General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper in top heroes.

Sniper in top heroes. in General Discussion


    So I used to play sniper mid and take tower with shrapnels, usually mid tower quite fast. I'm not sure how they changed the new shrapnel but I have a harder time to take mid tower, It looks like it do no dammage to tower anymore.

    And I see he has 53% wr, I just lost games with him, so how do people that win play him now.

    Edit: ok they fucking nerfed shrapnel for pushing, retarded idea.

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Lol. They reworked it. Sniper gets 3 charges and he has some good potential to kill enemies now.

      Im the Bully of my School

        imo ur main problem is ur item choice. You went linken on sniper and 2 game midas^^ . When i sniper i mostly go 2 branch tango and healing and 2 agility thing and then tread to mask of madness to crystalis. Also BKB is really good on sniper now try to do that now linken its a waste of $. With bkb you can fight in teamfight , linken just block one spell. There also a list of items people use and %wr with it on dotabuff :

        and now shrapnel is good to slow ennemy team & hurt them a lil it doesnt hurt building anymore . At level 3 you shuld have one point leveled in both your 3 atribute then level range or the dps mini stun and keep shaprnel level 1 for sometime.

        and linken against doom not worth it . just wait till he doom someone on your team then pop out or go manta so he cant choose who to doom

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        Im the Bully of my School

          and ur positionning is the most important with that hero ( sniper)

          oh yea and ur lost could be becuz those 3 games you were in high skill and normally your in normal skill it may change some

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            my eyes bleed


              No dude i'm in normal only in un ranked games, the linken's sphere were horible i was offlane game was lost before I got the linken's.

              All I can see in games are cancer lina linken+euls bullcrap.

              I fnd harder to constantly spam shrapnel now as it seems the cooldown is bigger.

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              Im the Bully of my School

                i recommend axe ! go axe and cut their carry lane with a support like lich or someone like that. It work alot of the time. Just wait till they pick their melee carry not if they go 5 range or bristleback. axe op hero 2 stout shield early and 3 tango and go cut lane and just position urself well so u can hit heros with the creep wave at the same time etc. Sniper and slark are meh to play for me. Axe is big early game and that make the game fun. jungle axe is not recommended imo.

                bum farto

                  Sniper is amazing with the reworked shrapnel. I also play him offlane at the moment.

                  This patch 69% winrate

                  Last patch 67%

                  I dunno about Axe, even I am struggling to make him work these days :_(

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                    Havoc please fuck off I don't want you to be a Earth-Spirit god and steal my mmr! :'(

                    bum farto

                      I do better with him in solo anyways then I do in stacks, cause higher MMR people know how to use him whereas most of the time in stacks I end up having to hold the team together and end up going late game with a 3k carry and no farm on me :(

                      Still its like 600 MMR till I catch up to you anyways.

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                        es is love muh boi

                        Dire Wolf

                          sniper is the tower pusher he used to be, but his shrapnel now is like free kills a lot of times on enemy players. Just make sure to store up a lot of charges before you dive/gank enemies.