General Discussion

General DiscussionIforgot how to doto ?

Iforgot how to doto ? in General Discussion

    i cant win pubs anymore ?

    pls tell me what do when solo mid sniper dies firstblood to lvl 2 storm

    or when offlaner dies buybacks tp back dies and does that 7 more times ?

    im confucius right meow game is hard


      stop whining u pusi.


        well u know how they say

        u are what u eat so maybe i am a pusi ?

        Franck D Tank

          Join the retards


            fookin kitty eater. you are a monster!


            how you eat such cute pusi eh?

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              get good.


                lost match
                lost match
                lost match

                pls teach master ?


                  Sir Rat-A-Lot's name has a hint in how I deal with these games.


                    afk at base, play lp and win.

                    the realm's delight

                      follow this arteezy storm build and u win every game

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        il try next game

                        which lane should i go ?


                          First you last hit creeps, if you've done that good enough you soon last hit enemy supports and then you last hit some towers and win game. You know that Vaikiss, cmon.

                          the realm's delight

                            to the midle lane


                              ez set instructions unclear stuck my penis into enemy carry and died

                              ok thx for the tips allison il try not to disapoint u queing for the game now

                              should i instapick it or ?


                                "ez set instructions unclear stuck my penis into enemy carry and died"

                                Idk, maybe you put it in the wrong hole or sth. Anyway, this rtz build looks like a winner, post how it went.



                                  yeah didint seem to work :/

                                  the realm's delight

                                    definitely teams fault


                                      il try it again


                                        its party.
                                        and im 6.5k while ur 4k so yeah im ur master~


                                          sure u are


                                            Did you try turning it off and on again? That should fix your problem.


                                              Just blame your team.


                                                luxon i tryed


                                                  Slark above 513GPM is the solution to life


                                                    It was the shitty axe who lost you the game, not your bro. Just try it again Vaikiss, it's 99% win.

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      pick any hero whose name ends in "spirit"


                                                        i tryed with lina spirit doesnt work :/

                                                        not sure if cuz roaming lion went hard carry or if cuz farming tiny went 0 to feeder

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                        Greygrey the Sailor

                                                          Build skaadi on nyx assassin, go mid and do roshan at 12 minutes, this alone got me 9k mmr


                                                            maybe try slark spirit? or void spirit????

                                                            the realm's delight

                                                              wtf is this build u trash
                                                              who even gets vortex

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                void spirit sucks

                                                                tryed slark spirit today already didint worked as i planned


                                                                  Vaikiss actually won with a shitty build on storm spirit :O


                                                                    no that second game i wanted to go shitty build but realised i might win so i went normal

                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                      thats all I have to say


                                                                        YNIT u ar CYKA BLYAT


                                                                          "no that second game i wanted to go shitty build but realised i might win so i went normal "

                                                                          I was being sarcastic, i know you went a correct build.


                                                                            ok new question

                                                                            what do when safelane carry feeds and leaves ?

                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                              add him and flame him unti block


                                                                                too much effort any other suggestions


                                                                                  I would spam invites till he accepts and gets in my party, and then... well, he wished he never accepted or left the game. In terms of winning the game - good luck buddy :)

                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                    dude he probably already in low priority why would i invite low priority scumbag into party anyway


                                                                                      Then just make yourself a lemonade and be happy.


                                                                                        I WOULD but life doesn't give me any lemons :/


                                                                                          Life's NOT handing you lemons?
                                                                                          DOn'T Make lemonade then
                                                                                          But if I can't batter the women
                                                                                          How the fuck am I supposed to bake them a cake then?
                                                                                          Don't mistake him for Satan
                                                                                          It's a fatal mistake if you think I need to be overseas
                                                                                          And take a vacation to trip a broad
                                                                                          And make her fall on her face and
                                                                                          Don't be a retard, be a king?
                                                                                          Think not
                                                                                          Why be a king when you can be a God?


                                                                                            WHY be god if u can instapick sf and feed in mid


                                                                                              why bother playing this game if you can last pick brood vs no counters in normal matchmaking

                                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                damn i wish i saw brood

                                                                                                theres only sniper/troll/jugger/ebola/venge/sf/sniper picks


                                                                                                  sf in my games is either fucking godlike good player, or some trash who will rage an possibly quit after feeding too much.

                                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                    i think i got like 90% againt sf in past month or so

                                                                                                    and probably like 40% against troll

                                                                                                    anyway how do u play against spiritbreaker that bashes u 6 times in a row at mid ?

                                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                    Mortimer Smith

                                                                                                      mme 2 ma frend i cant doto cuz lowprio everywhere


                                                                                                        k so i just won 3 games in a row either i learned how to doto again or i dropped so hard that i get matched with uther retards lol