I'd like a dotabuff feature that gives you which heroes you as a player are better against and worst against.
I think I usually win vs. my most played heroes, and lose to the heroes I play the least...
I think I have like 33% win whenever the enemy has a silencer...
N4randza, the suggestion you gave already exists in dotabuff plus. And your winrate against silencer is almost double 33% :P
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One statistic which is available for plus users (such as myself) but not for all matches is the hero synergy statistic. While all heroes have a statistic for hero winrate against heroes: http://puu.sh/fja5p/dbff9fd021.png
they lack a statistic for hero winrate WITH a particular hero. While I wouldn't mind this being a plus-only feature, I don't think it currently exists outside of an individual's synergy with a particular hero (e.g. http://puu.sh/fjagn/1d7b28e58f.png).
It would look something like this: http://puu.sh/fjbaT/81ff5a3d09.png
Would it be possible for this feature to be implemented? I can explain further if I haven't made myself clear.