General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying with unskilled friends

Playing with unskilled friends in General Discussion

    So i play DOTA a lot with my friends, and all of them with the exception of 1 are bad.

    Like, no fucking impact whatever role they get, i don't even know what's wrong exactly, but i have been reading a lot of people that say that when they queue with their lower skilled friends they win easily. Like wtf is wrong with me then? I find it impossible to win, it's like i have to fulfill all roles at the same time, create space and farm at the same time, cause if i decide to dedicate to farming i'm not able to 1v5 them, but if i make space, i don't have farm to win.

    How do you win games like these?


      Pick lone druid, meepo, or any other hero that can make another hero kappa

        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

          NORMAL SKILL
          JK IM NOT THAT GUY


            any snowballing heroes that do not rely on teamwork can do.
            ss, slark, meepo (if u r good with him), ember are the ones that come to mind first

            THICC BABY SHUM


                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                Village Whore

                  It may be time to get new friends, if you can't handle the heat.

                  Sup m8

                    I play a lot with my crap friends too and I just play slark. I end up carrying every game.

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      what about ur last game?


                        tell them to pick omniknight and lion go safelane carry that can fight early and rape faces


                          Lol idk
                          worse winrate in Normal than Very high crew
                          God playing brood with 2ks is crazy, you f***ing have 5 people chasing you constantly while your team perma-jungles

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            Alright, i've discovered the formula: Go mid, pick a magical carry hero like Lina or QOP, and just blow shit up 24/7.
                            Don't fuck up, get bloodstone so if you do fuck up you'll respawn quickly, and that's it! Enjoy high skill matchmaking boys.

                            Miku Plays

                              I think i saw a thread similar to this before. A good hero to play with your low skilled friends that i would recommend are :

                              > Axe - only pick if more than 3 enemy heroes are melee.
                              > Tusk - once you hit six or seven go snowball, literally.
                              > KoTL - if you want to semi-support, hes a very good greedy support.
                              > Legion - just farm your your boots, dagger and third item ( blademail, maelstorm or armlet ) then find someone who is solo or squishy.
                              > Storm spirit - zip zap
                              > Silencer - curse and glaives ftw
                              > Timbersaw - cut them up like trees


                                I have the same problem but I seem to win more than I lose. Every lane is guaranteed to lose hard and you need to carry it solo, so picking a good hero is most you can do worst part is when they dont undetstabd how bad they are.


                                  An SF without BKB blinked in, euled me, ultied me and killed me, while my earthshaker buddy was staring at me.

                                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                    qop is pretty garbage 1v5 hero you need a good frontline player to provide you with output space
                                    heroes that can solo mid solo kill solo take objectives split push are the best 1v5 heroes (do all of them)