General Discussion

General Discussion@Great Cornholio, show us your main account MMR!

@Great Cornholio, show us your main account MMR! in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    DD mad cuz bad.

    8 months LOL

    Your time sense must be REALLY fucked up. here is the fun part, i don't have to make anyone look like retards, you do that yourself.

    Also Dravic 3k trash, all you need to do is accept my terms and you heff your screenshot. It's not a hard concept little fucktard.

    Ten komentarz był edytowany
    kanye went to uni

      i would be so happy if blunt really did turn out to be 6k lmao


        I've never tried to defend myself in regard of being a retard. Can't we go to ts now and have inet sex?

        No giggities?

          Show the world please.

          Giff me Wingman

            @Emily Wells:
            It turns out you will soon be very happy.


              can i join the sex please ?


                ^ does that mean you will SOON be 6k or that you are going to provide evidence soon?


                  ya sure u can if Great Blunt provides TeamSPekIP

                  Giff me Wingman

                    The latter. At some point dravic will accept my terms and will be my little sexslave.


                      when do you want ur feetjob?

                      Giff me Wingman

                        Idk, your sister told me tomorrow. So i guess it's tomorrow, better bring her teamspeak then.


                          I'll bring both my sister and sødmelk, Great Blunt.

                          Giff me Wingman

                            I'm a letmælk drinker or minimælk.

                            I think i leave dota2 because im really angry.i have punish 3 days ago (highly match) to 6 game for reports.OKEY im understand it after im punished communication limitation for 24 hour?? after 24 hour everythink is okey but after 1 hour i get 48 hour punish. i got really angry but this is okey again and today im playing very good my last game in 5 minute somebody got quit and game said that poor netwoork conditions detected safety leave but i didnt leave.i play it and we win after game what could i see? 9 GAME PUNISHED WHAT IS THIS I REALLY BORED THIS BUGS IM LEAVING DOTA 2 LOOK MY COMMENDATIONS WHAT ARE THEY what they are works everyone plays the game beautifully,but a person is me irritated and reported me I eat constantly punish because that person.This is not a fair system can not play nice play game 4 days my account if not corrected this error, I'm thinking about leave the dota2 game.
                            Your Sinceraly,


                            Ten komentarz był edytowany


                              Watching B-God play Meepo while doing lowpriority.. Very fun. So good player.


                                Is this blunt?


                                Seems like he's 5.8k

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  Is it him tho? Seems like a random guy with emoticon as his name, why would you think its Great Shitposter?

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    I'd say it's possible that it's him.



                                      I typed:

                                      "Blunt dota2toplist"

                                      Google showed me that.

                                      I'm not sure if that's him, I'm just showing to people what I've found.

                                      casual gamer

                                        this thread is so great


                                 think this is his profile, it has like 900 more wins than that account so doubt it is him

                                            Ten komentarz został usunięty


                                              I think this is his smurf


                                                aYY LAMo


                                                  Seems like everyone doesn't know how to handle people who talk shit about other people (like they haven't met any in their life).

                                                  You can't shit talk or argue versus them mainly because they enjoy it and you don't. The more you argue with them, the more pissed you're going to be. You guys are just stressing out yourselves.





                                                      this sounds even worst than the SMAUG OD thread


                                                        Rofl this kid talks all the shit and lies about his rating


                                                          miguel platano, you look like a 12 y/o kid, what are you doing here lol.


                                                            I still remember how he dove till the fountain after getting mega creeps and blamed me for trying to solo-push instead of defending alone vs full morphling, the stopped playing with me because of that.
                                                            B-god y u heff 2 do dis 2 me :((((((

                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              Hell yeah, worst weaver EU ;_;

                                                              i am still sad 2day because of you!

                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                Pilot the voice of reason.
                                                                Also worst thread 2k15.


                                                                  wow blunt so famous

                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                    am i famouz too? how escape 5k trench halp pls

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      u dont get above 5k unless ur top picked heroes are

                                                                      earth spirit/jugger/troll/meepo

                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                        where is TA?


                                                                          ta is not even that good unles u 5th pick it and evne then enemies 5 man and u lose

                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            Hmm what? I don't have any of those 5 heroes guys come on.


                                                                              except there are plenty of people who mastered other heroes and reached 6k+.


                                                                              Attacker's Kunkka

                                                                              tsuntsun's Visage

                                                                              didnt arteezy spam Naga siren in solo queue?

                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                im talking about europe servers

                                                                                in us servers u can get 8k mmr playing carry techies


                                                                                  sam is turkish and plays EU west..


                                                                                    Sam with almost 60% winrate on Rubick and 68% on BH, commend that guy pls :D

                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                    BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                                      this thread is great

                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                        Only great threads for the great cornholio


                                                                                          still only 2k mmr but 4,9 total kda and 30lh/10 in a total of 1400 games :)

                                                                                          started mmr to early ;F

                                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                            ^ start thinking again


                                                                                              I just got AIDS


                                                                                                *Hands out Popcorn*


                                                                                                  hey doge


                                                                                                    wow, so much doge, ameizeeng