General Discussion

General DiscussionDominator vs MoM vs no lifesteal PL

Dominator vs MoM vs no lifesteal PL in General Discussion
casual gamer

    I remember people going mom as a desperation build on old cancer PL. I've been getting HotD for sustain, but have been wondering if mom is a viable alternative considering pl's natural elusiveness and his high ability to 1v1 people. I guess the movespeed is a little wasted with his passive and slow plus later diffusal though

    Plus it would help him farm

    also why would you get vlads ever


      first jug, now MOM 1-1-1 stats Spectre is changing the meta, one forum a time :horse:

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        you dont need lifesteal for sustain
        just get bottle if you want?
        plus your illusions can tank jungle for you i dont see the point

        casual gamer

          well ive been using hotd to stack ancients

          plus pl is kinda good at collecting kills from fights, and you often end up getting away with low hp, so with no regen you end up making a lot of fountain trips. Same reason people get urn on spectre


            no just no



              vlads if you need it


                I used to love PL, but now he got changed and I can't even play him...


                  illusions dont tank jungle that well

                  the pl nerf broke him. they last like 4 seconds and you take like 100dmg from each camp before your illus spawn

                  and i agree with vlads


                    I don't think hes that bad personally (well after you get diffusal) Vlads is alright for sustain but I wouldn't get it if you don't have to because it doesn't do too much for pl other than lifesteal and a couple points of damage for the illusions.

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      wtf question is this mask of madness is broken item will get nerf soon that movement 100 attack speed and life steal for so little gold


                        Well MoM is a ganking item not a team fight item, until you get bkb you are so squishy. I think its fine.

                        On PL well, i like him more actually, he can snowball very well now with his W. All you need is to rush diffusal and you W onto a support and he goes down like meepos poof. Hes just a situational pick vs weak heros vs diffusal. You dont want to first pick vs shaker/sk. Hes so easily countered though.

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                        Pom Pom 🍕

                          mom on new pl isn't as good since you already make a hundred illusions in 2 seconds and have no bonus magic resistance. For sustain you either get vlads or a casual ring of regen (TAKI build). Late game satanic could be okay though since unlike before you have to actually manfight instead of press q for gg.


                            @MARLAN, you use W to have your illusions tank, as one of them takes normal damage.

                            Dire Wolf


                              This pl on my team went dominator after treads and aquila and it was awful. We still won but his dmg was terrible until he got diffusal, which was around the 25 min mark. We lost every team fight cus he pretty much did nothing until he got that core item. I don't see delaying your core for lifesteal as a good thing.