General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo is so much fun! Except what do I do after I land the blink dagg...

Meepo is so much fun! Except what do I do after I land the blink dagger trick? in General Discussion

    I felt like i was just constantly pressing tab W, Q, etc... and using all units to hit something. Yeah I'm a pretty bad micro-er.
    Just played my second meepo game (where I half assed tried) after a few bot games where I practiced the blink dagger trick. I wanted to rush aghs because idk I'm a shit player. Maybe I should of gotten treads first. Anyway...

    What should I be focusing on once I'm waiting for the cd's to go down?

    This match was nothing more then a joke for me and my cousin (Lion) who fed the Undying lol. The Troll Warlord told the Beastmaster and I to do bad things to ourselves (which I wont say on here lol)... But I said "Thanks!" because I knew this would be a bad game. I didn't think my cousin would be feeding that much, maybe we'd have a chance but its all a learning curve =D

    I was shocked to see I hit 800 XPM at the end. I'm not sure what else to say. I know Meepo is really strong even w/o his blink and aghs. I'll have to learn what to do since I'll have to learn how to play him more. From switching to Quickcast to watching vids, etc. I think I have an idea of how awesome and fun he is, and with that comes dealing with counterpicks and whatever the future lies ahead for me.

    One of our tryhard stack buddies always plays Meepo and dives and wins the game for himself while we just do what we do. I'll keep practicing on him eventually and maybe I can win more and more and hopefully get 50%+ win rate with Meepo (I guess).

    Thanks, sorry for the wall of text.


      you download meepoit and fun pubstomping


        DAYUM!!!! MASSIVE!!!


          what do you mean what you do, you kill the target you jumped on. trying not to be killed in the process.

          save nets for other heroes in close proximity since the target you are hitting is gonna be slowed down to a crawl with 5 geostrikes.

          anyhow, just like any hero needs a practice. more so than the others, but yeah, practice. there aren't any shortcuts.


            um yeah. just use ur net on them.

            if it's solo person then don't poof again, right clicks should deal more damage unless you're REALLY far behind.

            if you poofed for teamfight, then throw nets on your target, but also other supports to help team. generally I kill my target but also net someone else so when I change targets they can't run and just keep doing that. by the time the second person is dead you can usually blink and net someone then poof again.

            if you can get a second full poof off in a teamfight you win the teamfight that just means you have to survive 6 seconds. generally this means trying to keep their whole team generally netted down (carries will generally already be fighting you, but you have to lockdown their supports) micro away low HP meepoes, that is priority over everything else. use nets to keep meepo alive.

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