General Discussion

General Discussionsome copypasta undyong builds?

some copypasta undyong builds? in General Discussion

    What buy when many kill, what buy hard game. when skill decay over soul rip after tomstone.


      skill soul rip if theres alot of units in 1 place often (almost never) decay over soul rip 99.9% of the time

      max tombstone

      buy utility items arcanes/mek/pipe/veil/aghs /etc

      casual gamer

        stout basi arcanes stick core (optional oov, attractive if you get boots before enemy or you have allied setup)

        wand mekansm atos blademail bkb sheep halberd euls force ghost necro shivas crimson pipe extensions

        If you own the laning phase (hint: you should) get mekansm and tell ur team to push with you, undying deathball = literal free wins

        9/10 games with sniper/troll spam i would get ghost (troll) or blademail (sniper)

        follow blademail with raw HP items like atos, BKB, bloodstone, maybe mek if you don't have it already. Not with damage mitigation like crimson, shivas, halberd unless you really need the active

        I would follow ghost with force or atos, as otherwise troll can often just walk at you

        unfortunately popular heroes can own the tomb if they get their core items, the solution is to have taken a large tower advantage with ur team and have rosh control by they get online

        here are examples

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          bum farto

            I play a decent amount of undying so try builds like

            Also there is that SEA Next guy who is pretty good at undying or at least plays him a ton

            casual gamer

              dem bracers