General Discussion

General Discussionquestion about manta on jugga

question about manta on jugga in General Discussion

    if you going for 1-1-1 stast stats etc.... build and if you planning on getting manta would you want to have your crit maxed by the time you get it ?


      but why?


        i dont rly know dota mechanics well i just thought for more crit proc ? i dk


          im not pretty sure about manta illusions, but in general crits do not work for illusions. you get the animation of crit, but the damage is counted as if it was just a normal hit.


            oh rly? thats lame i though they worked on illusions


              dont trust me, i may be mistaking :) im only sure it works for rune of illusions and naga siren. logically, should be right for manta as well, but...


                it also may depend on whether crits are your own passive (like jugg, ck, pa) or daedalus. back in the old times, naga siren had crits and they worked for her illusions, but it was changed later on.


                  well after some googling it seems that crits work on illusions, so my question still stands


                    now it became our question, lel. im also curious (not about jugg, but about illusions/crits mechanics in general)


                      i do believe crits work on illusions if i recall playin ck recently, he has a high multiplier so it sticks out

                      but yeah im confused on how people build him nowadays with his BAT changes and now this mana reduction change for his Q


                        then i guess the crucial point is whether crits are "natural" or obtained due to Daedalus, and then jugg's crits should work.
                        while for example kunkka's crits do not work on his illusions, as well as tidebringer


                          By my small calculations leveling crits over stat should give your illusions more dps when you have 45 agility or more, which is always the case when you have manta(i did include the raw AS bonus manta gives to illusions besides agility).

                          Also illusions benefit from every passive crit in the game


                            ty, Luxon


                              Luxon... I didn't think illus got raw AS... only things from stats.


                                Ignore, seems to be a special case for yasha based attack speed buff.


                                  i personaly don't see point of maxing crit

                                  u can get +6 all stats instead and sacrifice 15% critrate from ur already 20% base with lvl 1 crit


                                    Taking those 3 additional level of crit is increasing by 12.5% your damage.
                                    It will be better to add those crit point for damage purpose (only by a few though) but much less effective to tank than those 3 x 2 stats


                                      Yeah each more level in crit gives 3.8-4.2% more dps than you already have, but more hp, mana, armor are probably more valuable. Also you cant use crits vs towers.


                                        idk my usual juggernaut issue is not being tanky enuff

                                        damage output is more than enuff if i even get to close in to enemies + u get those levels really fast on him anyway so its really temp

                                        altho i dont really play jugger as pos1 tho

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          so going stats is still better then crit with manta style ?

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            It's a tradeoff, slightly less dmg for stats. Up to you basically.