General Discussion

General DiscussionWeaver lifesteal

Weaver lifesteal in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    why cant weaver take a morbid mask and since his germinate procs items as well, i think he can be viable to farm in jungle very early too.

    discuss pls.

    Ten temat był edytowany

      If you want to buy morbid mask on weaver, just do it.

      End of discussion.

        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

          life stealer is best on fast attacking carries. Weaver generally attacks slower but gets extra attack through germinate. he is also too squishy to even jungle with it.

          Miku Plays

            i didnt mean jungle lvl 1 though, get some few items and lvls, then jungle.


              no hes a very strong laner


                If you're even questiong this you must be under 3.5 - 3 k. I will tell you exactly why.

                Lifestealer (has it passivly, doesn't really count)
                PA (not really manly as other 3 but still)

                These are some manly heroes, but the most manly is Troll.
                These heroes are all melee, lifesteal works so good on them because of their passive skills.
                They go in to the thick of action and just FIGHT THE CRAP OUT OF EVERYONE, they hit so hard that lifesteal makes them a lot harder to kill, also allows endless farming.

                Weaver's playstyle is completely different, in a 1v1 he should remain in Shukuchi as long as possible, he's not MANLY, he is what I call GAY. Gay heroes don't need lifesteal.
                Okay so, no lifesteal, how do I regenerate without going base. Well, weaver's defult item build consists of items that provide regen. (Persavirence (Linken's))
                Weaver becomes a good jungler once he has Linken's. You use Shukuchi to enter a camp, damaging all creeps, leave them all at 100 hp and use shukuchi to kill them and go to the next camp while damaging all the creeps upon entering it. REPEAT, your Linken's will regenerate your hp for all the little damage you take from creeps, and all the mana you use on Shukuchi...
                And your ult... just gives back A LOT of hp, it gives more hp than lifesteal ever would on Weaver...

                Why not morbid mask?

                End of fucking discussion, Thank you!


                  Tho, you must be a LoL player to think this. In LoL every CARRY gets lifesteal, they don't get surviability items, just mass of stacking lifesteal, and their high damage combined with NO STUNS LONGER THAN 1 SEC keeps them alive pretty well.

                  And Bloodthirster, the item that OVERHEALS you for like 250-300 hp. (once you're fulll, you get a shield that gets charged with life-stolen-hp)

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    He isn't viable wood, cause he has fucking low stat gain, that not even geminate can keep his dps up enough.

                    But for carry in lol, you must be kidding, every tank champion with 0 item to increase their damage will remove 70% of the life of an adc, if the said adc is building full damage.
                    almost all of them with just an abyssal can os any adc but sivir and grave.

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      Linken => Dominator => Daedalus => MKB => Satanic

                      This itembuild looks ok for me.

                      casual gamer

                        If you want to extend the period in which you do no damage, sure


                          I don't even build shoes on Weaver

                          Dire Wolf

                            You don't get lifesteal cus you don't need it and need other stuff more. You can't attack while invis and steal dmg so half the time your lifesteal is wasted and when you get low you pop your ulty, that's how weaver works.

                            I won't say it's a terrible item, more like a ton of other items are a ton better. Plus it won't stack with deso and deso is one of weavers best items.

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              matrice with LoL knowledge Kreygasm

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                I have no idea what Matrice just said abut LoL, I played like 80 games in lol total...

                                I love getting Ravenous Hydra (its like battle fury) and farming... :D