General Discussion

General Discussion4k to 4.5k MMR in 1.5 months!

4k to 4.5k MMR in 1.5 months! in General Discussion

    Yes! Welcome to 4.5k MMR for me.. my friend say i will sometimes get matched to 5k people.. im so excited.

    I really want to experience the skill difference and learn a lot from it! :)

    the realm's delight

      "matched to 5k people.. im so excited. "
      well ill let u know they are not

      Giff me Wingman

        It depends, sometimes you will also get matched with 6k or 7k people so you can piss them off as well.


          yeah or you get people who are like 2k mmr higher than you and pick slark and go 1 8 mid.
          be excited bro!!!!!!!!!!!!


            fiy theres alot more better players at 4-5k games

            than in 5k+ games


              it took you a month and a half to win 20 more games than you lost? Wow ok


                ^ Yeah.. why, how long is the normal progression?

                the initial challenge to me was:

                - My Razor being in Top 29th now/Top 56th before in Dotabuff's hero rankings is because of my 4K MMR. If I play in higher MMR, I won't get that high of a ranking.
                - based on Bogi's advise before - If I believe that I'm not really a 4K MMR player, I should spam my best heroes only no matter what.
                - before, I always try to adjust my picks. Now, I play the role that I want.
                - during my 4K MMR days, my Spectre was in Top 500... it is now @ Top 110th.

                I feel good that I'm able to address above challenges.

                Now you're posting a new challenge,.. how long then should I be able to do it?

                Note that I had to waste 16 games in low prio during those 1.5 months and I'm busy @ work and I had a 2 week business trip in Europe.


                  ""matched to 5k people.. im so excited. "
                  well ill let u know they are not"

                  Rofl, best post of the day :D


                    What is with 5k players?

                    They're supposed to have near-pro skills right?


                      no they dont have near pro skill, most of them play well, but as in most higher brackets, once a player reaches 5k (or any ranking really) they suddenly believe they are REALLY good, and suddenly feel like anyone who is even 50 mmr lower than them are shitty. This leads to a toxic attitude, and most of all the belief that they are forced to solo win every single game, and therefor u end up with many games without supports or just way too many greedy cores cuz all of them believe they have to solo carry the game. Also they dont really look at their own mistakes, nor do they forgive others mistakes. Theres alot of toxic shit going on on the upper 5k games.
                      But i will try not to sound too negative, theres alot of fun, u can learn alot by just analysing what ur team is doing (if u end being like the only low mmr player in a high skill game)


                        oh ok.. good thing i have the mechanism to handle these kinds of attitude.. it's called M-U-T-E


                          Trust me, everyone sub 5,5k are not very good.

                          When I get to 5,5k the games actually get rather high skilled with very few mistakes and many good plays.

                          When I drop, it's because I don't deserve it. Going over 5,5k is a rather big step in skill, which usually comes down to way better decisionmaking.

                          I honestly think anyone can get to 5k just by picking carry and farm all game (assuming you're good at farming, then show up in one fight and kill everyone and end game)

                          However, gj climbing. Hope to see you in matchmaking :)

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            Lol well I went from 600 to 950 in 4 days xD (12 wins in a row wooo - If i want to get to a normal rating how many do I have to win in a row lol)

                            Sup m8

                              Crudude just try not to die so much and you'll be at a normal rating in no time (and keep supporting)


                                I remember playing with you a while back. It's nice to see that you're climbing the ladder. Good luck!