her.


                                                          @Chico Tímido, PA is not really OP if countrepicked by splash damage (Sven, PA with BF, Ember, Axe, etc) or good AOE-nukes, but now he is absurdly irritating and strong at lining stage and mid game. He needs boots and diffusal blade to own map, and can get solo kills with tower dive at 5th minute.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            zeal tb, was dealing less damage than tb + single illusion, he couldn't farm as fast, and worst of all, his meta illusion were blocking tb more than they were dealing damage. But yeah, at least he could tank a little of damage, and fight, countrary to now.

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              idk zeal tb seemed insanely strong especialy early mid game


                                                                nerfed him hard and then nerfed illusion hero tower damage.

                                                                he is shit.


                                                                  I just saw Zenoth get 500 last hits in 30 mins with him, seems legit :D



                                                                    matrice, thats my point!

                                                                    If you fuck up TB because of pro players, give him a try at least im low-mid tier pubs.

                                                                    I'd play TB so fucking much if I can play him as ZEAL-Reflection 60% slow TB.

                                                                    Example: Nice-regen from zeal,3hp regen from Dominator+lifesteal+his high-base regen = very nice early game fighting potential?

                                                                    From there he can just snowball and pick-up some items like s-y-skadi-daedalus and try to finish up the game as soon as possible.

                                                                    Thats the way I played TB at my tier back when he had 60% slow. I just try to take FB with slow, push both towers at my lane, switch back to mid or top, push again, get some cost-efficient items and just go deathball mode.

                                                                    This TB is boring. And he needs a lot of farm to be usefull..

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      6 slot-Meepo can 1v1 6 slot-Terrorblade and win 90% of the time.

                                                                      You'd think Terrorblade would have the advantage with 6 slot, but nope.


                                                                        tb will never lose to meepo in a manfight late game as long as he has bkb + eblade

                                                                        however meepo rats far better, with over 5 times TB's DPS on structures through backdoor.

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                          he needs str


                                                                            6 slot TB is actually pretty scary shit.


                                                                              and how would tb survive hex duration + 5 poofs and rightclicks ?


                                                                                I'm not sure but maybe a 6 slotted TB can tank that. As long as meepo doesn't have any help obviously.


                                                                                  I mean if TB has say bots + butter + bkb + skadi + 2 EBs that's a shitton of raw hp and armor


                                                                                    Something like:

                                                                                    1. Skadi
                                                                                    2. Buter
                                                                                    3. Buter
                                                                                    4. Heart
                                                                                    5. Satanic
                                                                                    6. Daedalus

                                                                                    I'd say he got a chance?

                                                                                    All he need is like 100 hp.. After that he'll just sunder any meppo and insta-kill him.


                                                                                      Ant not to mention any good Terrorblade wont just walk straight to the meppo.. And TB illusions in lategame deal shitloads of dmg...

                                                                                      I'd say he god plenty of chance do fuck meppo.

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        He won't have two butters, he'll still need a boots slot.


                                                                                          and don't forget any good meepo won't let tb get more than 2 items

                                                                                          idk how in the hell tb would get to 6 slots unless his team carry him hard while meepo team feeds nonstop


                                                                                            yeah tb won't get the farm he needs, it really easy to gank him pre 6, and even after just stun/burst down his 300 hp ass.
                                                                                            idk maybe they should give him some str back, he really is like a creep early game.