General Discussion

General DiscussionHow MMR gain works?

How MMR gain works? in General Discussion

    Cause I just had this match

    And only got 9 MMR out of it? What is needed to gain more MMR in a match?


      The amount of mmr you gain depends of average mmr of your team relative to average mmr of enemy team. If you gained +9, it means your team had stronger players. If teams are perfectly balaned, you get +/-25.
      Matchmaking faces unbalanced teams quite often if:
      1) you play in unpopular time and there are not enough players to make equal teams
      2) you have high mmr and there are not enough players of same level to make perfectly balanced teams
      3) you are playing party matchmaking with quite a high mmr - same reason

      Also, the amount of pts you get is min +5 and max +45. If you got +X pts, it means that if you lost this match, you mmr would have been decreased by (50 - x). For example, if you lost this particular match, u would be rather upset now due to -41 mmr.