General Discussion

General Discussionhow to keep up xpm as a support?

how to keep up xpm as a support? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    Basically whenever I play support I find myself falling behind in levels and gold. I guess the gold is to be expected though.

    Between warding, de-warding, stacking etc (most of the time as a solo support [normal skill bracket]), I find myself under leveled quite often once it gets to the mid-game.

    I feel like it's more important to give the carry solo once the lane is safe, so i usually leave the lane, but it kills my xpm as a result.

    I would appreciate any tips on how to maintain a reasonable xpm as a support.


      Pull in early game, smoke gank and rotate later on, take bounty runes, follow your carry that probably needs gold not exp, at least after his lvl6. Anyways, in the end cores will outlevel you, but not that much and its aight - supports just die more often.


        Well if you are solo support only ganking would net you some gold and exp tbh, i simply hate 5s that instead of warding/smoking go farm a lane that a carry could get simply to get their goddamn aghanim scepter.

        On the other hand if you are dual support and i play a greedy support like AA, i would just buy brown boots and farm up a quick midas (10min~) by snowballing with gold by pushing a few t1 early. I only do this if we have a good early though. 10min midas is bad for a safelane carry, but as a support a 10min midas makes gaining level very fast as you dont want to jungle to steal farm. Make sure to always eat big jungle creep too.

          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
          yung griphook

            yeah it's hard to gank as support because most of the time in my bracket it's 4 carries and a support, so everybody wants to farm, and i'm not able to secure a kill on my own. I'll try and work on that though.

            Midas is an interesting idea as well. I'll have to give that a go

            THICC BABY SHUM

              LOOK AT THAT WR
              LOOK AT THIS WR
              EVEN PROS KNOW THAT


                i really hate supports that pull lane when it isn't needed.

                They always fuck up the lane equilibrium. It is the biggest "i know what i'm doing" support mistake.

                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                  if u stack jungle camps its ez exp later on
                  either you leech exp while your mid/safe clears it or you go leech mid while the mid clears it
                  if your a high range hero on dire u can stack medium + medium or hard + medium with 1-2 trees cleared

                  Dire Wolf

                    I think it's pretty simple actually, just don't die too much. If you are around kills that happen you'll get assist gold and xp. Problem is when you die at the start of a big fight, then 4 enemies die and you got nothing out of it. That's how you end up level 10 while your team is 16.

                    Also you will get assist gold and xp just being in range. You have to dmg the target to show up on scorecard but to get the gold and xp you don't have to hit them.