General Discussion

General Discussionhey dravic

hey dravic in General Discussion
bum farto

    Maybe cause the sand king fed couriers, kills, and a rapier! There was little we could do with so much dead weight on the team.

    Giff me Wingman

      try to play meepo less autistic.

      Dravicstyle = Full autist style.


        game was full autist, with sandking casually feeding rapiers to the enemy, LMAO


          oh and 30+ couriers


            Nice winrate with Tonsk bro :)

            THICC BABY SHUM

              Anonymous pls


                sk = i'm in love with the coco


                  sk was mad cuz i was rich and he was retarded


                    but rly he wasted 51 minutes of his life to ruin a videogame, lmao, like idk, you either ruin a game in 10 minutes or just leave, otherwise it is actually retarded =)))


                      meibi it vas leik dat koz he iz fuking rustard?


                        no he is greektard (no offence to FyyQ) ayyy lmao


                          btw the third person playing with u was Havoc? why did he hide that account?


                            smurf? idk


                              mb coz he just didnt want games with u to appear in his overall stats, lel
                              so brutal

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                or wr kappa


                                  Instructions unclear.

                                  Ethereal blade stuck in vagina.

                                  Dravic, help, your build doesn't work.

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    Well duh, you could have won if you had played meepo like he's supposed to be played.

                                    Also Lich + ES were as useless as SK, only guy who had remotely any use was invoker. so it was pretty much 2v8.


                                      nah it was all clear bro, and i woulda won this game too, but my team ran/didn't engage in a fight, when i was taking throne.
                                      i just felt really useless in any kind of fight, cuz people would just kite my manta illusions, only guy i could kill was apparition i think, i could only push, is this how its supposed to work? (1 x 1 anyone died in 2 seconds, but yeah that didn't happen often)
                                      i mean i really felt useless after i failed to take throne

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        Wat are u talking about, if u had sheep and blink u could kill 1 guy in a flash.

                                        u had so much teamfight, yet you went for rat. Loss deserved.

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          well against antimage you could just go fighting meepo wtih blink, meepo shits on antimage. dont think my build was necessary here.

                                          kunkka can kill you in lategame or at least bring you very low but its managable.

                                          they had a lot of control in teamfights tho (dream coil for kiting, torrent, boat etc)

                                          also remember im experienced with this build and i do not win EVERY game either (especially nowadays with how easy it is to comeback for enemy team)

                                          and you havent practiced the art of meepo splitpush nearly as much as i did, so its ok to lose games with it.

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany


                                            Mortimer Smith

                                              LOW PRIO BOYZ


                                                I would hide a game too, if i was 1-9 with ES while playing with 3k grill :D