maaaybe cause randoming a hero you're real good with can make you win the game 100% cause of the +200gold... ukno?
u dont get additional gold in all random
certain fraction of people do not give a single fuck about mmr and just hf playing. its common for all skill brackets. part of such people enjoys playing on as varied hero pool as possible. it also helps much to improve tho.
f.e. if u are ~6k mmr, u probably wont get as good teammates/enemies in NMM as in RMM, so u go for RMM.
Btw, many players u probably know pick rnd rather often. Bulldog is the first one who comes to my mind.
edit: same stuff can be applied to lower skill brackets. many people just do not really care about their mmr.
I random when I really don't feel like playing a support and every grabs mid/safe lane carry/offlane with shadow picks instantly. Then if my first pick random is a carry I can say hey sorry, random, and play the role I want. And if it's a support then hey more ward gold.
It has screwed me a couple times recently though, got a meepo and a naga siren even after reroll and man I sucked at both.
@C9.DD: The believerboy
You don't get additional gold in all random?
Lulwut! You do get additional gold in AR.
When you are a noob you really should avoid it especially in lower 2-4k mmr games but above those its standard...
all pick is pretty noob anyhow. might aswell random
If you have a very diverse hero pool it's completely fine.
If you get lucky and random a good mid that means you can start with bottle and hold a significant advantage early. I've randomed Zeus 3 times last two months. The early Q spam forces the enemy to either abandon lane or give up first blood.
when your bored of abusing the same hero over and over? sometimes your lucky and get a nice supp/carry who knows, that 200 gold helps a bit
Everyone gets additional gold so it doesn't give you an advantage.
200 more gold than your laning opponent is an advantage.
That may have been what he was getting at, just maybe
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maybe in high mmr...but seriously why dont they go play all random