General Discussion

General Discussionwhy it's pointless to stack in pubs

why it's pointless to stack in pubs in General Discussion
waku waku

    the enemies are more likely to take the stacks than your team
    so screw them

    Greygrey the Sailor

      not really, if you have some observers you can keep your ancients to yoursel

      waku waku

        that's just my personal experience even if you ping the stack a thousand times the enemy takes it anyway and becomes even stronger while your allies do nothing
        the only person you should stack for is yourself

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          "High skill"


            You're right meme, in the lower bracket, that usually is the case, unless you actually verbally say something in text or voice chat, and if they don't then, well, fuck 'em, the normal skill level players, or most of them anyway, don't realize you need to farm longer than the laning phase to full-on carry and make committed pushes against a team that ain't already wiped out from a fight.

            Dire Wolf

              Only stack if there's a hero who can solo clear them cus you will never get team to help. If there's a medusa or troll or PA with battlefury for instance.


                Maybe you're speaking from a support perspective but I honestly get so fedup when I stack it myself as a carry and some tard goes in and takes it.


                  uh i stack with friends to have fun, whats wrong with it? :v

                  Pom Pom 🍕

                    I hate that too. Though it's mostly for stacked ancients, since your carries or whoever can take big stacks are too lazy to go there (especially dire) and will ignore if you say it's stacked.


                      I only stack if my carry asks me to. Most of the time they forget about the stack and if you're behind, the enemy team takes the extra farm and you're worse off than before.

                      Dire Wolf

                        The problem is if I'm a carry who can't clear them like a PA who didn't go battlefury, just not worth the effort. I'll beg axe to come tank them but he's always too busy. So yes, stack if you have carries who can kill them.

                        casual gamer

                          its pointless to last hit in pubs because my noob team want to fight all the time so i just dont last hit ever ))))))

                          why am i 800 mmr??? im pro

                          Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                            (SD)BP.Greygrey7 >> Observers in pub? What servers are you playing on?


                              I don't stack camps as a carry because there's always someone in my team that steals my stack and this thing makes me so mad