General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this an acceptable way to play mid?

Is this an acceptable way to play mid? in General Discussion

    I now am sitting in the enemy mid for a long time to farm and I generally don't gank at all. I do this when I play TA and storm, I try to get kills on enemy mid laner however I don't gank at all or I hardly gank. The only times I 'gank' is when the enemy is diving another lane and I tp in to save them and get 1-2 kills. I only go to other lanes when I have a certain core e.g TA blink and I get constantly get flamed like : TA not gank? omg gg idiot just farm does nothing. But then around 18 minutes I start eating everyone on the enemy team. I always feel like I'd rather get CS then gank enemy because its more reliable, such as for TA I stack ancients and farm it and farm lane and take mid tower.


      It's fine, but maybe you can gank if you get a good rune for it/

      Sup m8

        I agree with this. Ganking, if it fails, sets you far behind the enemy mid in cs and levels, while ganking successfully will likely only make you at the same level as the free farming enemy mid.


          ya its ok
          but rotating in 212 lanes can be slightly more rewarding at times.

          plz do

            If u dont play a gankin mid, there can be high pressure on the rest of ur team. It works very well in normal skill bracket i think and u get lots of gold. However, farmin gold is not ur only objective sometimes. Sometimes, for example, you have to create space for ur hard carry, who will be more important than u in late game. if the enemy supports know what they are doing, they will sit on u in mid and wreck ur farm plus will kite ur ass later, if u become the high dmg dealer. It is a situational decision and its best if u are capable of playin a ganking mid and a farming mid depending on what ur team needs.

            If ur teammates start to flame, they are usually frustrated and cannot control their lane. So that's a sign that they kinda need ur expertise and help as midder.


              it shouldn't be always mid's fault that one lane is getting crushed (if we are talking about dual lanes, 2-1-2). It should be that laner's fault for fucking up that lane or picking specific heroes that have bad lane presence. Its like picking two cores for offlane and whining that mid is not ganking.

              plz do

                yeah, exactly. In esp. normal skill bracket picks are usually horrible. but picked is picked and u dont abandon ur games, do you? So do u flame ur teammates or try to fuckn win this game?

                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                  It's fine, but 18 minutes is maybe a little too late though. I usually start ganking between 10 and 15 minutes (when I get my blink dagger).

                  I personally think as a farming mid you need to control the runes a little better, they also sometimes allow you to gank (mostly haste or invis runes).

                  People complaining about mid not ganking when it's them who should be ganking mid is pretty common especially on lower MMR levels. If you get to 4.5k+ this will pretty much stop happening. Just make sure you don't waste all your time farming instead of having impact. You should take the opportunities that are given, but judging from your post I guess you do.

                  Infinite Ominous Guarantees

                    yo are you the same smaug who played in that cevo tournament on gpm? I didn't know you posted on here.

                      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                        @Smaug I start a bit when I get my blink which is around 10-12 minutes then which gets me closer to Deso. Once I get deso which is around 18-23 minutes this is where I completely dominate.


                          this is how you should play actually.
                          gank only with a good rune, and by a good rune i mean a rune that will guarantee you at least 1 kill, or it's not worth it.(invis, haste)
                          with ta you just farm mid and stack ancients or woods. push the tower if you can, and most of the times, at least in higher mmr, people will come ganking you and not the other way around.
                          supports should gank, and as early as possible in order to be able to kill the mid.
                          and btw until you reach ~4k you can just afk mid like you said and then just own anyone you want on the map.


                            U SHOULD GAnk when u get ur core items on ta

                            blink/deso that is

                            Jay Ashborne

                              Depends on the mid. Some go around and create space, others farm like any other core. Push with the team, roam with supports/solo to make space for struggling cores.

                              Dire Wolf

                                I don't gank either but make sure you carry a tp to help dives and counter ganks. Definitely counter gank if enemy mid goes hunting.