I wrote this message to the administrator, because I wrote that the ACC will be in the top. At the post office did not respond
You should be the #1 account... Clearly stacking with new accounts and exploiting matchmaking balancing earns you the best dota players of the year.
oh look, its the guy that abuses match making to get an artificially high winrate, then cries about it, and tries to get Vrok banned.
Mods, if you would be so kind?
he does exactly the same as every other ' abusers ' which is stacking and winning games.
idk why u so mad at him
he just mad at him cuz he cant do that
and just cuz they are all rlly good and stack get matched vs lower skilled ppl and stomp is not abuse
Nova the reason why people dislike him is because he tried to convince his russian friends to report Vroksnak on Steam for some shit
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Write another message, the account did not appear in the top dotabaff.